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Principal Editor: P.G. Wells – Dalhousie University
Editorial Board:
Peter G. Wells (Dalhousie University)
David H.S. Richardson (Saint Mary’s University)
Gail LeBlanc Roby Austin (Saint Mary’s University)
Nola Etkin (UPEI)
Mike Dadswell (Acadia University)
David Garbary (St. Francis Xavier University)
Bruce Hatcher (Cape Breton University)
Martha Jones (Cape Breton University)
Eric Mills (Dalhousie University)
Andrew Hamilton-Wright (Mount Allison University)
Brian Petrie (DFO – BIO)
David Piper (BIO – NRCan)
Martin Willison (Dalhousie University)
The Proceedings of the NSIS will consider for publication original articles principally, but not exclusively, in the areas of natural and engineering sciences as well as papers emanating from studies in the health professions. Papers that develop new scientific theories based on scientific principles and/or analysis of data particular to Nova Scotia or the Atlantic Provinces are particularly encouraged. The Instructions to Authors are described below and are also available as a pdf file.
The Proceedings accept original research papers, commentaries, reviews of important areas of science and science history, student award papers, and book reviews.
Papers may be submitted in either English or French and sent as a WORD document to the Editor, Dr. Peter G. Wells, at [email protected], with a copy to [email protected]. Submission of a manuscript will be taken to indicate that the work is completely original, i.e., it is the author’s own work and has not been published before, in part or in whole, and is not being considered by another publication. All authors of a submission must approve it prior to it being submitted. Please include this information in the submitted manuscript.
Commentaries are short (less than 2000 words) discussions of topical scientific issues or biographies of prominent regional scientists who have been members of NSIS.
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As appropriate, sections within the paper entitled Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and References should follow. Canadian spelling and SI units should be used wherever possible. References cited in the text in brackets should be separated by commas and personal communications should be as follows: Smith A.J. (2001, pers. comm.). Latin or scientific names should be in italics, as well as abbreviations such as et al. PLEASE GO OVER YOUR PAPER TO AVOID ERRORS OR DELETIONS. SPELL CHECK THE ENTIRE PAPER BEFORE SUBMITTING.
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Cushing, D. & Walsh, J. (1976). The Ecology of the Seas. W. B. Saunders Company, Toronto.
Lee, G.F. (1975). Role of hydrous metal oxides in the transport of heavy metals in the environment. In: Krenkel, P.A. (ed.). Heavy Metals in the Aquatic Environment. Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK. pp. 137-147.
Nielsen, K.J. & France, D.F. (1995). The influence of adult conspecifics and shore level on recruitment of the ribbed mussel Geukensia demissa (Dillwyn). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 188(1): 89-98.
Website Citation should follow this pattern: Author (year) title, URL and date accessed. An example follows:
Graymont Western Canada Inc. (2015). Giscome Quarry and Lime Plant ProjectApplication for an Environmental Assessment Certificate. Environmental Assessment Office. (Accessed Dec. 18, 2017).
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The Institute has undergone one change of name since its foundation in 1862, while its Journal has undergone two name changes.
Earlier Names/Titles
Date | Title |
1863-1891 | Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science |
1891-1931 | The Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science |
1931-present | Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science |
The Online Computer Library Center offers tools for searching WorldCat, a worldwide union catalog created and maintained by over 9,000 member institutions.
Note that there were earlier titles (see the table above) for the Proceedings of the Institute which would not necessarily turn up in this search. Also there are some major libraries whose holdings are not reflected in this WorldCat report – for example, in Canada, the University of Toronto and the University of British Columbia.
Abdel-Kader, M.K.H. | see Ragab, M.T.H. 35: 67-70. |
Ackman, R.G. | Safety of seal oil as a nutritional supplement. 41: 103-114. An initial investigation of lipids and fatty acids of Nova Scotian “soft” cod. 36: 107-114. Considerations of fatty acids in menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) from northern limits of the species. 31: 207-216. Lipids and fatty acids of Corophium volutator from Minas Basin. 29: 501-516. Fatty acids in (15) Nova Scotian marine seaweeds: a survey for octadecapentenoic and other biochemically novel fatty acids. 28: 47-64. *Identification of fatty acid ester peaks in gas-liquid chromatography: analysis of dermal oil of the leatherback turtle. 26: 243. *The Varrentrapp reaction. 25: 82. *Elaidinization of oleic acid with selenium. 25: 180. *Ozonolysis of monoethylenic fatty acids. 25: 210. *Conversion of free fatty acids of cod oil to methyl esters in situ. 25: 269. *A simple gas chromatography apparatus and its application to analysis of the higher fatty acids. 24(4): 414. see O’Keefe, S.F. 37: 1-9. Squalene in Nova Scotian Deep-Sea Sharks and in the Pacific Eulachon. 44(2): 141. |
Adorjan, L.A. | see Whiteway, S.G. 38: 9-22. |
Aitken, H.E. | see McCallion, D.J. 23: 112. |
Aldous, J.G. | Obituary 42: 433-434. *Some metabolites of fluoroacetic acid in yeast cells. 25: 184. *The influence of pH on the intracellular concentration of citrate in yeast. 24(4): 414. *The reciprocal action of H+ and K+ on the metabolism of the living yeast cell. 24(3): 333. *Evidence for pH regulation of glucose metabolism in yeast cells. 24(2): 265. *The specificity of action of iodoacetic acid as determined by its effect on the enzymes of the intact cell. 23: 107-108. *Enzymic activity as an indication of the intracellular pH of the yeast cell. 23: 114. *A comparison of the effects of ultraviolet and X-ray radiations upon some enzymes of the yeast cell. 23: 155. *Studies on the metabolism of procaine hydrochloride in the rabbit. 23: 383. *A method for studying the specificity of metabolic inhibitors in intact cells. 22(3): 43. *The anaerobic decomposition of glycogen in living yeast cells. 22(1): 19. *The influence of monoiodoacetic acid upon the viability of yeast cells. 22(2): 75. *A new method for measuring the analgesic power of drugs in human (Homo sapiens) subjects. 22(3): 42. see Rozee, K.R. 24(1): 48; Stewart, K.D. 22(4): 58; 22(4): 62. |
Alexander, A. | see McAlpine, D.F. 43: 15-18. |
Alexander, D.R. | Description of selected lake characteristics and occurrence of fish species in 781 Nova Scotia lakes. 36: 63-106. |
Alexander, S.G. | see Grant, G.A. 17(4): 244-247. |
Allen, C.R.K. | Physical changes during the early development of the salmon(Salmo salar). 18(2): 34-49. |
Allen, E.C. | Annotated list of birds (170 species observed over a period of 17 years) of Yarmouth and vicinity, southwestern Nova Scotia. 14(2): 67-95. |
Allen, T. | Nutritional study of children in Halifax. 23: 156-157. |
Allison, A. | General meteorological register for 1880, Halifax, Nova Scotia. 5: 315. |
Allison, F. | Halifax meteorology, 1874. 4(1): 42-47. The semi-daily fluctuation of the barometer. 4(2): 157-163. Nova Scotian meteorology (1876, with table of temperature, pressure and precipitation at Halifax). 4(3): 300-309. Meteorological phenomena, occasional and periodical (with some phenology). 4(4): 429-438. On the meteorology (tabulated for 1870) of Halifax. 3: 80-89. On the meteorology (1871) of Halifax. 3: 176-186. On the progress of weather knowledge with meteorological data for Halifax 1872. 3: 315-321. Canadian weather telegraphy and storm signals 1872. 3: 370-376. Meteorology 1873; Halifax Nova Scotia. 3: 394-400. Notes on the weather at Halifax, Nova Scotia during the year 1867 (Aurora visible on 32 nights especially 8/2/67). 2(2): 74-87. Notes on the weather at Halifax, Nova Scotia during the year 1868. 2(3): 109-123. Extremes of pressure during the winter of 1869-70 (with meteorological data for Halifax for 1870). 2(4): 100-109. Obituary. 5: 5. |
Amaral, R.E. deMello | see Brewer, D. 38: 73-82. |
Ambrose, J. | Our fishes and their enemies. 7: 394-403. Providential warning to the lower animals. 2(4): 57-63. Observations on the fishing grounds and fish of Saint Margaret’s Bay, Nova Scotia. 2(1): 67-76. On the fishes flounder (Platena plana) & eels (Anguilla vulgaris) & turbot (Rhombus (Psetta) maximus) of Saint Margaret’s Bay, Nova Scotia. 2(2): 87-94. Observations on the sea-birds frequenting the coast of Saint Margaret’s Bay, Nova Scotia. 1(3): 51-59. On the occurrence of the Kjockkenmoedding (mounds of shells) near Saint Margaret’s Bay, Nova Scotia. 1(2): 94-97. Some observations on the fishing grounds and fish of Saint Margaret’s Bay, Nova Scotia. 1(4): 33-43. Some accounts of the Petrel, the sea serpent and the Albicore (Thynnus vugaris) observed at Saint Margaret’s Bay; with observations on a beach mound, (kitchen-midden) near French Village. 1(2): 34-44. |
Ami, H.M. | Subdivisions of carboniferous system in E Canada with reference to the position of the Union and Riversdale formations of Nova Scotia, referred to the Devonian system by some geologists. 10: 162-178. Description of tracks from the fine-grained siliceous mudstones of the Knoydart formation (Eo-Devonian) of Antigonish County, Nova Scotia (with plate). 10: 330-332. Upper Cambrian age of the dictyonema slates (Dictyonema flabelliforme) of Angus Brook, New Canaan and Kentville, Nova Scotia. 10: 447-450. Catalogue of Silurian fossils from Arisaig, Nova Scotia. 8(2): 185-192. Notes on a collection of Silurian fossils from Cape George, Antigonish County, Nova Scotia, with descriptions of four new species. 8(4): 411. |
Anderson, G. | see Castell, C.H. 21(4): 660. |
Anthony, E.H. | *The relation of respiratory tolerance to the presence of haemoglobin in goldfish blood. 24(4): 416. |
Apold, W. | Fundamental issues facing the Canadian fishing industry in the 1980’s. 30(2): 21-28. |
Archibald, E.H. | On a test by the freezing point method of the ionization coefficients determined by the conductivity method, for solutions containing potassium and sodium sulphates. 10: 33-48. On the calculation of the conductivity of aqueous solutions containing potassium and sodium sulphates. 9: 291-301. On the calculation of the conductivity of aqueous solutions containing the double sulphate of copper and potassium and of mixtures of equimolecular solutions of zinc and copper sulphates. 9: 307-320. On the relation of the surface tension and specific gravity of certain aqueous solutions to their state of ionization. 9: 335-347. |
Archibald, K.D. | Forest Aphidae (with an annoted index to species) of Nova Scotia; Part 2. 24(2): 1-254. |
Archibald, W.J. | *Derivation of the meson field equations. 24(1): 53. *The photoelectric effect with incident gamma rays. 24(2): 266. *Some considerations on Schrodinger’s equation. 23: 157. *The relativistic Schrodinger equation. 23: 383. *An approximate solution of the differential equation of the ultra-centrifuge. 22(1): 18. *The magnetic moment of the nucleus. 22(2): 74. *The theoretical computation of the physical properties of simple solids. 22(4): 60. see Guptill, E.W. 23: 113-114. |
Armstrong, F.H. | *The growth rate of salmon embryos. 20(3): 157. |
Arnell, J.C. | *Further studies on the decomposition of ethylidene diacetate homologues. 20(2): 56. |
Arsenault, G.P. | *The synthesis of pyrroles related to porphobilinogen. 25: 267. |
Astle, W.O. | Observations on seabirds of Manawagonish Island, New Brunswick: movements & population changes 1940-1983. 35: 21-26. |
Astrup, H.N. | see Young, E.G. 24(3): 335. |
Atkinson, J.T.N. | see Greenblatt, J.H. 25: 267. |
Auerback, C. | *The present state of chemical mutation research. 24(4): 411-412. |
Aycardi, E.R. | see Brewer, D. 38: 73-82. |
Back to Top | |
Babkin, B.P. | *Digestion in Fundulus heteroclitus L. 17(1): 20. *The augmented salivary secretion. 16: 196. |
Bailey, L.W. | Notes on the geology and botany of Digby Neck (with a list of 79 plants). 9: 68-82. Some Nova Scotian illustrations of dynamical geology with 3 plates. 9: 180-194. Triassic (?) rocks of Digby basin. 9: 356-360. Notes on the surface geology of South-Western Nova Scotia. 8(1): 1-8. |
Bailey, W.B. | The vertical temperature (& salinity) structure (at 23 stations; September 1948) of the Labrador current. 22(4): 34-48. An increasing Atlantic influence (temperature (< 1°) and salinity (32.5–34‰) in Hudson Strait, September 1948 compared with August 1930) in Hudson Bay. 22(4): 17-33. |
Bailly, J.W. | see Bell, H.P. 23: 108. |
Baird, E.A. | *The taxonomic significance of trimethylamine oxide reduction by bacteria. 21(1): 11. |
Baker, J.R. | see Weld, C.B. 23: 107. |
Ball, E.N. | On Nova Scotian ferns (Aspidium spinnlosum, Gray). 5: 13-15. The indigenous ferns (with a description of 35 species) of Nova Scotia. 4(2): 146-157. |
Ball, J.K. | *Dose (croton oil) and effect in epidermal carcinogenesis. 25: 208. |
Bancroft, J.A. | Ice-borne sediments in Minas Basin, Nova Scotia. 11: 158-162. |
Bancroft, M.F. | *Occurrences of uranium. 24(1): 55. *The geology of Cape d’Or, Cumberland county, Nova Scotia. 23: 387. |
Banks, D.B. | see McCorquodale, D.B. 42: 241-252. |
Banks, R.E. | *Circulation on the Scotian shelf determined by drift bottles. 24(3): 335. *Physical oceanography of the coastal waters off Halifax. 24(4): 413. *A study of the effect of weather on coastal water conditions off Halifax, Nova Scotia. 23: 109. see Ford, W.L. 23: 158. |
Barbour, J.H. | Sacred plants (25 species) of India. 13: XXVIII-XLII. Local variations and other notes on blue-eyed grass, (Sisyrinchium angustifolium). 11: 190-192. On the flora of McNab’s Island, Halifax Harbour, Nova Scotia, Part 1, General notes; Part 2, Work in special orders; Part 3, Narcotisation of plants; Part 4, Occasional notes. 11: 553-569. |
Barnard, K.N. | *Ship corrosion in seawater as detected by potential surveys. 22(2): 76. |
Barnes, J. | On the conductivity, specific gravity and surface tension of aqueous solutions containing potassium chloride and sulphate. 10: 49-66. On the relation of the viscosity of mixtures of solutions of certain salts to their state of ionization. 10: 113-161. On the calculation of the conductivity of aqueous solutions containing hydrochloric and sulphuric acids. 10: 129-138. On the depression of the freezing-point by mixtures of electrolytes. 10: 139-161. |
Barrett, D.L. | see Kepkay, P.E. 30(1): 1-10. |
Bartlett, C. | see Luedey, R. 41: 22-23. |
Bateson, S. | *Pleochroic haloes in biotite. 18(2):73. |
Bauld, W.S. | *Steroids X The metabolism of the ovarian follicular hormone. 20(4): 299. *Steroids XI The isolation of a water soluble, ether insoluble conjugated estrogen from the urine of a α-estradiol injected rabbit. 20(4): 299-300. *The synthesis of substituted phenanthrenes related to the steroids. 20(3): 154. |
Baxter, B. | see Yaphe, W. 24(1): 50. |
Bean, R.J. | Pancreatic bladder in the cat, structurally analogous to gall-bladder. 17(1): 63-70. |
Beatty, P.M. | see Knop, O. 23: 156. |
Beatty, S.A. | *The detection and measurement of incipient spoilage in fish muscle. 19(2): 211. *The soluble proteins of fish muscle in relation to muscular movement and rigor mortis. 18(2): 52. *High acidity of quarry water. 18(1): 20. |
Beauchamp, S. | see Freedman, B. 39: 123-132. |
Beazley, K. | Ecological considerations for protected area design. 41: 59-76. |
Beazley, K.F. | Road density and potential impacts on wildlife species such as American moose in mainland Nova Scotia [with appendix of species]. 42: 339-357. A report on a conservation planning process for a terrestrial and marine biodiversity conservation vision in Nova Scotia. 42: 359-373. see Kanno, Y. 42: 375-391; Snaith, T.V. 42: 263-286. |
Beazley, W.B. | see King, H.S. 18(3): 204-212. |
Beckett, N.R. | *The flow of nutrients through the thermocline in a lake 23: 387. |
Begg, R.W. | *Chemical estimation of reducing steroids in the adrenal of the rat. 22(3): 44. *The systemic effects of malignancy. 22(4): 58. *Thymus tumors in rats. 22(4): 59. *The influence of adrenal cortical extract on the systemic effects of tumors in rats. 22(4): 58. *The inorganic nutrient requirements of Bacillus coli communis. 20(1): 30. see Dickenson, T.E. 22(4): 59. |
Bell, A.C. | see King, H.S. 18(1): 11-13. |
Bell, C.E. | see Comeau, P.L. 34: 41-81. |
Bell, H.P. | *The development of the blueberry seed. 24(3): 334. *Winter resting stages of certain Ericaceae. 24(2): 264. *Flower development of the low bush blueberry. 24(1): 51. *Determinate growth in the blueberry. 23: 108. *Calyx and structure of the Gravenstein apple. 20(2): 54. *Winter growth in the vegetative buds of the Wagener apple. 20(3): 155. *The origin and histology of Bordeaux spray russeting on the apple. 20(4): 300. *The protective layers of the apple and their development. 19(3): 291. *The origin of russeting in the Golden Russet apple. 19(4): 448. Observations of the seasonal changes in the marine algae in the vicinity of Halifax with reference to winter conditions (including a table of species collected in the harbour). 18(2): 134-176. Observations on the seasonal disappearance of certain marine algae in the tide pools near the Biological Station at Saint Andrew’s, New Brunswick. 17(1): 1-5. |
Bell, L.G. | *Observations on the development of Ciona intestinalis. 24(4): 410. |
Belt, T. | List of butterflies (~ 30 species described) observed in the neighbourhood of Halifax, Nova Scotia. 1(2): 87-92. Recent movements of the earth’s surface. 1(1): 19-30. The production and preservation of lakes by ice action. 1(3): 70-75. The glacial period in North America. 1(4): 91-106. |
Belyea, H.R. | *Notes on the criteria for determining the tops of stratified beds. 19(1): 154. Conditions of sedimentation of the Halifax formations as observed in Point Pleasant Park. 18(4): 225-239. |
Bentley, P.A. | The forests of Cape Breton in the 17th and 18th centuries: Part 1. 24(1): 1-15. Study of Northern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana) in Nova Scotia. 24(4): 376-378. |
Bessonette, P.W.R. | see Murashov, V.V. 40: 71-76. |
Bethune, C.J.S. | Nova Scotian Lepidoptera (specimens from 15 families recorded, including Amarta acadiensis (new species) ): Additional notes by Jones. 2(3): 78-87. |
Betts, D.D. | A new two-dimensional lattice of coordination nmber five. 40: 96-100. *Electrical breakdown of Ne at high frequencies. 23: 155. |
Betty, S.A. | *High acidity of quarry water. 18(1): 20. |
Berger, A.R. | *A recent volcanic ash deposit in the Yukon Territory. 24(4): 410. |
Bidwell, R.G.S. | Atlantic Regional Laboratory (National Research Council Canada) 25th Anniversary lecture: The carbon dioxide machine, or plants on the make. 28: 27-35. *Photosynthesis in marine algae. 24(4): 414. |
Bigelow, H.E. | Reduction of 3-nitrobenzaldehyde with sodium arsenite (to give 3,3′-hydroxymethylazobenzene, azobenzene-3,3′-dicarboxylic acid). 17(3): 193-196. |
Bird, C.J. | First record of the potential nuisance alga Codium fragile ssp tomentosoides(Chlorophyta, Caulerpales) in Atlantic Canada. 40: 11-17. Seirospora seirosperma (Harvey)Dixon (Rhodophyta, Ceramiaceae) – a first record for Canada. 34: 173-176. First record of female gametophytes of Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot (Rhodophyta, Nemaliales) in Nova Scotia. 30(3): 189-190. Nova Scotian species of Hygrophorus. 29: 1-132. Investigations of the marine algae of Nova Scotia: XIII Cyanophyceae. 28: 65-86. Investigations of the marine algae of Nova Scotia: XIV Colpomenia peregrina Sauv (Phaeophyta: Scytosiphonaceae). 28: 181-188. Investigations of the marine algae of Nova Scotia: XV Lomentaria orcadensis(Rhodophyta, Champiaceae). 28: 189-190. see Renfrew, D.E. 33: 145-146; von Aderkas, P. 33: 131-136; Smith, D.L. 30(1): 109-118; Chen, L.C-M. 28: 191-200; Edelstein, T. 27: 33-42. |
Bird, N. | Studies on Gracilaria: ecology of an attached population of Gracilaria sp at Barrachois Harbour, Colchester County, Nova Scotia. 27: 144-159. |
Bishop, C.J. | *Radiation induced morphological and genetic changes in apples. 24(3): 336. *Differential sensitivity of the mitotic prophase in Tradescantia paludosa to X-radiation: I, Pollen grains. 23: 112. *Differential sensitivity of the mitotic prophase in Tradescantia paludosa to X-radiation: II, Pollen tubes. 23: 113. |
Bishop, R.F. | *Soil analysis, its values and limitations. 24(1): 56. |
Bishop, W.L. | The Canada Grouse (Dendragapus canadensis) in captivity; its food,habits,etc. 13: 150-153. Curious lightning freak. 13: 240-241. Eels (Anguilla vulgaris) in water pipes and their migration. 11: 640-650. Star nosed mole (Condylura cristata)- its breeding, habits, etc. 10: 348-349. |
Black, E.C. | *Further observations on the asphyxiation of freshwater fish at various tensions of carbon dioxide. 21: 650-651. *Settlement of marine wood-borers on floating and fixed submerged wooden test blocks. 21(3): 649. *The settlement of marine wood-borers in the coastal waters of British Columbia. 21: 650. see Black, V.S. 21: 659. |
Black, V.S. | *Gas exchange in the swimbladders of fish. 21: 649-650. *The influence of temperature on the respiratory tolerance of young goldfish (Carassius auratus). 21: 659. Gas exchange in the swimbladder of the Mudminnow(Umbra limi (Kirtland)). 21: 61-82. see Black, E.C. 21: 650-651. |
Blacklock, N.G. | Nitrogen fixation (C2H2 reduction) by lung wort lichen (Lobaria pulmonaria) on red maple (Acer rubrum). 30(1): 89-108. |
Blanchard, J.E. | *Gravity measurements in northern Nova Scotia. 25: 209. *An application of potential theory to a problem in geophysical explorations. 23: 384. |
Bleakney, J.S. | Discovery of an undisturbed bed of 3800 year old oysters (Crassostrea virginica) in Minas Basin. 33: 1-6. Intertidal Zirfaea crispata burrows as indicators of fluctuating low water level in Minas Basin, Nova Scotia. 33: 65-74. Endolithic fauna of vacated Zirfaea crispata burrows in Blomidon shale, Minas Basin, Nova Scotia. 30(1): 55-64. Observations on saltmarsh pools, Minas Basin, Nova Scotia, 1965-1977. 29: 353-372. The distribution and taxonomic relationships of the amphibians and reptiles of Nova Scotia. 23: 158-160. see Gratto, G.W. 35: 27-28; 33: 47-56; Colodey, A.G. 30(3): 89-100; Bromley, J.E.C. 29: 411-446. |
Bligh, E.G. | *The lipids of cod muscle and the effect of frozen storage. 25: 268-269. *The in vitro conversion of 14C-acetate and 14C-cholesterol to adrenocortical steroids. 24(4): 415. see Dyer, W.J. 24(4): 410. |
Blum, I.E. | see Flinn, M.A. 35: 91-98. |
Boates, S. | see Leonard, M. 42: 253-262. |
Boates, J.S. | Length-weight relationships, energy content and the effects of predation on Corophium volutator (Pallas) (Crustacea: Amphipoda). 29: 489-500. see Daborn, G.R. 29: 153-172. |
Boland, G.J. | Fungi (9 species new to Nova Scotia) from salt marshes of Minas Basin. 29: 393-404. |
Bolt, R.H. | *Effect of reverberation on speech intelligibility. 22(4): 60. |
Bondrup-Neilsen, S. | see McCorquodale, D.B. 42: 209-223. |
Bousfield, E.L. | Malacostracan crustaceans from the shores of Nova Scotia. 24(1): 25-38. Littoral marine arthropods and molluscs collected in Western Nova Scotia, 1956. 24(3): 303-325. Post-glacial Changes in Distribution of Littoral Marine Invertebrates in the Canadian Atlantic Region. 27(S3): 47-60. |
Bowes, W.H. | *An instrument for the solution of simultaneous equations. 23: 383. |
Bowman, F.A. | Potassic iodide as a blowpipe reagent. 7: 363-367. |
Bowman, M. | Obituary: (librarian 1859-1903). 15: XVIII-XIX. |
Boyne, A. | see Leonard, M. 42: 253-262. |
Brewer, D. | The occurrence of Pycnidiophora dispersa in soil of a pasture in Nova Scotia. 40: 41-43. Studies of Trichoderma isolates from Mytilus edulis collected on the shores of Cape Breton and Prince Edward Islands. 40: 29-40. An examination of North & South American isolates of Pithomyces chartarum for production of sporidesmin and sporidesmolides. 38: 73-82. Ovine ill-thrift in Nova Scotia 6 Quantitative description of the fungal (54 species identified) flora of soils of permanent pasture. 30(3): 101-134. Mechanical search and retrieval system for mycotoxins. 28: 163-169. New species of Chaetomium (Chaetomium umbonatum) from the soil in Nova Scotia. 27: 59-60. Assembly and utilization of a database of fungal cultures held in Canadian collections (with two appendices giving operational details). 39: 79-98. *Changes occurring in the fungal floras of slime accumulations in pulp and paper mills. 25: 83. *The stimulation of growth of fungi isolated from pulp mills by “white water”. 25: 178. *A study of the parasitism of Ascochyta pisi Lib. 24(2): 266. see Eyjolfsdottir, G. 38: 23-41. |
Bridgeford, H. | *A cytological study of the germ cells in Deroceras reticulatum Muller. 23: 114. |
Brockhouse, B.N. | see Stewart, A.T. 24(4): 410-411. |
Brockerhoff, H. | *Inositol in phospholipids. 25: 270-271. |
Brodie, W.S. | Some effects of ice action near Grand Lake Cape Breton. 12(3): 253-257. |
Bromley, J.E.C. | Taxonomic survey of benthic fauna in estuarine saltmarsh pools, Minas Basin, Nova Scotia. 29: 411-446. Preliminary checklist of marine fauna of Minas Basin and Minas Channel. 29: 517-537. |
Bronson, H.L. | *On the specific heats of tungsten, molybdenum and copper. 18(3): 222. Simple automatic mercury still. 17(1): 80-81. Physical measurement of X-rays. 14(1): 17-29. Obituary. 26: 272-273. |
Brown, D.S. | The synthesis of 1,2-bis(4′-(triazenyl)phenyl)ethanes. 40: 67-70. |
Brown, H.H. | *The sponge fisheries of the West Indies. 20(4): 297. |
Brown, M. | Obituary. 25: 272. |
Brown, M.S. | *Seasonal variations in Chondrus crispus. 19(3): 291. Liverworts(127 hepatics) and mosses(367 species) of Nova Scotia. 19(2): 161-198. |
Brown, R.B. | On the Fletcher stone (& other similar stones; letter). 8: XXXVI-XXXVIII. |
Brown, R.E. | The Life and Work of Donald Olding Hebb, Canada’s Greatest Psychologist. 44(1): 1. |
Brown, R.F. | see Schofield, D. 24(3): 332-333. |
Browne, R. | see Hicks, G.S. 33: 123-130. |
Bugden, G. | see Petrie, B. 42: 9-36. |
Buggeln, R.G. | The Physiology and Biochemistry of Chondrus crispus Stackhouse. 27(s1): 81-102. |
Burchill, J. | see Bell, H.P. 24(1): 51; 24(2): 264. |
Burgher, R.D. | see Ackman, R.G. 26: 243. |
Burns, T. | Charles Brenton Huggins, Nobel prize winner Medicine 1966. 41: 13-21. |
Burwash, J. | Geology of the site of the Belliveau mining operations. 4(3): 309-311. |
Butler, K.H. | Compounds of the halogens with each other and with the halogen hydrides. 17(1): 23-25. *Solubilities and molecular weight determinations in liquid chlorine. 16: 198. |
Butler, M.R. | *Some properties of the polysaccharide complex extracted from a marine alga Chondrus crispus. 19(1): 153. see Young, E.G. 18(1): 21. |
Byers, D.S. | Environment and Subsistence. 27(S3): 17-36. |
Byrne, G.M. | *Electrophoretic and enzyme analysis of the pancreatic juices of the dog. 22(4): 62. |
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Caines, G.W. | see Masson, C.R. 23: 420. |
Caley, W.F. | see Whiteway, S.G. 38: 9-22; 35: 55-66. |
Cameron, A. | Supplementary note on Venus. 9: 275-278. On the visibility of Venus to the naked eye. 8(2): 148-159. Venus in daylight (at inferior conjugation) to eye and to opera-glass. 8(3): 344-358. Notes on Venus; morning star and evening star at the same time (example in evening of February13 & morning before sunrise of February 14) February 1894 in Yarmouth County,Nova Scotia. 8(4): 391. Notes on the geology of Point Pleasant, Halifax, Nova Scotia. 5: 307-309. |
Cameron, A.E. | Barytes (97% barium sulphate) deposit at Pembroke, Hants County, Nova Scotia. 20(3): 57-63. |
Cameron, E.L. | *Some recent mineral investigations in Nova Scotia. 23: 154. |
Cameron, H.L. | *Applications of aerial photograph interpretation to historic sites research in Nova Scotia. 24(1): 54-55. *Photointerpretation projects of the Nova Scotia Research Foundation. 24(2): 269. *New field techniques in petroleum and mineral exploration. 24(4): 416. *The structural geology of Nova Scotia as illustrated by aerial photographs. 23: 388. *Glacial geology of the Yarmouth-Pubnico area, Nova Scotia. 22(3): 44. Faulting in the vicinity of Halifax, Nova Scotia. 22(3): 1-15. see Hayes, F.R. 22(4): 61; McCarter, J.A. 22(4): 59; Ord, Muriel, J. 22(4): 8-14. |
Cameron, J. | Craniometric study of the Micmac skull in the Provincial Museum of Nova Scotia: (with 3 plates). 15: 1-31. The anatomy and psychology of the ancient Egyptian. 14(2): XXIV-XXXIII. Two remarkable skulls from the New Hebrides: An anthropological and ethnological study (with 5 plates). 14(4): 403-432. |
Cameron, M.L. | *Behaviour of cytoplasmic constituents during spermatogenesis in Tenebrio (Mealworm). 23: 113. *Demonstration of the use of the Jenkin surface mud sampler. 23: 114. see Hayes, F.R. 23: 155-156. |
Campbell, E.M. | Bibliography of Chondrus crispus Stack. 27(S1): 135-155. |
Campbell, G.G. | List of plants collected in the neighbourhood of Truro, Nova Scotia, during the summers of 1883 and 1884. 6(3): 209-225. Supplementary list of plants collected in and around Truro, during the summer of 1885. 6(4): 283-285. |
Campbell, J.E. | *Stresses in an elastic foundation under a loaded plate. 24(1): 52. |
Campbell, R.B. | *The iodine content of food. 22(2): 75. see Young, E.G. 22(1): 18. |
Cardinal, A. | see de Sève, M.A. 29: 223-234. |
Carter, A.L. | *Age determination of a submerged tree stump by 14C analysis. 23: 423. see Blanchard, J.E. 23: 384. |
Casey, J. | see Rozee, K.R. 25: 269. |
Castell, C.H. | *Inhibition by sodium nitrite of the enzymic reduction of trimethylamine oxide. 23: 154-155. *The use of plant tissues for culturing thermophilic anaerobic bacteria found in foods. 21(3): 651. *The influence of trimethylamine oxide upon the growth of bacteria. 21(4): 658. *Sterilization of sea-water with electrically produced silver ions. 21(4): 660. |
Catling, P.M. | The vegetation and phytogeography of Sable Island, Nova Scotia. 34: 181-247. |
Chadwick, E.M.P. | see Randall, R.G. 39: 99-109. |
Chagué-Goff, C. | Geochemical evidence for the recent changes in a salt marsh, Chezzetcook Inlet, Nova Scotia, Canada. 41: 149-159. |
Chaisson, A.F. | The effect of destruction of the spinal cord on osmotic control in elasmobranchs. 18(2): 23-26. The effect of histamine, adrenaline and destruction of the spinal cord on the osmotic pressure of the blood in the skate (Raja erinacea). 18(4): 240-244. |
Chan, E. | see Whiteway, S.G. 38: 9-22. |
Chapman, A.R.O. | see Tremblay, C. 30(3): 165-170. |
Chapman, R.P. | *Acoustic observations of a scattering layer of biological origin deep in the ocean. 26: 243. *Back-scattering strength of the sea surface. 25: 270. |
Chen, L.C-M. | The life history of Coilodesme bulligera Strömf, (Phaeophyta: Dictyosiphonales). 29: 405-410. Culture and cytological study of the life history of Nemalion helminthoides (Rhodophyta, Nemaliales). 28: 191-200. Morphology, growth and phenology of Petrocelis middendorffii. 39: 133-144. see Taylor, A.R.A. 27(S1): 1-33. |
Chen Yu. | Anti-inflammation: finding a new role for heat shock proteins in human health. 43: 1-14. |
Chevallier, E. | Suggestions on the importance of continuous meteorological observations (with table of temperature, rain & wind data 1863-1866 inclusive). 2(1): 121-123. |
Cheverie, J.C. | see Johnston, C.E. 30(1): 11-30; 30(1): 41-54. |
Chiarot, M. | see Hicks, G.S. 36: 59-62. |
Chiasson, L.P. | *The resistance of tomato (Lycopersicum hirsutum) relatives and hybrids to certain mycological and entomological pests (Cladosporium fulvum, Septoria lycopersici, red spider). 22(1): 20. |
Chipman, E.W. | see MacKay, D.C. 25: 211. |
Chipman, H.R. | Some measurements of the heat capacity of fish muscle. 17(3): 175-184. The heats of solution of certain alkali halides and the specific heat of their solutions. 17(3): 149-167. Notes on the divitrification of old glass. 16: 144-146. Liquid hydrogen sulphide as an ionizing medium. 16: 189-195. |
Choi, J.S. | see Frank, K.T. 43: 185-198. |
Christie, G.L. | *Service performance of cast magnesium alloy anodes in the cathodic protection of ships. 23: 160. |
Churchill, F.G. | Recent changes in the coast line in the county of Kings, Nova Scotia. 16: 84-86. An abandoned marine sand-bar in the Cornwallis Valley, Nova Scotia. 15: 65-69. Evidence of elevation of the sea coast as shown by fossil deltas near Wolfville, Nova Scotia. 15: 137-140. Probable change in drainage of the Black and Gaspereau Rivers, Kings County, Nova Scotia. 15: 141-144. The effects of glaciation in the vicinity of Wolfville, Nova Scotia. 15: 161-163. |
Chute, W.J. | Obituary 40: 101-103. |
Civen, M. | *Determination of the carbon of aqueous solutions. 23: 382. *Measurement of 14C in biological material. 23: 386-387. |
Clarke, R.A. | Physical oceanography in Atlantic Canada. 43: 111-127. |
Clay, D. | see Clay, H. 41: 93-102. |
Clay, H. | Winter distribution of the common loon (Gavia ammer) and red-throated loon (gavia stellata) in the Bay of Fundy. 41: 93-102. |
Claytor, R.R. | see Randall, R.G. 39: 99-110. |
Clements, J.C. | Error bound strategies for a new hull plate expansion procedure. 36: 115-126. Model for a Simple Diffusion Process. 27: 134-143. |
Coad, B.W. | The scaleless dragonfish, Melanostomias valdiviae, Brauer, 1902, new to the fish fauna of Atlantic Canada. 37: 89-92. see Gilhen, J. 39: 75-77. |
Coffin, C.C. | *Exchange of materials in a lake as studied by the addition of radioactive phosphorus. 22(3): 42. *The determination of ionic transference numbers and complex ion concentrations with radioactive isotopes. 22(2): 74. *A method of preparing and concentrating radioactive phosphorus. 22(2): 18. *The exchange of Ag+ between aqueous solutions and surfaces of metallic silver. 22(3): 45. *A scheme for representing interrelationships among the thermodynamic functions. 21(2): 93. *A new type of calorimeter. 20(1): 31. *Studies on explosive antimony: the magnetic susceptibility. 19(2): 210. *Further studies on explosive antimony. 19(1): 153. *Platinized glass as a laboratory substitute for massive platinum. 19(3): 291. *A new high vacuum gauge. 19(4): 448. *Some new physico-chemical apparatus. 18(1): 21. Studies on anhydride-aldehyde-ester systems; the rate of formation of butylidene diacetate. 18(1): 1-10. Murcury-in-glass thermoregulator. 18(3): 213-214. see Dingle, J.R. 21(1): 9; Arnell, J.C. 20(2): 56. Obituary. 24(1): 41. |
Cogwell, A.C. | Comparative anatomy and pathology of the human teeth. 3: 156-171. |
Coldwell, A.E. | Notes on the superficial geology of Kings County, Nova Scotia. 9: 171-174. |
Coles, C.M. | see Hawkins, W.W. 24(3): 335. |
Coley, A.A. | Modelling the observed velocity of our galaxy relative to the cosmic microwave background. 38: 1-8. |
Collier, B.C. | The ascorbic acid (and dehydroascorbic acid) content of some Maritime province foods(apple, potato and tomato). 20(3): 121-126. |
Collier, H.B. | *The kinetics of lysolecithin hemolysis. 21(4): 658. *Phenothiazine anaemia in dogs. 21(1): 12. *Estimation of the antihemolytic value of the blood. 21(2): 93. |
Collin, E.H. | *A study of the boreal forest formation in Nova Scotia. 23: 112. |
Collins, G.A. | *Semiconductor properties of some natural sulphides. 25: 181. |
Collins, V.K. | *The production of dimethylamine in cod muscle press juice during spoilage. 20(2): 55. *A study of fish spoilage. 20(1): 30. |
Colodey, A.G. | Epizoites on Cancer irroratus Say from the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. 30(3): 89-100. |
Colville, D. | see Beazley, K.F. 42: 339-357. |
Comeau, P.L. | Raised bogs on the Cape Breton plateau. 34: 41-81. |
Cone, D.K. | see Wiles, M. 37: 9-12. |
Conrad, D.M. | Clear as mud: the type I/type II model for death receptor-induced apoptosis. 43: 201-209. |
Conway, C.F. | *The estimation of allantoin. 19(4): 447. |
Cook, W.H. | Atlantic Regional Laboratory (National Research Council Canada) 25th Anniversary Lecture: Genesis of National Research Council Laboratories. 28: 5-12. |
Cooke, H.B.S. | Undescribed mammoth (Mammuthus) teeth from Georges Bank and Nova Scotia. 40: 19-28. |
Cooke, R.C. | see Kepkay, P.E. 30(1): 1-10. |
Cooper, D.LeB. | Note on the use of hot-wire anemometers. 19(1): 119-120. *The sterilization of canned fisheries products. 19(2): 209. *Equilibrium moisture content of salt fish muscle. 19(3): 292. *The pre-treatment of fresh fillets for smoking. 19(1): 154. *Recovery of salt from fish brines. 18(3): 223. The heat capacities of acetaldehyde and paraldehyde, and the heat of transformation of acetaldehyde into paraldehyde. 17(1): 82-90. Oxygen-compound formation with acetaldehyde at low temperatures. 17(2): 32-33. An adiabatic calorimeter for low temperature measurements. 17(3): 197-198. see Linton, E.P. 19(2): 212. |
Corkett, C.J. | The copepodid stages of the copepods Acartia tonsa, A. clausii & Eurytemora herdmanifrom the Annapolis River, Nova Scotia. 31: 173-181. |
Corkum, C. | see Kehler, D. 42: 227-239. |
Couture, R. | Summer distribution of particulate organic matter in a salt-marsh estuary on the Northumberland Strait. 32: 297-312. |
Covey, M. | See Koeller, P. 44(1): 51. |
Cox, G.H. | List of plants collected in and around the town of Shelburne. 8(4): 439-444. |
Craig, D.L. | *The strawberry (Fragaria vesca) virus. 25: 211. |
Craigie, J.S. | see Buggeln, R.G. 27(S1): 81-102. |
Crandall, W.A. | *The relation of arginine and histidine to the synthesis of purines in the dog. 18(4): 294. see Young, E.G. 19(3): 291. |
Cranford, P.J. | Bay of Fundy Bibliography: supplement III. 33: 101-105. |
Crawford, D.P. | *Pleochroic haloes of the thorium family. 19(2): 212. |
Creighton, H.J.M. | Method for making methyl violet. 15: 57-61. Variation in the composition of compressed illuminating gas with pressure as it issues from the compression cylinder. 15: 91-93. Convenient burette for exact gas analysis. 15: 115-117. Relation between the fluidity and the temperature of liquids. 15: 165-168. The use of soaps for the absorption of bromine vapor. 14(2): 120-122. Optical activation of racemic bromcamphor carboxylic acid by means of catalysts (optically active alkaloids): The specificity (stereochemical discrimination) of catalysts. 13: 1-34. On the behaviour of iron salts in the presence of albumens and other organic substances, towards certain reagents. 13: 61-75. Few measurements on the electrical conductivity of acetophenone solutions of certain organic bases and acids. 13: 154-162. The influence of radium on the decomposition of hydriodic acid. 12(1): 1-20. Few chemical changes influenced by radium: a new method for the detection of amygdalin. 12(1): 34-48. The behaviour of solutions of hydriodic acid in light in the presence of oxygen. 12(1): 49-60. The influence of aluminium salts on the estimation of sulphates. 12(2): 207-211. The Grignard synthesis: the action of phenyl magnesium bromide on camphor. 11: 593-597. |
Cumming, G.R. | see Perry, W.F. 23: 385. |
Cunningham, R.L. | *Nuclear metallurgy. 24(3): 334-335. |
Currie, R.W. | see Chen, Yu. 43: 1-14. |
Cutcliffe, J.L. | *Buckling of a reinforced panel. 24(3): 332. |
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Daborn, G.R. | Limnology of the Annapolis River and estuary: I, Physical and chemical features. 29: 153-172. Limnology of the Annapolis River and estuary: II, Fish distribution in the estuary, 1976 – 1977. 29: 173-184. Physical oceanographic and sedimentological studies in the southern bight of Minas Basin. 29: 315-334. Zooplankton studies in the southern bight of Minas Basin. 29: 465-482. see Williams, R.R.G. 34: 9-14; 34: 15-24; Gregory, R.S. 32: 321-336; Imrie, D.M.G. 31: 149-154; Strong, K.W. 29: 201-210. |
Dacey, J.R. | *The decomposition of methylene esters and paraldehydes at low pressures. 19(4): 446. *Further studies on the breakdown of complex molecules. 19(2): 213. |
Dadswell, M.J. | see Bird, C.J. 40: 11-17; Spares, A.D. 41: 134-148; Wildish, D.J. 35: 1-16. |
Dahlgren, E.W. | Supplementary note on the sunken land of Bus. 11: 551. |
Dale, J. | Experimental studies of the effects of acidity and associated water chemistry on amphibians. 35: 35-54. Lead & zinc contamination of roadside soil and vegetation in Halifax, Nova Scotia. 32: 327-336. Arsenic pollution associated with tailings at an abandoned gold mine in Halifax county, Nova Scotia. 32: 337-350. |
Dalziel, J.A. | see Yeats, P.A. 44(2): 171. |
Darcy, D.A. | *Inorganic constituents of developing salmon eggs: I, Sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium: II, Chloride and phosphate. 21(1): 12. |
Davidson, J. | Statistics of expenditure and consumption (earnings, no. of working days, rent, fuel, clothing & food) in Canada (with comparisons to United States, United Kingdom & Russia). 10: 1-32. The natural history of money. 10: 179-204. Agricultural credit. 10: 458-485. |
Davies, D.H. | Obituary. 41: 219. |
Davies, S.G. | see Foran, M.R. 21(4): 659. |
Davis, D. | see Bleakney, J.S. 33: 1-6. |
Davis, D.S. | Variation in the northern rough periwinkle, Littorina saxatilis (Olivi) in Nova Scotia, 27: 61-90. |
Davis, H.S. | The conductivity of rosaniline hydrochloride (fuchsine) in water and certain organic solvents (methyl & ethyl alcohols, acetic acid). 13: 40-51. Concerning the effects of gravity on the concentration of a solution. 12(3): 291-300. |
Davson, H. | *The effect of fluoride on the permeability of the red blood cell. 20: 154. *Potassium chloride haemolysis. 20: 297. *A form of membrane catalysis. 20: 300. *Photo-dynamic hemolysis. 20: 55. *Permeability of the eye membrane. 20: 54. *Studies on aqueous humour. 20: 155. |
Dawson, K.L. | The removal of carbon-sulphur compounds from coal gas by washing with oil. 16: 178-179. |
Dawson, J.W. | Notes on new points and corrections in Acadian geology: (Appendix). 2(3): 166-169. Obituary. 10: XXXVI-XXXVII. |
D’Cunha, G. | see Wall, M. 43: 219-225. |
Deckert, R.J. | see Sherwood, A.R. 42: 225-226. |
de Freitas, A.S.W. | Mercury bioaccumulation in the detritis-feeding benthic invertebrate Hyalella azteca(Saussure). 31: 217-236. |
DesBrisay, M.D. | see Honeyman, D. 5: 217-218. |
de Sève, M.A. | Les algues marines benthiques de Iles-de-la-Madeleine (Québec). 29: 223-234. |
Dewar, A. | Magnetism, the life of the world. 5: 58-64. Spontaneous generation, or predestinated generation. 4(1): 34-42. |
De Wolfe, J.R. | Obituary. 10: LXXXIV. |
Dewolfe, L.A. | The (geology, limestone series, millstone grits & coal measures) structure and succession at North Sydney and Sydney Mines, Cape Breton. 11: 289-323. |
Dexter, R.V. | *The sea breeze hodograph at Halifax. 24(3): 333. *Some local temperature variations in Halifax, Nova Scotia. 23: 418-419. |
Dickenson, T.E. | *The effect of tissue disintegration on the determination of liver catalase activity. 22(4): 59. |
Dicks, C.M. | see Hawkins, W.W. 24(4): 411. |
Dingle, J.R. | *The nature of the proteins of fish muscle. 25: 179. *On the extraction of myosin from cod muscle with potassium iodide solutions. 24(4): 413. *Fractionation of cod muscle albumins by precipitation with zinc ion: Adenosine triphosphate-creatine transphosphorylase. 24(1): 51. *Further developments in iso-thermal calorimetry. 21(1): 9. |
Dixon, S.M. | On a determination of the elements of terrestrial magnetism at Halifax, Nova Scotia, August 1904. 11: 245-259. |
Doane, F.W.W. | Recent meteorological notes. 13: 53-59. Water power of Halifax County, Nova Scotia: Part I, Dartmouth Lakes power. 12(1): 21-33. Meteorological notes. 11: 361-372. The frost and drought of 1905. 11: 623-639. Rainfall notes, Nova Scotia. 10: 399-408. The rainfall (but details from Halifax,Truro, Yarmouth & Sydney) in 1876. 9: 279-285. Operation of the Kennedy pipe scraper and cause of recent failure. 8(4): 445-450. |
Dodd, F.W. | Integral atomic weights: Part 1. 13: 216-222. Integral atomic weights: Part 2. 13: 223-227. |
Dogett, L.F. | see Larsen, P.F. 33: 57-63. |
Doiron, L.M. | see Murphy, S.T. 39: 59-66. |
Dondale, C.D. | *Observations on orchard spiders of the Annapolis valley. 24(2): 269. |
Dong, Z. | see Estabrooks, T. 42: 411-419. |
Dore, W.G. | The grasses (with an index to 121 species) of Nova Scotia. 20(4): 177-288. see Groh, H. 21(3): 651. |
Dorey, M. | see Hicks, G.S. 38: 83-89; 36: 59-62. |
Douglas, G.V. | The geological structure and growth of the Caribbean area. 24(3): 297-302. Xenoliths and contacts near Halifax, Nova Scotia. 21(2): 51-59. *The deposition of the Halifax series. 19(3): 291. *Note on the location of ore-shoots in mineral deposits. 18(4): 293-294. |
Downs, A. | Catalogue of the birds of Nova Scotia (with a list of species known to breed in the Province). 7: 142-178. Pied, or Labrador duck (Fulizula labradora). 6(4): 326-307. On the land birds of Nova Scotia. 1(3): 38-51. On the land birds of Nova Scotia. 1(4): 130-136. see Hardy, C. 12(1): XI-XXIX. Obituaries. 10: CII-CVIII; 13: XCVII-XCIX. |
Dreyer, N.B. | *Some effects of opium alkaloids on the intestines of different animals. 18(1): 20. *Some actions of Hg salts on the intestine. 18(1): 20. *Effects of arterial and venous occlusion on the intestine. 18(4): 293. The action of some mercury salts on the intestines of the cat. 18(4): 129-133. The effect of some barbituric acid derivatives (diethylbarbiturate, isoamylethylbarbiturate) on the intestines of the cat. 18(4): 282-285. Intestinal reaction to drugs in different fishes. 17(3): 199-203. *Acetone bodies in urine on carbohydrate and fat diets. 17(1): 26. The action of saline catharctics. 16: 180. see Young, E.G. 18(3): 220-221; Bean, R.J. 17(1): 63-70. |
Dunford, H.B. | *Equilibrium constants for the 34SO2 – H232SO4 exchange reaction. 24(2): 266. |
Dunn, A.F. | *Propagation of electromagnetic waves in a conducting medium. 22(1): 21. see McLellan, H.J. 22(1): 21. |
Duvar, J.H. | Some additions to the game of Nova Scotia (Canis occidentalis with note on occasional appearances of wolf). 1(3): 59-69. see Dyer, W.J. 22(1): 19; Snow, J.M. 21(3): 650. |
Dyer, W.J. | Obituary. 42: 435-436. *Formation of free fatty acids in frozen fish. 24(4): 410. *Trimethylamine oxide in fish. 23: 109. *Spoilage of freshly cut fillets. 22(1): 19. *Rapid titremetric estimation of sodium chloride in the presence of protein. 21(1): 11. *The colorimetric determination of trimethylamine. 21(1): 92. *Fractionation of fish proteins. 21(3): 648. *Phytin as an organic constituent of the “Putty” spoilage of salt fish. 20(4): 300. see Sigurdsson, G.J. 20(4): 301. |
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Eaton, C.A. | see Ackman, R.G. 31: 207-216; Snow, J.M. 21(3): 650. |
Eaves, C.A. | *Nutritional survey of McIntosh apple orchards in relation to storage quality. 24(2): 268. |
Edelstein, M. | see Clements, J.C. 27: 134-143. |
Edelstein, T. | Investigations of the marine algae of Nova Scotia: X Distribution of Fucus serratus and some other species of Fucus in the Maritime Provinces. 27: 33-42. Investigations of the Marine Algae of Nova Scotia: IX A Preliminary Survey of the Flora of Bras d’Or Lake, Cape Breton Island. 27: 11-22. see Chen, L.C-M. 29: 405-410; 28: 191-200; 39: 133-144; Bird, C.J. 28: 181-188. Obituary . 28: 121-123. |
Edson, M. | *Hydrolysis of the conjugated oestrogens of mare’s pregnancy urine. 20(1): 31. |
Elliott, L.G. | *An adiabatic calorimeter for determining heat capacities of metals from 100-200°C. 20(2): 56. |
Elliott, W.R. | Hydrogen in electrolytic zinc. 16: 152-154. |
Ellis, D. | see Castell, C.H. 21(4): 660. |
Ellis, M.F. | Vermiform appendix in the domestic cat. 17(2): 26-31. Investigations on the protozoan fish parasites of the Saint Andrew’s Region: (Ceratomyxa acadiensis, Myxidium bergense, Leptotheca agilis, Chloromyxum leydigi, Goussia gadi). 17(4): 268-275. Ichthyophonus hoferi, Plehn and Mulson, a flounder (Pseudopleuronectus americanus) parasite new to North American Waters. 17(3): 185-192. |
Ells, R.W. | Notes on mineral fuels of Canada. 12(1): 61-71. The oil fields (and oil shale deposits in Albert county, New Brunswick) of Eastern Canada. 11: 598-622. The progress (example: history) of geological investigation in Nova Scotia. 10: 433-446. Notes on recent sedimentary formations on the Bay of Fundy coast. 8(4): 416-419. |
Elsey, C.R. | see Black, E.C. 21(3): 649; 21: 650. |
Erskine, J.S. | The archaeology of some Nova Scotian Indian campsites. 27: 1-10. Study of the Tusket Islands. 24(3): 271-296. Shell-heap archaeology of South-western Nova Scotia. 24(4): 339-375. The partial excavation of nine prehistoric camp-sites in the SW part of Nova Scotia. 24(4): 417-418. The ecology of Sable Island (with a list of native and introduced vascular plants). 23: 120-145. *Sable Island, 1952. 23: 388. *Shell-heap archaeology and some faunal remains. 25: 210. |
Estabrooks, T. | Gene expression during indirect somatic embryogenesis of plants. 42: 411-419. |
Evans, A. | see Brewer, D. 28: 163-169; 39: 79-98. |
Eyjolfsdottir, G. | Comparison of fungal floras of highland and lowland pastures in Iceland. 38: 23-41. |
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Facey, V. | *Abscission of leaves in Fraxinus americana L. 21(1): 9. *Development of the fruit bud of the apple (McIntosh red) in Nova Scotia. 19(2): 211. |
Fanning, L.P. | see Halliday, R.G. 43: 159-183. |
Feicht, A. | Ovine ill-thrift in Nova Scotia 8 Analysis of isocyanide antibiotics produced byTrichoderma hamatum. 32: 313-320. Synthesis and characterization of a derivative of 2-L-N-(L-glutamyl-L-glutaminyl)amino-3-phenylpropan-1-ol a proposed C-terminal peptide sequence of metabolites ofTrichoderma species. 39: 67-74. |
Feindel, W.H. | *Somatic chromosomes in Vicia faba L. 20(3): 155. see Weld, C.B. 20(4): 298. |
Ferguson, D.C. | The Lepidoptera of Nova Scotia: Part I, Macrolepidoptera (including photographs and a list of species collected). 23: 161-376. *The Lepidoptera of Nova Scotia. 23: 110-111. *Systematics of the Semiothesa granitata complex (Insecta, Lepidoptera). 25: 269. |
Fergusson, C.B. | History of the first one hundred years of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science. 25: 215-253. |
Ferrier, J. | see Taylor, B.R. 44(2): 109. |
Fielding, R.R. | Baccharis, a genus of the Asteraceae new to Canada. 41: 214-215. |
Findlay, J.A. | see Miller, J.D. 34: 1-8. |
Fisher, K. | see Freedman, B. 39: 123-132. |
Fisher, S.E. | see Flinn, M.A. 35: 91-98. |
Fletcher, H. | Section of rocks from Shulie to Spicer Cove, Cumberland county, Nova Scotia in descending order (with 4 maps). 11: 500-550. Geological nomenclature in Nova Scotia – The Devonian. 10: 235-244. Geological nomenclature in Nova Scotia – The New Glasgow conglomerate. 10: 323-329. |
Flinn, M.A. | Seasonal variation in the nonstructural carbohydrate composition of rhizomes of forest understory species. 35: 91-98. |
Foord, A.S. | Remarks on the geology and physical geography of the north-east coast of Kent (Margate, Broadstairs England) August 1870. 3: 40-46. Gems and their application to the arts. 2(3): 22-35. On agates. 2(4): 63-67. |
Foran, M.R. | *The penetration of moisture into Maritime masonry structures. 22(1): 20. *An apparatus for dynamic sorption studies. 21(4): 659. |
Forbes, J. | Remarks upon the coating of iron with magnetic oxide and a suggestion of a probably new method of producing it. 8(1): 27-30. |
Ford, W.L. | *The 1950 six-ship survey of the Gulf Stream. 23: 110. *On the nature, occurrence and the origin of cold low salinity water along the edge of the Gulf Stream. 23: 158. *Some new results on the behaviour of the Gulf Stream. 22(4): 60. |
Fothergill, N.O. | *A seasonal variation of propagation on the Scotian shelf. 25: 271. |
Fox, D.I. | *The influence of insects on the floristic composition of grassland. 24(4): 416. |
Fox, J.J. | Observations on the currents in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and their danger to navigation. 6(4): 302-307. Obituary. 10: XXXVI. |
Frank, K.T. | Marine ecosystem assessment: past present and future attempts with emphasis on the Eastern Scotia Shelf. 43: 185-198. |
Frank, M. | *Survival of Eberthella typhosa and Escherichia coli on salt fish. 20(3): 153. *Studies on brown halophilic molds of the genus Sporendonema (Sporendonema epizoum, Sporendonema minutum) Ciferri et Redaelli. 20(3): 155. |
Fraser, D.I. | see Dyer, W.J. 24(4): 410. |
Fraser, H.R. | *The preparation of hydrazine sulphate. 18(1): 21. |
Fraser, M.J. | *Ultraviolet irradiation of ovalbumin monolayers. 23: 382. *The effect of ultraviolet radiation on dilute solutions of ovalbumin. 23: 387. see Kaplan, J.G. 24(1): 54; 23: 91-98; 23: 421. |
Fraser, W.P. | The rusts of Nova Scotia (with taxonomic key and many morphological drawings and index of hosts and species). 12(4): 313-445. |
Frazer, T.R. | Magnetism and its connection with the telegraph. 2(2): 36-42. |
Freedman, B. | Trace elements in water, sediment, and biota of three oligotrophic lakes in Queens and Annapolis counties, Nova Scotia. 39: 123-132. see Dale, J. 35: 35-54; 32: 327-336; 32: 337-350; Catling, P.M. 34: 181-247; Morash, R. 33: 85-94. |
Freeman, H.C. | see Hoogland, P.L. 25: 209. |
French, H.V. | *The estimation of volatile phenols in smoked fish. 21(2): 92. |
Friedman, M.H.F. | see Chaisson, A.F. 18(4): 240-244. |
Fry, F.E.J. | see Black, E.C. 21(3): 649; Black, V.S. 21: 659. |
Fuglister, F.C. | see Ford, W.L. 22(4): 60. |
Fulton, T.T. | The faults of Battery Point, Sydney, Nova Scotia. 11: 260-261. |
Funt, B.L. | see Coffin, C.C. 22(2): 74; 22(2): 18. |
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Gallay, L.R. | see Ackman, R.G. 25: 269. |
Galston, A.W. | Atlantic Regional Laboratory (National Research Council Canada) 25th Anniversary Lecture: Science and social concern, a case history from plant physiology. 28: 37-40. |
Garbary, D.J. | see Murphy, S.T. 39: 59-66. see Taylor, B.R. 44(2): 109. |
Gates, R.R. | Some recent aspects of genetics (lecture). 20(3): 127-140. New Evening Primrose, Oenothera Novae-Scotiae: (with 2 plates). 14(3): 141-145. Middleton fungi. 11: 115-121. |
Geddes, A.L. | *The decomposition of complex molecules at high pressures. 18(4): 293. |
George, J.D. | *Factors affecting the distribution of a marine worm (Cirriformia tentaculata) on a muddy shore. 26: 243. |
Gesner, A. | Gold and its separation from other minerals. 1(1): 54-60. |
Gibbons, N.E. | *Some bacteriological aspects of fish handling. 19(2): 210. *Lactose fermenting bacteria from the intestinal contents of marine fishes. 18(3): 222-223. |
Gibbons, P. | The prion. 43: 47-56. |
Gibbs, O.S. | The measurement of renal secretion (Demonstration). 17(1): 21-22. *The measurement of the renal blood-flow in fowl. 17(1):27. An electric perfusion pump with especial reference to its use in blood-flow. 17(2): 1-3. On the distribution of quinine in the blood. 17(2): 6-7. *A new method of measuring blood-flow. 17(2): 10-11. The edema of p-phenylenediamine. 17(4): 238-239. |
Gilhen, J. | The bluntnose sixgill shark Hexanchus griseus (Bonnaterre, 1788), new to the fish fauna of Atlantic Canada. 39: 75-77. The blunthead puffer, Sphoeroides pachygaster (M_ller & Troschel, 1848, Pisces: Tetradontidae) new to Nova Scotia and Canada. 35: 29-32. The cubera snapper, Lutjanus cyanopterus (Cuvier, Pisces: Lutjanidae) new to Nova Scotia and Canada. 34: 177-180. First Canadian record of yellowfin bass Anthias nicholsi Firth, taken off Nova Scotia. 31: 251-254. First Nova Scotian and second Canadian record of Atlantic fanfish, Pterycombus bramaFries, 1837 (Bramidea). 30(3): 191-194. |
Gilhen, J. | See Sharp, G. 44(1): 79. |
Gillies, N.B. | *Description of a lunar phenomenon on the night of February 25, 1934. 18(4): 293. |
Gillis, H.A. | see Russell, D.W. 37: 13-20. |
Gilpin, E. | Sections and analyses (for volatiles, carbon, ash, sulphurs & moisture) of Nova Scotia (Pictou, Cumberland, Cape Breton, Inverness) coals. 11: 8-17. The Mira (red hematite on south shore of Mira river) Grant, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia. 11: 89-94. New mineral discoveries (coal shale, iron ore & wolframite) in Nova Scotia. 10: 79-90. Minerals for the Paris Exhibition. 10: 248-272. The iron ores of Nictaux, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia and notes on steel making in Nova Scotia. 9: 10-20. The undeveloped coal fields (with some analyses for C & volatiles) of Nova Scotia. 9: 134-149. Analyses of Nova Scotia (Springhill, Cumberland County) coals and other minerals (iron ore at Georges River & magnetite at Whycocomagh). 9: 246-254. Analyses of Nova Scotia coals and other minerals. 8(1): 19-26. Notes on some explosions in Nova Scotia coal mines. 8(1): 58-70. The geology of Cape Breton: The lower Silurian. 8(2): 167-174. Notes on Sydney coalfield. 8(4): 435-438. The carboniferous of Cape Breton: Part I, 6(4): 289-298; Part II, 7: 24-35; Part III, (with analyses for carbon, sulphur, ash, volatiles etc.). 7: 100-117. The geology of Cape Breton: The minerals (celestite, barytes, galena, pyrolusite, hematite, gypsum) of the carboniferous. 7: 214-226. The Devonian of Cape Breton. 7: 381-387. An analysis of a Pictou coal seam. 6(1): 42-47. Notes on the Debert coal field, Colchester County, Nova Scotia. 6(2): 93-97. Notes on the manganese ores (pyrolusite) of Lock Lomond, Cape Breton. 6(2): 97-99. Feather-alum (halotrichite (ferrous alum) & melanterite) from Glace Bay, Cape Breton. 6(3): 175-179. The limonite and limestones of Pictou County, Nova Scotia. 5: 31-38. On the occurrence of lievrite in Gabarus, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. 5: 253-255. The trap minerals of Nova Scotia. 5: 283-296. The northern outcrop of the Cumberland coal field. 5: 387-399. The southern syncline of the Pictou coal field. 4(1): 89-97. Notes on specimens of iron ores, etc, collected in Pictou County for the Philadelphia Exhibition. 4(2): 137-146. On the necessity for preliminary scientific training for civil and mining engineers. 4(4): 379-390. The grouping of the Pictou coal seams. 3: 281-285. Sketch of the carboniferous district of Saint George’s Bay, Newfoundland. 3: 357-364. |
Gilpin, J.B. | On the semi-annual migration of sea fowl in Nova Scotia (with a glossary of common and binominal names). 5: 138-151. On a (Ursus americanus) cub found in a bear’s den, 12/1/1880. 5: 151-155. On the birds of prey of Nova Scotia. 5: 255-268. On the dwelling of the muskrat (Milatra (Ondatia) zibethicus) and beaver (Castor canadensis) of Nova Scotia. 5: 275-282. Shore birds (27 species) of Nova Scotia. 5: 376-387. On the salmon (Salmo salar, with 1 illustration) of Nova Scotia. 5: 38-47. Indians (including census data- about 1700 in all) of Nova Scotia. 4(3): 260-280. On the smaller cetaceans Delphinus delphis (based on part of a skeleton in the museum) inhabiting the Bay of Fundy and shores of Nova Scotia. 4(1): 21-34. On the golden-eyes (Bucephaea clangula, Bucephaea alandicus, Bucephaea albeala) or garrots in Nova Scotia. 4(4): 390-403. On the Stone age of Nova Scotia (1 plate). 3: 220-231. Observation on some fossil bones found in New Brunswick, Dominion of Canada. 3: 400-404. On the Mammalia (Lepus americanus (hare) & Rangifer groenlandicus (caribou)) of Nova Scotia. 3: 46-61. On the Mammalia Cervus alces (moose) & Vespertilio subulatus (Bats) of Nova Scotia. 3: 109-126. On the construction of the beaver dam in Digby County, Nova Scotia, September 1871. 3: 152-155. On the eagles Aquila chrysoetes (Golden) & Haliaetus leucocephalus (Bald) of Nova Scotia. 3: 202-208. Orthagoriscus mola, Couch, taken Halifax harbour, October 1873. 3: 343-344. On the seals of Nova Scotia. 3: 377-384. On the Mammalia (Mustela species; Putorius) of Nova Scotia. 2(1): 8-16. The Mammalia of Nova Scotia general list. 2(2): 58-69. On the Mammalia of Nova Scotia,(Ursus americanus, Sciurus hudsonius, Sciurus striatus, Arctomys monax). 2(3): 8-18. On the Mammalia of Nova Scotia: (Castor canadensis, Jaculus hudsonius). 2(4): 8-17. On the Mammalia of Nova Scotia, (Castor (Fiber) zibethicus, Hystrix (Erethison) dorsatus). 2(4): 83-93. The walrus (Trichecus rosmarus). 2(3): 123-127. On the food fishes of Nova Scotia: cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus oeglefinus, Gadus virens& Phyris americanus) family. 2(1): 101-111. On the food fishes of Nova Scotia: Shad (Alosa prestabilis) and Halibut (Pleuronictes hypoglossus) with a list of organisms found in their stomachs. 2(2): 17-26. On introduced species of Nova Scotia. 1(2): 60-68. Soricinae of Nova Scotia. 1(2): 1-4. On the Mammalia of Nova Scotia. 1(3): 8-15. On the common herring (Clupea elongata). 1(1): 4-11. The gaspereaux (alewife, Alosa tyrannus). 1(3): 107-114. On the food fishes of Nova Scotia: The Mackerel (Scomber scomber). 1(4): 11-17. On the food fishes of Nova Scotia: The trouts and salmons (Salmo fontinalis, Salmo gloverii (grayling), Salmo confinis). 1(4): 76-91. |
Glister, J. | Design study of novel light guide geometry for scintillation counters. 43: 227-233. |
Goldsmith, F.G. | see Blacklock, N.G. 30(1): 89-108; Prager, U.E. 28: 93-100. |
Goldstein, M.E. | see de Sève, M.A. 29: 223-234. |
Gordon, D.C. | Deep-water Corals in Atlantic Canada: a Review of DFO Research (2001—2003). 44(1): 27. |
Gordon, E.M. | Ultrastructure and histochemistry of Chondrus crispus Stackhouse. 27(S1): 103-110. |
Gordon, P.C. | see Weld, C.B. 23: 110. |
Gorham, E. | *Some effects of temperature on the development of the salmon. 22(1): 20. *The vegetation of eight Nova Scotian lakes. 22(1): 11. Bryophytes(mosses(18), hepatics(2) and lichens(5) in pastures of (New Brunswick, 43; Nova Scotia, 20; Prince Edward Island, 9) the Maritime Provinces. 22(1): 1-10. |
Goring, D.A.I. | *Molecular size and shape of carrageenin. 23: 386. *The gel strength and optical activity of carrageenin. 23: 422-423. see Masson, C.R. 24(1): 50; Vincent, D.L. 24(1): 53. |
Gossip, W. | Report by William Gossip, delegate to the Canadian Royal Society at Ottawa, May 1883. 6(2): I-XII. The history (mostly) of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science and its role in the formation of the Royal Society of Canada. 6(3): 155-166. The affinity of races. 3: 288-315. The “Challenger” scientific expedition – visit to Halifax. 3: 335-337. Anniversary address. 4: 225-232. On the antiquity (anthropology) of man (Homo sapiens) in America. 2(3): 35-77. The rocks in the vicinity of Halifax, Nova Scotia. 1(2): 44-59. Enquiry into the antiquity of Man (Homo sapiens). 1(3): 80-102. Field excursion, 1865 (Waverley gold mines). 1(3): 141. Field meeting at Ashbourne, June 26, 1866. 1(4): 147. see Ambrose, J. 1(2): 94-97. Obituary. 7: 319-320. |
Gourley, C.O. | An annotated index of the fungi of Nova Scotia. 32: 75-294. see Hall, I.V. 31: 101-108. |
Gowanlock, J.N. | Notes on the occurrence and control of the trematode Gynodactylus, ectoparasite onFundulus. 16: 126-131. Study of some of the reactions of the whelk Buccinum undatum. 16: 132-137. |
Graham, G.M. | *Velocity of sound. 23: 386. |
Graham, H.C. | see Young, E.G. 18(2): 67. |
Grandin, M.V. | Notes on the ore (galena, copper, schists & iron) deposits of South Cheticamp, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. 11: 347-360. |
Grant, D.R. | Recent Coastal Submergence of the Maritime Provinces. 27(S3): 83-102. |
Grant, G.A. | Note on the biological assay of Tincture Digitalis. 17(4): 244-247. see Young, E.G. 18(1): 20. |
Grant, R. | *Hearing acuity tested in rat by the alimentary-motor conditioning method. 19(4): 449. |
Gratto, G.W. | Discovery of an extensive area of Laminaria saccharina in Minas Basin, Nova Scotia. 35: 27-28. Growth and production of the intertidal amphipod Corophium volutator (Pallas) in the inner and outer Bay of Fundy. 33: 47-56. |
Green, R.E. | *Positron annihilation in metals. 23: 423. |
Greenblatt, J.H. | *Corrosion of magnesium alloys containing iron and nickel. 25: 82. *The influence of surface structure on the high temperature corrosion of aluminium. 25: 267. *The mechanism of the anodic dissolution of magnesium. 24(2): 265. |
Greenidge, K.N.H. | *Water conduction in large woody stems. 25: 179. *Aspects of moisture movement in trees. 24(2): 266. |
Greenwell, M. | see Brewer, D. 40: 29-40; Edelstein, T. 27: 33-42. |
Gregory, R.S. | Notes on adult lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus (L) from the Bay of Fundy. 32: 321-336. |
Gribble, J.D. | see Clements, J.C. 36: 115-126. |
Groh, H. | *A milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) survey in Ontario and adjacent Quebec. 21(3): 651. |
Grossert, J.S. | see Hooper, D.L. 35: 17-20. |
Gruchy, C.G. | see Gilhen, J. 35: 29-32; 34: 177-180. |
Grund, D.W. | Nova Scotian Amanitas I. 31: 109-120. see Bird, C.J. 40: 11-17; Hadjisterkoti, E. 34: 163-172; McAfee, B.J. 32: 1-73; Robar, T.L. 31: 121-148; Bird, C.J. 29: 1-132; Boland, G.J. 29: 393-404; Harrison, K.A. 28: 87-92. |
Guignion, D. | see Martin, K. 33: 107-114; 33: 137-144. |
Guptill, E.W. | *Precision determination of nuclear gyromagnetic ratios. 23: 113-114. *A new method for detecting nuclear magnetism. 22(3): 46. see Keyston, J.R. 24(3): 337. Obituary. 27: 180. |
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Hachey, H.B. | Ekman’s theory applied to water replacements on the Scotian shelf. 19(3): 264-276. The halo complex of March 4, 1933 at Saint Andrews, New Brunswick. 19(1): 9-10. see Bailey, W.B. 22(4): 34-48; 22(4): 17-33. |
Hache, W. | The halo complex of April 5, 1936 at Church point, Nova Scotia. 19(3): 251-252. |
Hadjisterkoti, E. | New and interesting taxa of Mycena occurring in Nova Scotia. 34: 163-172. |
Haliburton, P.S. | The auriferous deposits of Nova Scotia. 1(4): 43-51. |
Haliburton, R.G. | Explorations in the Pictou coal field (with map). 2(1): 93-100. Explorations in the Pictou coal field in 1867 and 1868. 2(3): 155-164. The coal trade of the New Dominion (with map). 2(1): 81-93. The Festival (anthropology) of the Dead. 1(1): 61-85. |
Hall, I.V. | Range extension of little bluestem (Andropogon scoparius, (Schizachyrium scoparium)) in Nova Scotia. 35: 33. Biology of Prunus pensylvanica. 31: 101-108. *Effects of shade on blueberry growth. 24(1): 55. |
Halliday, R.G. | A history of marine fisheries science in Atlantic Canada and its role in the management of fisheries. 43: 159-183. |
Hamilton, P.S. | On the submerged forest trees in Cumberland Basin. 2(2): 94-99. On the tides of the Bay of Fundy. 2(1): 35-48. |
Hanic, L.A. | Cytology and Genetics of Chondrus crispus Stackhouse. 27(S1): 34-52. see Lobban, C.S. 34: 25-40; Staker, R.D. 28: 171-180. |
Hansen, E. | *Possible importance of some terpenes as starting materials for the synthesis of certain physiologically active compounds. 24(3): 337. |
Hardy, C. | Reminiscences of a Nova Scotian naturalist: Andrew Downs. 12(1): XI-XXIX. On provincial acclimatization. 1(3): 15-30. |
Hardy, C.C. | On the beaver (Castor canadensis) in Nova Scotia. 2(1): 17-25. Nocturnal life of animals in the forest. 1(1): 11-19. Nova Scotian conifers: Part I. 1(4): 120-130. On the caplin (Mallotus villosus). 1(2): 4-13. |
Hare, A. | Notes on the geology of Bedford, Sackville and Hammond’s Plains (Halifax County). 5: 309-312. Obituary. 15: VII-XV. |
Harington, C.R. | see Cooke, H.B.S. 40: 19-28. |
Harlow, L.C. | Analysis of (86) Nova Scotia soils. 13: 332-346. |
Harricharan, C.E. | see Kaplan, J.G. 24(1): 54. |
Harries, H. | see Maass, W.S.G. 36: 131-136. |
Harrington, C.R. | see Cooke, H.B.S. 40: 19-28. |
Harris, D.F. | Accidental electrical stimulation of the human retina in situ. 14(1): 47-48. On the beneficial action of certain poisons; and on the influence of poisons on protoplasm and on enzymes respectively. 14(2): 96-108. On the intimate associations of inorganic ions with native and derived proteins. 13: 71-86. On the existence of a reducing endo-enzyme in animal tissues. 13: 259-278. Notes on a gastrolith found in a moose. 13: 242-243. Colored thinking and allied conditions. 13: 308-331. |
Harris, D.L. | see McCorquodale, D.B. 42: 241-252. |
Harris, R.C. | On an important reclamation of land near Sackville, New Brunswick with notes on mechanism of formation of “marshland”. 2(3): 170-172. |
Harris, R.G. | Turmeric: Not So Spicy After All. 44(2): 213. |
Harrison, K.A. | Obituary 40: 47-51. Nova Scotian fleshy fungi: A new albino variety of Hypomyces lactifluorum (Schw ex Fr) Tulane. 28: 87-92. *The fleshy fungi of Kings county, Nova Scotia. 23: 387. see Grund, D.W. 31: 109-120; Robar, T.L. 31: 121-148. |
Harrison, W.G. | Biological oceanography in Canada (with special reference to Federal Government Science). 43: 129-158. |
Harvey, M. | Obituary. 10: LXXXV. |
Harvey, M.J. | Minuartia groenlandica (Caryophyllaceae) in Nova Scotia. 28: 149-160. Studies on the taxonomy and distribution of Sphagnum VIII: The fruiting of Sphagnum pylaesii in Nova Scotia and its chromosome number. 28: 161-162. *Cyto-taxonomy of violets. 26: 243. |
Hatcher, A.G. | Rare phenomenon in the night sky. 18(3): 75-76. |
Hawkins, W.W. | *α-Tocopherol phosphate as a blood anticoagulant and antilipaemic agent. 25: 82. *Some anabolic aspects of protein metabolism in riboflavin deficiency in the rat. 25: 180. *Utilization of calcium and iron by the rat during administration of ethylenediaminetetra-acetate. 25: 183-184. *The nutritional value of the proteins of some seaweeds and fish products. 25: 208. *Protein synthesis in vitamin B6 deficiency in the rat. 25: 267-268. *The total body haemoglobin in children and its relation to iron requirements. 24(2): 264-265. *The production of xanthurenic acid from tryptophan in pregnancy and in various stages of nitrogen balance. 24(3): 335. *Protein and carbohydrate metabolism in vitamin B66 deficiency. 24(4): 411. *The plasma proteins of the dog in vitamin B66 deficiency. 24(1): 48. *The variation of haemoglobin level with age and sex. 23: 420. *The decomposition of allantoin by bacteria. 21: 12. see O’Neill, A.N. 24(3): 332; Perry, W.F. 23: 385; Young, E.G. 21(1): 9; 21(1): 11; 21(2): 92. |
Haycock, E. | Records of post-triassic changes in Kings County, Nova Scotia (with map, sections & 1 plate). 10: 287-302. The geological history of the Gaspereau Valley, Nova Scotia. 10: 361-375. Fossils, possibly triassic, in glaciated fragments in the boulder-clay of Kings County, Nova Scotia. 10: 376-378. The Kings county branch of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science: Outline of purposes and aims of the society. 10: CIX-CXI. Obituary. 15: XVII-XVIII. |
Hayes, F.R. | The negative geotropism of the periwinkle (Littorina littorea), a study in littoral ecology. 16: 155-173. Towards an energy balance sheet for the Nova Scotian agricultural food system. 30(3): 135-164. The Third Neish Memorial Lecture: The evolutionary basis of religious belief: Marx’s takeover bid for Darwinian sociobiology. 29: 133-146. Pipette for the micro-estimation of respiratory gases. 19(4): 373-388. *Micro-organisms in the sediments of lakes. 24(2): 267. *The trout population of a Nova Scotia Lake as affected by habitable water, poisoning of the shallows and stocking. 24(1): 52-53. *Exchange of phosphorus between water and mud in lakes. 23: 155-156. *Factors responsible for ascent of salmon in the La Have river. 23: 160. *Notes towards the estimation of mortality, total population and use of Atlantic salmon. 23: 383. *The effect of adding basic slag and ammonium nitrate to lakes. 22(2): 76. *Further experiment on the addition of radioactive phosphorus to a lake. 22(4): 61. *Changes in the inorganic constituents of developing salmon eggs. 21(4): 657. *The effect of temperature on the growth and efficiency of yolk conversion in a salmon embryo. 21(3): 648. *A quantitative study of the changes in fatty constituents during early sea urchin development. 19(4): 446. *Electrolytes in molluscan blood and muscle. 19(3): 290. *Nitrogen in echinoid ontogeny. 18(3): 221-222. *The metabolism of developing Cyclopterus lumpus eggs. 18(4): 292. The effect of environmental factors on the development and growth of Littorina littorea. 17(1): 6-13. see Harvey, M.J. 28: 149-160; Coffin, C.C. 22(3): 42; McCarter, J.A. 22(4): 59; Johnstone, J.H.L. 20(1): 31; Pelluet, D. 19(2): 157-159. |
Heaps, H.S. | Obituary 41: 220-221. *Computation by use of completely clipped functions. 25: 268. *Random walk and satellite motion. 24(2): 264. *The infrared spectrum of the night sky. 23: 385. *Diffraction of an acoustical wave obliquely incident on a plane obstacle. 23: 421. see Cutcliffe, J.L. 24(3): 332; McKay, M.R. 24(4): 414-415. |
Heard, R.D.H. | *The synthesis of a: DL-β-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-N-methylalanine. 20(1): 30. *The oestrus-inducing gonadotrophic substance: II, A comparison of infantile and adult rat assays. 20(2): 54. *Steroids III: Observations on the constitution of a new keto-lactone from the urine of pregnant mares. 20(2): 55. *Steroids IV: The isolation from equine pregnancy urine and characterization of a new member of the female sex hormone series. 20(3): 153. *Conversion of estradiol to estrone in man. 20(3): 156-157. *The metabolism of the corpus luteum hormone, progesterone. 20(4): 298. *The isolation of a new androstan-3β-ol-7-one and of allopregnan-3β-ol-20-one from the urine of pregnant mares. 20(2): 53-54. *Steroids V: The Kishner-Wolff reduction of dehydro-isoandrosterone. 20(3): 153a. *Steroids VI: Observations on the constitution of androstan-3β-ol-7-one from equine pregnancy urine. 20(3): 156. *Steroids VII: The synthesis of andostan-3β-ol-7-one. 20(3): 156a. *The assay of the oestrus-inducing gonadotropic principle of human pregnancy urine on the dietary anoestrus adult rat. 19(4): 448. *New ketone from the urine of pregnant mares. 19(4): 449. see Bauld, W.S. 20(4): 299; 20(4): 299-300; Edson, M. 20(1): 31. |
Hebb, C.O. | see Dreyer, N.B. 18(4): 282-285. |
Hebb, T.C. | On the variation of the rigidity of vulcanized india-rubber with tension. 10: 273-286. On a determination of the freezing point depression constant for electrolytes. 10: 409-421. On the determination of freezing point depressions of dilute solutions of electrolytes. 10: 422-432. |
Hebda, A. | see Moseley, M. 41: 216-218. |
Hebda, A.J. | see Scott, F.W. 42: 189-208. |
Henderson, G.H. | *A mayfly (Blasturmus nebulosus) from the Halifax (Nova Scotia) region. 19(1): 154. *The genesis of pleochroic haloes (Nature 140, 191). 19(4): 446. New method of determining the age of minerals: see Proceedings Royal Society (A) 145: 591. 18(4): 292. *Cambridge eclipse expeditions at Magog, Quebec, August 1932. 18(3): 221. *The range (2,59±0,05 cm at O°) of the alpha particles from thorium. 18(1): 20. An installation for the preparation of radium for therapeutic use. 17(1): 14-19. An attempt to demonstrate the existence of short range alpha particles from radium C (214Ra83). 17(4): 256-258. The distribution of the active deposit of thorium in an electric field. 14(1): 1-16. The distribution of the active deposit of radium in an electric field. 14(2): 123-132. |
Henderson, N.E. | see Pelluet, D. 23: 420-421. |
Herbert, J. | *Color of predacious mites after feeding on mite prey in the laboratory. 24(4): 417. |
Herman, F.A. | *Fertility in relation to precipitation. 23: 388. |
Hess, E. | *A shell disease in lobster (Homarus americanus) caused by chitinivorus bacteria. 19(3): 290. *The determination of “marinated herring”. 19(2): 209. *Bacterial and chemical changes in canned lobster. 18(2): 73. *Cultural characteristics of marine bacteria in relation to low temperatures. 18(4): 292-293. see Frank, M. 20(3): 153; 20(3): 155. |
Hicklin, P.W. | Diets of five species of migrant shorebirds in the Bay of Fundy. 29: 483-488. |
Hicks, G.S. | Shoot multiplication, growth and adventitious rooting in three cultivars of Vitis, in vitro. 38: 83-89. Propagation in vitro of Michurinetz grapes. 36: 59-62. Induction and subculture of callus from petioles of Fraxinus americana (white ash). 33: 123-130. |
Hill, N.M. | Zymotypes in Vaccinium Section Cyanococcus and related groups. 33: 115-122. |
Hill, P.C. | Inaugural address. 1(1): 1-4. |
Hind, H.Y. | Notes on the structure of the Nova Scotia gold districts. 2(3): 102-109. |
Hockey, J.F. | *Flat-limb canker of the Gravenstein. 24(2): 268. *Observations on the development of storage scab of apples. 19(2): 212. |
Hoffman, M.M. | see Bauld, W.S. 20(4): 299-300; Heard, R.D.H. 20(2): 55; 20(3): 153; 20(3): 156-157; 20(4): 298. |
Hogans, W.E. | The appendages of Lophoura tetraphylla Ho, 1985 (Copepoda: Sphyriidae) a parasite ofAntimora rostrata in deep waters of the northwest Atlantic Ocean. 36: 127-130. Occurrence of Clavellodes rugosa (Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae) on the ocean poutMacrozoarces americanus in the northwest Atlantic Ocean. 35: 109-111. |
Hoisington, B.L. | see Maass, W.S.G. 36: 131-136. |
Holbrook, G.W. | *Large-signal equivalent circuits for common-emitter transister amplifiers. 25: 267. |
Holland, J.D. | An objective method of forecasting maximum temperatures over snow-covered terrains. 23: 385-386. |
Hollett, A. | *Magnesium ammonium phosphate crystal formation in canned lobster. 21(1): 10. *Protein and fat as energy sources for the developing salmon eggs. 21(4): 659. *Corrosion in canned fish in plain cans. 21(4): 660. *The carbohydrate metabolism of developing salmon eggs. 20(2): 53. *The phosphorus content of lobster blood and muscle. 20(4): 298. |
Homans, R.E.S. | *Relation between feeding and the sexual cycle in haddock(Melanogrammus aeglefinus) L. 21(1): 10. *Food of the haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus with an appendix(pages 46-49) of species found in the stomachs of caught fish). 21(2): 15-49. see McKenzie, R.A. 19(3): 277-281. |
Honeyman, D. | Nova Scotian Echinodermata. 7: 253-259. Two cable hauls (one at 44°38’N, 50°6’W, 570 fathoms; one at 43°38’N, 66°14’W, 48 fathoms) of marine invertebrates with tabulated summary of species and 2 plates. 7: 260. *The Nautilus of the Brookfield limestone: Nautilus brookfieldi, new species. 7: 13. Geology of Aylesford, Kings County, Nova Scotia. 7: 7-12. Notes of examination by Professor James Hall of the Silurian collection of the Provincial Museum. 7: 14-17. Geology of Halifax and Colchester County Part II. 7: 36-47. The giant Trilobite (Asaphus ditmarsiae) of Moose River Iron mine, Nova Scotia, with an appendix reprinted from Transactions Geological Sociaty Pennsylvania (1834). 7: 63-72. On the identification of A(?): crypturus collected in magnetic iron(Fe) shales at Clements, Moose River, Annapolis County. 7: 63. Glacial geology of Nova Scotia. 7: 73-85. Carboniferous flora with attached spirorbes. 7: 93-94. Our museum meteorites (olivine content), et caetera. 7: 120-130. Nova Scotian superficial geology, (with map), systematized and illustrated. 7: 131-141. Geological recreation in Massachusetts Centre, United States of America. 7: 197-201. Glacial boulders of our fisheries (example from fishing banks) and invertebrates attached and detached (thereto). 7: 205-213. Glacial geology of Cape Breton. 7: 337-344. Geological gleanings in Nova Scotia and Cape Breton. 7: 345-356. Supposed deep-sea fish (? Certias holbolli). 6(1): 85-87. Nova Scotian ichthyology: Addition (8 species) to Jones’ catalogue (Proceedings Nova Scotia Institute Science, 5: 87-97). 6(3): 228-232. Nova Scotia ichthyology. 6(4): 328-330. Notes on a polariscopic examination of crystalline rocks of the Yarmouth gold-bearing series. 6(1): 7-8. Chebucto Nullipores, with attaches. 6(1): 8-12. Glacial transportation in Nova Scotia and beyond (Ottawa & Kingston, Ontario). 6(1): 34-42. Nova Scotian geology, Halifax and Colchester counties. 6(1): 52-67. Glacial action at Rimouski, Canada and Loch Eck, Argyleshire, Scotland. 6(2): 119-121. Notes on a polariscopic and microscopic examination of crystalline rocks of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton. 6(2): 121-130. Glacial distribution in Canada: (reprinted from the Proceedings of the Geological Association, London. 6(2): XIII-XVIII. Geological notes of excursions with members of the British Association and others. 6(3): 166-174. Louisburg, past and present: A historico-geological sketch. 6(3): 191-208. Our glacial problem: (paper read before the American Institute of Mining Engineers, Halifax, September 15, 1885). 6(3): 242-260. Additional notes on glacial action in Halifax Harbour, North West Arm, Bedford Basin. 6(4): 251-260. Polariscopic examination of crystalline rocks of Antigonish County. 6(4): 299-301. Revision of the geology of Antigonish County in Nova Scotia. 6(4): 308-325. Nova Scotian geology (palaeontology). 5: 16-21. Nova Scotian geology: notes to retrospect of 1878. 5: 64-76. Nova Scotian geology: (with descriptions of 19 fossils) Annapolis County continued. 5: 119-136. Geological waifs from the Magdalen Islands. 5: 136-138. Nova Scotia geology: (with a list of fossils collected) notes on the new geological progress map (1:63360) of Pictou County. 5: 192-216. Nova Scotian geology, Digby and Yarmouth Counties. 5: 227-247. Archaean gneisses of the Cobequid Mountains: Magnetitic. 5: 271-275. Nova Scotia (Halifax county) geology (superficial). 5: 319-331. Geological notes: Metalliferous sands. 5: 334-337. Nova Scotian archaeology: Ancient pottery (found near Bridgewater, with a letter from DesBrisay, M describing the find). 5: 217-218. Month among the geological formations of New Brunswick. 4(1): 5-21. Nova Scotian geology – Antigonish County. 4(1): 47-79. Nova Scotian geology – Superficial. 4(2): 109-122. Nova Scotian geology – International Exhibition of 1876. 4(3): 252-260. PreCarboniferous formation of Annapolis and Kings Counties. 4(4): 337-362. Nova Scotia geology, PreCarboniferous, Lower Carboniferous, et cetera retrospect to 1859. 4(4): 439-487. Record of observations on Nova Scotian geology since 1855. 3: 6-18; 3: 31-40. Record of observations on the geology of Nova Scotia since 1865. 3: 62-73. *Notes on the Montague gold mines. 3: 93-94. *On the precarboniferous rocks of the Pictou coal field. 3: 105-108. *On the precarboniferous rocks of the Pictou coal field. 3: 141-143. *On the geology of the iron deposits of Pictou County. 3: 171-173. Notes on the geology of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton. 3: 193-202. On the metamorphism of rocks in Nova Scotia and Cape Breton. 3: 231-237. The history of a boulder (found at Sutherland’s river bridge, Pictou county). 3: 321-326. Nova Scotia geology: Cobequid mountains. 3: 385-393. Nova Scotia geology: Intercolonial Railway. 3: 345-356. The geology (argillite, mica & quartz) of Gay’s River gold field. 2(1): 76-81. On the geological features of the Londonderry Iron Mines. 2(1): 112-118. Notes on iron deposits on East River in the county of Pictou, Nova Scotia. 2(4): 67-73. Geology of Antigonish County with map, Nova Scotia. 1(4): 106-120. Obituaries. 7: 313-314; 320-323; 357-362 (list of geological publications). |
Hoogland, P.L. | *The amino acid composition of cod tropomyosin. 25: 209. |
Hooper, D.L. | Application of 13C NMR spectroscopy to assign of 1H NMR signals of non-equivalent SCH3 groups. 35: 17-20. |
Hope-Simpson, D. | *On the relations of peridotite and dunite of Table Mountain, Western Newfoundland. 25: 182-183. |
Hordwood, J.F. | *An organo-mercury compound C6H12O2Hg formed in pinacol reduction. 18(2): 72. |
Houston, A.H. | *Activity of juvenile chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) during adaptation to sea-water. 25: 181-182. |
How, H. | Additions to the list of Nova Scotian plants (17 (12 indigenous) in addition to those reported in the Flora pages 184-222). 4(3): 312-319. The East Indian Herbarium (168 specimens) of King’s College, Windsor. 4(4): 372. Brief notes on the flora of Nova Scotia: Part 1. 3: 174-176. Notes on the economic mineralogy of Nova Scotia: (Part IV), Gypsum (~41% lime 58% H2SO4) (with table of quantities quarried in 1860 & data for 1854-1867) and anhydrite and the other minerals (borates) they contain. 2(2): 26-36. Notes on the economic mineralogy (Pictou, Cape Breton) of Nova Scotia: (Part V), Coals and allied minerals with analyses of carbon, ash, volatiles and sulphur. 2(3): 128-140. Remarks on the minerals (coal, hematite, pyrolusite, chrysocolla (Cheticamp)) prepared for the Paris Exhibition. 2(1): 25-35. On magnesia-alum or Pickeringite with analysis, containing a little nickel and cobalt, occurring in slate in Hants County. 1(1): 85-87. Notice of the occurrence of a trilobite in the Lower Carboniferous limestone of Hants County. 1(1): 87-88. On the waters of the mineral springs (with analysis mostly Ca & MgSO4) Wilmot, Hants County & spa spring Windsor (mostly CaSO44)), Nova Scotia. 1(2): 26-33. On some brine springs (with analyses) of Nova Scotia. 1(3): 75-80. Notes on the economic mineralogy (iron ores) of Nova Scotia: (Part I). 1(2): 78-86. Notes on the economic mineralogy of Nova Scotia: (Part II), Ores of manganese and their uses. 1(3): 128-138. Notes on the economic mineralogy of Nova Scotia: (Part III), Limestone and marble, With data on “lime burning” (for mortar & cement) of 1851 & 1861. 1(4): 58-66. |
How, H. Jr. | On the analysis (for volatiles, carbon & ash) of two Springhill coals: Communicated by Professor H, How. 4(1): 98-101. |
Howden, H.F. | Late Quaternary History of some Maritime Insects. 27(S3): 61-66. |
Howell, G.D. | Primary production of two small lakes in Atlantic Canada. 37: 71-88. |
Howse, C.K. | Report on the geology of the Purcells Cove area, Halifax County, Nova Scotia. 18(3): 177-191. see Douglas, G.V. 18(4): 293-294. |
Hughes, E.U. | Fresh water algae (537 species) in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island: (4 plates, 41 species). 22(3): 1-63. |
Hughes, L.C. | see McAlpine, D.F. 43: 15-18. |
Hughes, M.L. | see Ackman, R.G. 25: 269. |
Huh, T.Y. | *Phenanthrene, an anti-initiating agent. 25: 210. |
Hurdis, J.L. | Crude notes on storms and how to note them. 2(2): 102-103. On north Atlantic storms. 1(4): 140-146. |
Hutt, D. | Alexander Graham Bell’s optical disc and other inventions. 41: 1-12. |
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Iles, T.D. | The natural history of fisheries management. 30(2) 3-20. see Sinclair, A. 31: 155-172. |
Imrie, D.M.G. | Food of some immature fish of Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy. 31: 149-154. |
Inman, W.R. | see Young, E.G. 19(4): 448. |
Isaacson, P. | *Silicosis: its implications and importance. 19(1): 155. |
Ives, D.A.J. | *The formal total synthesis of lanosterol and agnosterol. 24(3): 332. |
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Jack, P. | see Lawson, G. 6(1): 68-75. |
Jackson, W.J. | The electrical conductivity of calcite. 16: 46-53. |
Jamieson, W.D. | *Vapour-liquid chromatography of carbonyl compounds. 24(1): 51. *The effect of the isothermic transition on 80Br on the reactivity of bromine with tetrachlorides of the group IV elements. 23: 113. |
Janes, R.D. | see Bleakney, J.S. 33: 65-74. |
Jangaard, P.M. | see Ackman, R.G. 25: 269. |
Jessop, B.M. | see Williams, R.R.G. 34: 15-24. |
Jodrey, L.H. | see Coffin, C.C. 22(3): 42; McCarter, J.A. 22(4): 59. |
Johnson, A.C. | see Larsen, P.F. 33: 57-63. |
Johnson, C.R. | see Bird, C.J. 34: 173-176. |
Johnson, F.M.G. | see Chipman, H.R. 17(3): 149-167. |
Johnston, C.E. | Growth, harvest and survival of hatchery-reared and native brook trout (Salvalinus fontinalis) in the Dunk River system, Prince Edward Island. 30(1): 11-30. Observations on the food of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) in the Dunk River system, Prince Edward Island. 30(1): 31-40. Angler harvest of native brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) in the Dunk River system, Prince Edward Island. 30(1): 41-54. Fecundity of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) from a coastal stream in Prince Edward Island. 27: 160-171. |
Johnston, S. | *A microscopical study of polished surfaces of explosive antimony. 18(4): 293. |
Johnston, W.W. | *An undescribed compound of histidine. 20(1): 30. *Fish enzymes as leather bates. 20(2): 54. *Observations on sterile cod livers. 20(4): 298. *The ‘imidazoles’ of fish muscle. 19(1): 154. *Hardened plastics from fish muscle. 18(3): 222. |
Johnstone, H.W. | Halifax water works (with analysis of solids, nitrogen, chlorine etc). 12(1): 72-118. |
Johnstone, J.H.L. | *The ultraviolet absorption spectrum of salmon egg oil. 20(1): 31. The Acadian-Newfoundland earthquake of November 18th 1929. 17(4): 223-237. The electrical resistance and temperature coefficient of ice. 13: 126-144. On the electrical resistance of acetic acid in the solid and liquid phases. 13: 191-208. see Henderson, G.H. 18(3): 221; Longard, J.R. 18(4): 294. Obituary. 27: 102. |
Jollymore, G.C. | see Aldous, J.G. 24(4): 414; 24(3): 333. |
Jones, E.R. | *Intranuclear deutoplasm in the turbellarian Prorhynchus applantus, Rennels. 18(1): 20. |
Jones, G.A. | see Liss, S.N. 39: 27-38. |
Jones, J.M. | List of the fishes of Nova Scotia (corrected to 1879). 5: 87-97. Mollusca (marine and fresh water) of Nova Scotia: (Corrected to date, 1877). 4(3): 321-330. Review of Nova Scotian diurnal Lepidoptera (21 species) Part I. 3: 18-27. Review of Nova Scotian diurnal Lepidoptera (21 species) Part II. 3: 100-103. Note on a small and remarkable Lophoid (Lophius ? americanus) recently taken off Halifax harbour. 3: 103-105. On the vegetation (~110 families & ~535 species identified (with several others to genius level)) of the Bermudas. 3: 237-280. Fortnight in the backwoods of Shelburne and Weymouth (counties, Nova Scotia; with notes on Ursus americanus). 2(1): 48-60. Contributions to the natural history (descriptions of Coralliaria) of the Bermudas. 2(2): 7-16. On some of the rarer birds (Ardea alba, Ardea candidissima, Anus spectabilis, Tringa subarquata, Tringa pectoralis, Tringa schinzii) of Nova Scotia. 2(2): 70-73. On Hyla squirella (squirrel treefrog), a batrachian new to the province (Nova Scotia). 2(2): 101-102. Nova Scotian Coleoptera (20 families; & notes of Diptera from Nova Scotia in the British museum): Part I. 2(3): 141-155. On the Laridae of the Nova Scotian coast (11 species described). 2(4): 52-57. Notes on the marine zoology of Nova Scotia. 2(4): 93-99. Contributions to the (four families) ichthyology of Nova Scotia. 1(1): 45-54. Contributions to the natural history (~33 families of mostly mollusc shells) of the Bermudas. 1(2): 14-26. On the geological features of the Bermudas. 1(4): 18-26. Contributions to the natural history of Nova Scotia reptilia salamandas, frogs, toads & snakes (spotted (Coluber sirtalis), black, ringnecked & green snakes) & turtles. 1(3): 114-128. Obituaries 10: LXXX-LXXXII; 13:LXXXI-LXXXII. |
Jones, H. | see Weld, C.B. 23: 154. |
Jones, T.R. | Notes on some paleozoic bivalved Entomostraca (appendix). 5: 313-314. |
Josenhans, W. | *Studies of the relationship, peripheral resistance and stroke volume in a circulation system. 25: 208-209. *Analysis of ballistograms by means of a circulation model. 25: 210. |
Jost, A.C. | Nova Scotia life table (mortalities of male and female Homo sapiens in 1924). 16: 65-83. |
Judd, W.W. | The white-veined dagger, Simyra henrici Grt (Lepidoptera: Phalaenidae), and its parasites reared from cat-tail. 23: 115-119. Tetrastichus minutus (Howard; Hymenoptera: Eulophidae; 90 pupae collected from birch in Hamilton, Ontario) reared from the lady beetle, Adalia bipunctata L. 22(2): 64-67. Hymenoptera and an inquiline moth reared from goldenrod gall caused byGnorimoschema gallaesolidaginis, Riley (Lepidoptera; on Solidago species in Hamilton, Ontario). 22(4): 1-7. |
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Kanno, Y. | Developing an index of sustainable cold water streams [ISCS] using fish community attributes in River Philip, Nova Scotia; [with 2 appendices, 1 list of species found; 2 ISCS scores]. 42: 319-338. Fresh water fish considerations for aquatic conservation systems planning in Nova Scotia. 42: 375-391. |
Kaplan, J.G. | Analysis of force-area curves of proteins. 23: 91-98. *The economics of anaerobic yeast growth. 25:182. *The application of classical collision theory to problems of enzyme physiology. 25: 210-211. *The Kramer phenomenon: the action of a cell-free extract on the biosynthesis of penicillinase in the absence of specific inducer. 25: 80. *The action of homologous series of aliphatic compounds on the intracellular catalase of yeast. 24(1): 48-49. *Model interfacial systems in the study of intracellular catalase. 24(1): 54. *The control of enzyme synthesis and enzyme activity in living cells. 24(2): 267-268. *Expansion of monomolecular films of protein. 23: 421. *Fibrous protein in amphibian morphogenesis. 23: 158. *The transformation of an enzyme. 23: 384-385. see Fraser, M.J. 23: 382; 23: 387. |
Kaur, B. | Ultrastructure and characteristics of a deep sea bacterium. 42: 421-426. |
Kaushik, R. | Science education; attitude development in science/museum centres. 41: 115-126. |
Ke, P.J. | see Ackman, R.G. 36: 107-114. |
Keddy, C.J. | Study of a Tsuga canadensis stand in Hemlock Ravine, Halifax County, Nova Scotia. 28: 135-147. |
Keeping, F. | *Production of trimethylamine in choline broth by Enterobacteriaceae. 21(2): 91. |
Kehler, D. | Beetle diversity associated with forest structure including deadwood in softwood and hardwood stands in Nova Scotia [with appendix of Coleoptera caught (46)]. 42: 227-239. |
Kenchington, E.L.R. | See Gordon, D.C. 44(1): 1. |
Kennedy, G.T. | Obituary. 12: XXXV-XXXVI |
Kennedy, P.G. | *Efficiency of certain simple electrical filter circuits. 25: 83. |
Kenty, C. | On the radium content of some Nova Scotian minerals (common salt, potash salt, felspar, siliceous slate). 16: 174-175. |
Kepkay, P.E. | The acoustic signature of gas-bearing sediments in two coastal inlets (Halifax harbour & Saint Margaret’s Bay) of Atlantic Canada. 30(1): 1-10. |
Kerekes, J.J. | Predicting trophic response to phosphorus addition in a Cape Breton Island lake. 33: 7-18. see Howell, G.D. 37: 71-88; Alexander, D.R. 36: 63-106; Dale, J. 35: 35-54; Freedman, B. 39: 123-132. |
Kerr, M.I. | see McCorquodale, D.B. 42: 241-252. |
Keyston, J.R. | *Determination of the coefficient of linear expansion at low temperatures using microwaves. 24(3): 337. |
King, E. | The Goldenville-Halifax boundary at Fairview, Nova Scotia. 19(1): 114-118. |
King, H.S. | *The determination of selenium in gold concentrates. 19(2): 211. Preparation of m-xylyl chloride. 18(4): 276-281. Fractional distillation; analysis of organic liquids. 18(4): 272-275. The detection of methanol in the presence of ethyl alcohol. 18(1): 11-13. Sidechain chlorination of toluene. 18(3): 204-212. Attempts to separate the isotopes of mercury by chemical means. 17(1): 28-45. Separatory funnel for washing heavy, volatile liquids. 17(4): 240-241. Notes on the preparation of alkyl iodides. 17(4): 242-243. The preparations of anhydrous pinacol. 17(4): 262-267. Procedure for the qualitative analysis of the group: magnesium, potassium, sodium. 16: 30-34. Modification of the Adam’s method of preparing alkyl (methyl) iodides. 16: 87-91. The action of aqueous ammonia on mercurous chloride. 16: 115-125. Note on a still for the preparation of pure water. 16: 176-177. see Fraser, H.R. 18(1): 21; Hordwood, J.F. 18(2): 72. |
King, M. | see Koeller, P. 44(1): 51. |
King, T.L. | Risk Estimates: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Sydney Harbout Sediments and Lobster. 44(2): 187. |
Knapton, R.W. | see McCorquodale, D.B. 42: 241-252. |
Knight, T.F. | Natural history and its place in the sciences. 2(3): 88-100. Oyster (Ostrea edulis) culture in France. 2(2): 42-51. |
Knop, O. | *X-ray diffraction studies on the lycopodium alkaloids. 23: 156. |
Koeller, P. | Biological and Environmental Requisites for a Successful Trap Fishery of the Northern Shrimp, Pandalus borealis. 44(1): 51. |
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Lakshminarayana, J.S. | Phytoplankton and water quality of the coastal waters of New Brunswick and adjacent areas. 39: 111-122. see Sita Devi, J. 39: 39-50. |
Lakshminarayana, J.S.S. | see Sita Devi, J. 41: 24-38. |
Lambert, T.C. | Overview of the ecology of the Bras d’Or Lakes with emphasis on the fish. 42: 65-98. |
Langille, W.M. | see Young, E.G. 24(4): 412. |
Langis, J. | *The addition of correlated noises. 24(2): 265. |
Langstroth, G.F.O. | *Microwave breakdown in Xenon and Krypton. 25: 84. |
Langstroth, G.O. | On the rate of freezing in fish muscle. 17(3): 206-212. see Chipman, H.R. 17(3): 175-184. |
Lapierre, L.E. | Fall & winter food habits of the Eastern coyote Canis latrans in southwestern New Brunswick. 35: 71-74. The persistence of fenitrothion insecticide in balsam fir (Abies balsamea) deer browse. 29: 211-214. |
Lapp, M.S. | see McAfee, B.J. 40: 1-10. |
Larsen, B.A. | see Hawkins, W.W. 25: 183-184; 25: 208. |
Larsen, P.F. | The macroinvertebrate fauna associated with five sand flats in the northern Gulf of Maine. 33: 57-63. |
Lauff, R. | see Taylor, B.R. 44(2): 109. |
Laughton, P.M. | *A general method for the determination of mobility distributions of proteins. 23: 108. |
Laurence, G.C. | New determination of the range of the alpha particles of uranium (UI, atomic weight 238.2, 234UII (& polonium)). 17(1): 103-106. The ratio of the electrical units of charge. 16: 183-184. |
Lawson, G. | Remarks on some features of the Kentucky flora. 9: 302-306. Notes for flora of Nova Scotia: Part I. 8(1): 84-110. *Notice of a shower of fibrous substance (from spinning glands of a spider ? Nephila) at Gainesville, Florida (with reprint from Scientific American November 19, 1892 page 325). 8(4): 456. Notice of new and rare plants (collected at Blomidon, Kings County, Nova Scotia & at Woodstock New Brunswick). 6(1): 68-75. On the northern limit of wild grape vines (with details of American (Vitis vapina) and Canadian (Vitis labrusca, Vitis cordifola, Vitis riparia) varieties). 6(2): 101-109. On the Canadian species of the genus Melilotus. 6(3): 180-190. Notes on some Nova Scotian plants. 4(2): 167-172. Introductory notes to the description of the East Indian herbarium of Kings College. 4: 369-372. Monograph of Ericaceae of the Dominion of Canada and adjacent parts of British America. 3: 74-80. *On Canadian species of Rubi (Rosaceae) and their geographical distribution. 3: 364-366. Chemical relations of heat: With experiments. 3: 436-438. *On Trichina spiralis. 2(1): 48. Monograph of Ranunculaceae of the Dominion of Canada and adjacent parts of British America with a synopsis of genera & list of species collected. 2(4): 17-52. On the Laminariaceae (8 species & 6 related seaweeds) of the Dominion of Canada and adjacent parts of British America. 2(4): 109-111. On the flora of Canada. 1(2): 75-77. Notice of the occurrence of heather (Calluna vulgaris) at Saint Ann’s Bay, Cape Breton Island. 1(3): 30-35. Notes on Lemania variegata of Agardh. 1(3): 35-38. On some recent improvements (by use of 1:120-150 sodium-mercury amalgam; patented) in the amalgamation process for extracting gold from quartz. 1(4): 71-76. Obituary. 9: XXIII-XXX. |
Lee, S.H. | see Rozee, K.R. 25: 269. |
Leffek, K.T. | Curved arrows and the electronic theory of organic chemistry. 40: 77-94. |
Leim, A.H. | *Location of herring by sonic sounder. 23: 157. Water temperatures in Grand Lake, Nova Scotia. 18(4): 259-262. *Unusual fishes and other forms in Nova Scotian (Halifax harbour) waters. 17: XLVI. see Beatty, S.A. 18(1): 20. |
Lelacheur, R.M. | *A stroboscopic light source. 22(1): 21. |
Leonard, M. | Status and management of roseate terns (Sterna dougallii) in Nova Scotia. 42: 253-262. |
Leonard, V.G. | see Hawkins, W.W. 24(2): 264-265; 24(3): 335; 24(4): 411; 23: 420. |
Levine, J.D. | see Aldous, J.G. 23: 383. |
Levittan, E.D. | see Isaacson, P. 19(1): 155. |
Levy, E.M. | *The kinetics of the reactions of active nitrogen with ethylene, ethane, propane and neopentane. 25: 271. |
Lewin, J. | *Evidence for the role of reduced sulphur compounds in silicon utilization by diatoms. 23: 419. |
Lewin, R.A. | *Dikaryons in Chlamydomonas moewusii. 23: 418. |
Lewis, H.F. | Notes on the spring bird migration of 1914 at Antigonish, Nova Scotia: (91 species identified with notes on population densities). 15: 119-128. |
Lindsay, C.F. | On the presence of acid sulphate of copper in mixtures of aqueous solutions of sulphuric acid and copper sulphate. 10: 205-210. |
Lindsay, A.W.H. | Catalogue of the flora of Nova Scotia. 4(2): 184-222. |
Linton, E.P. | *Smoke-curing of fresh fillets. 19(2): 212. see Cooper, D.LeB. 19(1): 119-120; 19(1): 154; French, H.V. 21(2): 92. |
Lishman, W.E. | Mining, is it a science ?. 11: XLIX-L. |
Liss, S.N. | Lytic effects of 3-(3′-isocyanocyclopent-2′-enylidene)propionic acid on the cellulolytic rumen bacteria Fibrobacter succinogenes and Ruminococcus flavefaciens. 39: 27-38. |
Livingstone, D. | New record for the mastodon, Mastodon americanus, Kerr, from Burnside, Halifax county, Nova Scotia. 22(4): 15-16. |
Livingstone, D.A. | The fresh water fishes of Nova Scotia (with an index of species observed). 23: 1-90. *On the ecological significance of frozen ground. 24(1): 48. *A pollen chronology for the Central Brooks range, Alaska. 24(1): 50. *An attempt to poison coarse fish in a lake while leaving trout unharmed. 22(3): 441. see Hayes, F.R. 24(1): 52-53; 22(4): 61. |
Lloyd, K.M. | see de Freitas, A.S.W. 31: 217-236. |
Lobban, C.S. | Rocky shore zonation at North Rustico and Prim Point, Prince Edward Island, Canada. 34: 25-40. |
Lockhart, C.L. | *Studies concerning the effects of culture filtrates of Fusarium lycopersici on the tomato. 24(3): 337. |
Logan, W.E. | Section of Carboniferous (Cumberland County) rocks from West Ragged Reef to the Joggin’s and Minudie: (From appendix to Geological survey of Canada 1845). 11: 417-499. |
Long, R. | see Beazley, K.F. 42: 359-373. |
Longard, J.R. | *A calibrating instrument for simulating the temperature and pressure conditions in the sea. 22(4): 61. *Modifications to a recording microphotometer. 22(1): 19. *An improved bridge for the measurement of small capacities and some measurements of the variation of dielectric constant of rutile with temperature. 18(4): 294. see Banks, R.E. 23: 109; Ford, W.L. 23: 158. Obituary. 28: 123-124. |
Longhurst, A. | Are Industrialized Fisheries Sustainable? 44(2): 125. |
Lord, F.T. | The development of agricultural entomology in Nova Scotia. 33: 19-46. |
Lorimer, J.W. | see Young, E.G. 25: 81; 25: 183. |
Loring, D.H. | Baseline levels of transition and heavy metals in the bottom sediments of the Bay of Fundy. 29: 335-346. Sources and Distribution of Metal Contamination in Surficial Sediments of Sydney Harbour, Nova Scotia. 44(2): 153. |
Loucks, O.L. | Forest classification for the Maritime Provinces (includes lists of common and binomial names of trees, shrubs and herbs). 25: 85-167. |
Louis, H. | New mineral (louisite, 64% SiO2; 17,3% CaO) from Blomidon, Nova Scotia. 5: 15-16. On the ankerite (also sideroplesite, aragonite, calcite & barytes) veins of Londonderry, Nova Scotia. 5: 47-57. Notes on Nova Scotian mineralogy. 4(4): 423-428. |
Loxton, J. | Pseudoscience and the Paranormal: Obligations and Opportunities for Scientists and Science Educators. 44(2): 203. |
Lucas, Z. | see Catling, P.M. 34: 181-247. |
Luedey, R. | Columella edentula (Draparnaud, 1805) (Pupillidae); a new addition to Nova Scotia’s terrestrial mollusc fauna. 41: 22-23. |
Lutwick, G.S. | *Organo-analytical reagents – aromatic hydroxylamines. 23: 422. |
Lynch, K.D. | see Smith, D.L. 30(1): 109-118. |
Lynds, A. | see Seaward, M.R.D. 41: 90-92. |
Maass, O. | see Chipman, H.R. 17(3): 149-167. |
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Maass, W.S.G. | Moelleropsis (Lecanorales) as a component of Erioderma habitats in Atlantic Canada. 37: 21-36. Pannaria lurida in Atlantic Canada. 36: 131-136. New observations on the distribution & ecology of Cavernularia hultenii in eastern North America. 31: 193-206. Erioderma pedicellatum in North America: a case study of a rare and endangered lichen. 30(1): 69-88. Studies on the taxonomy and distribution of Sphagnum VIII Rediscovery of Sphagnum macrophyllum var burinense. 30(3): 183-188. see Harvey, M.J. 28: 161-162. |
MacDonald, A.D. | *High frequency electrical breakdown in the atmosphere. 26: 243. *Microwave breakdown in air at high altitudes. 25: 82. see Langstroth, G.F.O. 25: 84; Betts, D.D. 23: 155; Bolt, R.H. 22(4): 60. |
MacDonald, I.G. | *The digestibility of white of egg. 16: 197. |
MacDonald, S.D. | Notes on Sable Island. 6(1): 12-33. Sable Island continued. 6(2): 110-119. Sable Island, No,3- Its probable origin and submergence. 6(4): 265-280. Geological notes (on Sable island & Gaspe). 5: 337-340. |
MacDonald, S.F. | see Arsenault, G.P. 25: 267. |
MacFarlane, C. | Observations on the annual growth of Ascophullum nodosum. 18(2): 27-31. see Bell, H.P. 18(2): 134-176. |
MacGregor, J.G. | On finding the ionization of complex solutions of given concentration and the converse problem. 10: 67-78. On a diagram of freezing-point depressions for electrolytes (with summary diagram). 10: 211-235. On the calculation of the conductivity of mixtures of electrolytes. 9: 101-119. On the relation of the physical properties (thermodynamic) of aqueous solutions (of sodium & potassium chlorides) to their state of ionization. 9: 219-245. An act to incorporate the Nova Scotian Institute of Science. 8: V-VI. List of exchanges of Volume 7 with other Scientific Institutions. 8: XV-XXX. On some lecture experiments illustrating properties of saline solutions. 8(1): 71-75. On the graphical treatment of the inertia of the connecting rod. 8(2): 193-202. On the definition of work done. 8(4): 460-464. On the relative bulk of certain aqueous solutions and their constituent water. 7: 368-376. On a noteworthy case of the occurrence of ice in the form of crystalline columns. 7: 377-380. On the measurement of temperature and time. 7: 20-23. On the elementary treatment of the propagation of longitudinal waves. 7: 89-92. On Carnot’s cycle in thermodynamics. 7: 227-230. Note on peculiar aurorae. 6(2): 100. Note on temperatures of maximum density. 6(3): 226-227. On the resistance to the passage of the electric current between amalgamated zinc electrodes and solutions of zinc sulphate. 6 (1): 47-52. On the relative bulk of certain solutions and their constituent water. 6(4): 261-264. Obituary. 14: LXXV-LXXXVII. |
MacHattie, L.E. | *The heat capacity of bismuth between -80° and 120°C. 19(4): 449. |
Machell, J. | see Ogden, J.G. 35: 75-90. |
MacIntosh, D. | Chemical manipulation, Apparatus: gas generators, manometers,etc. 17(1): 71-78. The addition compounds of hydrogen chloride with ether and acetone. 17(2): 4-5. Notes on isomorphism in oxonium compounds. 17(2): 8-9. Experiments with carefully dried substances. 17(2): 34-40. Notes on the specific gravities of liquid and solid sulphuric acid. 17(4): 259-261. Oxonium compounds. 16: 96-103. Liquid H2S as an ionizing medium. 16: 189-195. On the calculation of the conductivity of mixtures of electrolytes having a common ion. 9: 120-133. see Cooper, D.LeB. 17(3): 197-198; Butler, K.H. 17(1): 23-25; 16: 198; Chipman, H.R. 16: 144-146; 16: 189-195. |
MacIntosh, D.S. | The Acadian Newfoundland earthquake. 17(4): 213-222. |
MacIntosh, F.C. | Responses of the bladder and seminal vesicle in the rat. 18(2): 50-52. The mode of action of the anthraquinone purgative in a cat. 18(2): 53-67. |
Mack, G.E. | see Collier, H.B. 21(1): 12. |
MacKay, A. | Obituary. 14: LXVIII. |
MacKay, A.H. | Diatoms of Nova Scotia: collected by MacKay; determined and published (Diatomées du Monde Entier, 2 Ed) by Tempère & Peragallo, Paris, France 1907-15. 15: 175-187. Natural history observations made at several stations in Nova Scotia during the year 1892. 8(3): 378-379. Phenological observations made at several stations in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick during the year 1893. 8(4): 451-455. Phenological observations in Canada (except Quebec) 1894; 1895 & 1896. 9: 59; 195 & 268. Phenological observations in Canada (except Quebec) 1897. 9: 402. Phenological observations in Canada (except Quebec) 1898; 1899 & 1900. 10: 91; 303 & 379. Phenological observations in Canada (except Quebec) 1901. 10: 486. Phenological observations in Canada (except Quebec) 1902; 1903 & 1904. 11: 144; 271; 373. Phenological observations in Nova Scotia 1911. 13: 175-189. The phenology of Nova Scotia 1912. 13: 250-258. The phenology of Nova Scotia 1913. 13: 347-355. The phenology of Nova Scotia 1914. 14(1): 57-65. The phenology of Nova Scotia 1915. 14(2): 133-140. The phenology of Nova Scotia 1916. 14(3): 147-154. The phenology of Nova Scotia 1917. 14(4): 395-402. The phenology of Nova Scotia 1918. 15: 49-56. The phenology of Nova Scotia 1919. 15: 129-136. The phenology of Nova Scotia 1920. 15: 153-160. The phenology of Nova Scotia 1921. 15: 189-196. The phenology of Nova Scotia 1922. 16: 54-64. The phenology of Nova Scotia 1923. 16: 104-113. The fungi of Nova Scotia: First supplementary list (with reports of toxicity of Psilocybe foenisecii. 12(1): 119-138. Fungi of Nova Scotia; a provisional list (with drawings of Pleurotus coldwelli (new species) growing on a fragment of whale bone). 11: 122-143. Botanical notes in Nova Scotia (including description of Crataegus robinsoni; Sargent new species). 11: 286-288. Water-rolled weed-balls (with one plate). 11: 667-670. Fresh-water sponge (Heteromeyenia macouni growing on Myriophyllum tenellum) from Sable Island. 10: 319. Labrador plants (collected by W H Prest on the Labrador coast north of Hamilton Inlet from 25 June to 12 August, 1901). 10: 507-508. Foraminiferous deposit from bottom (2450 fathoms) of the North Atlantic (49°50’N: 40°15’W). 9: 64-67. Batrachia and Reptilia of Nova Scotia. 9: XLI-XLIII. Calcarious algae. 9: XLII-XCIV. Pictou Island (with map, 45°48’N, 62°30’W). 8(1): 76-83. Explosive gas (?hydrogen) generated within the hot water pipes of house heating apparatus. 8(3): 374-377. Notes on Nova Scotia fresh water sponges (Spongilla lacustroides, Meyenia leidii, Meyenia crateriforma, Meyenia everetti). 6(2): 145-148. Notes on the fresh water sponges (with drawing of Heteromeyenia pictouensis new species) of Nova Scotia. 6(3): 233-240. Lichens of Nova Scotia (taxonomic list). 5: 299-307. Obituary. 17: XLVII-LII. |
MacKay, D.C. | *The utilization of sphagnum peat bogs for crop production. 25: 211. Soil maps. 24(1): 55-56. |
MacKay, E. | Obituary. 15: XXVII. |
MacKay, G.M.J. | Contribution to the study (conductivity of solutions) of hydroxylamine. 11: 324-337. |
MacKay, H.S. | Nova Scotia gold districts, their geological formation as proved by borings in the Killag gold district. 8: XXXIX-XLI. |
MacKay, M.E. | Study of early development in Cumingia with special reference to cytology. 17(1): 46-60. *The vascular reaction of the pilocarpinized submaxillary gland to histamine. 17(1): 107. |
MacKay, P. | see Beazley, K.F. 42: 359-373. |
MacKay, T.C. | On the calculation of the conductivity of aqueous solutions containing the chlorides of sodium and barium. 9: 321-334. On the calculation of the conductivity of aqueous solutions of potassium-magnesium sulphate. 9: 348-355. |
Mackenzie, W.B. | Notes on railroad location and construction in Eastern Canada. 8(1): 111-121. |
Mackey, B.E. | Chondrus crispus and carrageenan, a bibliography (1972-1978). 29: 237-312. |
MacKinnon, F. | see Beazley, K.F. 42: 339-357. |
MacKinnon, M.D. | Comparisons of carbon content of the sediments and their pore waters in saltmarshes at Kingsport and Grand Pre, Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia. 29: 373-380. |
MacLean, D.B. | *Chemical studies on the structure of lycopodium alkaloids (annotinine). 23: 156. |
MacLean, J. | see Douglas, G.V. 19(3): 291. |
MacLennan, C.E. | *The role of woodpeckers in the natural control of the codling moth. 24(3): 337. |
MacLennan, D.F. | *Corrosion of aluminium in high temperature water. 25: 180. |
MacLeod, A.V. | *A nutritional survey of young children in Halifax, Nova Scotia. 22(4): 58. |
MacLeod, D.P. | *The determination of morphine in blood and tissues. 24(1): 52. |
MacMillan, F.K. | *A synthesis of benzene labelled with 14C (from 1,5-dibromopentane, via 1,5-dicyanopentane & cyclohexanone; yield 30%). 23: 111. |
MacMillan, G.K. | Preliminary study of the fresh water Gastropoda of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. 23: 389-408. |
MacMillan, J. | see Luedey, R. 41: 22-23. |
MacMillan, J.L. | see Kanno, Y. 42: 319-338. |
MacNeill, R.H. | *Some findings of a geological nature on the islands of Mahone Bay. 24(2): 268. *Glaciofluvial deposits of the sporting lake-stream area. 24(2): 269. *Interim report of investigations in Nova Scotian glacial geology. 24(3): 338. *A local glacier in the Annapolis-Cornwallis valley. 23: 111-112. |
MacPherson, J.D. | *A high intensity generator. 25: 81. see Fothergill, N.O. 25: 271. |
MacPherson, L.B. | *Purification of lecithin. 23: 413. |
MacPherson, M.G. | *The chemical composition of marine algae. 22(3): 46. |
MacSwain, J. | Catalogue (including tabulated migration data) of the birds of Prince Edward Island. 11: 570-592. |
Maessen, O. | see Freedman, B. 39: 123-132. |
Maddock, F.B. | *Organic sulphur compounds in coal gas. 19(4): 449-450. |
Magarvey, R.H. | *The deformation and break-up of large water drops. 24(2): 267. *Physical properties of water drops. 24(2): 268. |
Mainland, D. | Quantitative study of epithelial nuclei of the body of the uterus in carcinoma and in non-maligant hyperplasia. 18(3): 77-105. *Quantitative methods in the study of early mammalian development. 18(2): 52. |
Mann, H. | see Kaur, B. 42: 421-426. |
Mann, K.H. | The impact of man (Homo sapiens) on environmental systems in the Maritimes. 27(S3): 43-46. |
Manske, R.H.F. | The first Neish Memorial Lecture: Science, Society and Survival. 27: 108-113. |
Marett, E. | On the copper and nickel mines at Tilt Cove, Newfoundland. 3: 27-31. Red Indians of Newfoundland: (Letter to the President). 1(4): 139-140. |
Marris, A.W. | *A brief survey of the theoretical considerations concerning the resistance experienced by bodies of various shapes in passing through fluids. 22(4): 60. |
Marshell, J.R. | see Chapman, R.P. 26: 243. |
Martin, E.V. | see Flinn, M.A. 35: 91-98. |
Martin, K. | Canada goose numbers, daily movements and foraging patterns on Prince Edward Island. 33: 107-114. Canada goose hunter profile, success and expenses on Prince Edward Island. 33: 137-144. |
Martin, N.D. | *An analysis of the forest succession in Algonquin Provincial park, Ontario. 24(3): 338. |
Martin-Robichaud, D.J. | see Peterson, R.H. 38: 55-72. |
Mason, F.G. | Fermentation volume control in stirred vessels of working capacity ten litres. 37: 53-62. |
Mason, F.H. | Notes (and analyses) on hydraulic lime (from Barra Head, Nova Scotia) and cement. 11: 179-189. |
Masson, C.R. | *Slide-rule for converting percentages to mole fractions. 25: 80. *Variation of viscosity with rate of shear for a polyelectrolyte of high molecular weight. 24(1): 50. *Viscosity and molecular weight of degraded carrageenin. 23: 420. see Pearce, M.L. 25: 180. Obituary. 38: 189. |
Matheson, B.H. | see Reed, R.W. 23: 419. |
Mathieson, A.C. | Ecology of Chondrus crispus Stackhouse. 27(S1): 53-80. |
Matsumoto, J.J. | *Some biochemical features of scallop muscle proteins. 25: 209. |
Maury, M. | Observations on the tentacles of the Echinus with one plate. 7: 479-480. Contribution to the theory of earthquakes. 7: 475-478. |
McAfee, B.J. | Effects of Pisolithus arhizus and other ectomycorrhizal fungi on in vitro rooting of Pinus monticola adventitious shoots. 40: 1-10. Some aspects of the ecology and physiology of fungi isolated predominantly from the wood of trees of the northern temperate forest. 41: 160-213. The clavaroid fungi of Nova Scotia. 32: 1-73. |
McAlees, A.J. | The biodegradation of L-tyrosine by Trichoderma hamatum to trichoviridin and related compounds. 40: 61-65. see Brewer, D. 41: 39-47. |
McAllister, D.E. | see Gilhen, J. 35: 29-32; 34: 177-180; 31: 251-254; 30(3): 191-194. |
McAllum, A.L. | The action of organic sulphur in coal during the coking process. 12(2): 212-216. |
McAlpine, D.F. | Occurrence of the swamp lymneae, Lymnaea stagnalis (Gastropoda Pulmonata) in Atlantic Canada. 43: 15-18. see Astle, W.O. 35: 21-26. |
McCallion, D.J. | *A cytological study of the oral glands of the fowl, Gallus domesticus. 23: 112. *Tumours in the Amphibia. 23: 388. |
McCallum, A.L. | Scheelite (containing tungstite) in Nova Scotia. 12(3): 250-252. |
McCarter, J.A. | *Spectrofluorimetric analysis of skin in vivo. 25: 84. *The metabolism of 2,2′-dihydroxydiethyl-sulphide and of 2,2′-dichlorodiethyl-sulphide in rats. 24(1): 49-50. *The control of certain factors of dosage in epidermal carcinogenesis. 24(2): 264. *Fluorescence spectrometer for Beckman DU. 24(3): 333. *A conversion of radioactive carbon (14CO3-2 to 14CN–). 23: 108. *Exchange of materials in a lake studied by the addition of radioactive phosphorus below the thermocline. 22(4): 59. see Ball, J.K. 25: 208; Civen, M. 23: 382; Huh, T.Y. 25: 210; MacMillan, F.K. 23: 111; Hayes, F.R. 22(4): 61. |
McCorquodale, D.B. | Do we know beetles? Lessons from new records of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) for Nova Scotia. 42: 209-223. Changes in populations of nesting seabirds on the Bird Islands, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. 42: 241-252. |
McCracken, I.R. | Purifying algal cultures – A review of chemical methods. 38: 145-168. |
McCulloch, A.W. | see Whiteway, S.G. 40: 59-60. |
McCulloch, T. | List of localities for trap minerals in Nova Scotia. 8(2): 160-166. |
McCurdy, G.A. | Differentiation of fresh haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) fillets from cod (Gadus callarius) by the precipitation (antisera) test. 19(3): 237-250. |
McCurdy, M. | Notes on the estimation of potassium as potassium platinic chloride. 16: 142-143. |
McGonigle, R.H. | Three rare fish from Passamaquoddy Bay, New Brunswick. 19(2): 160. Temperature characteristics for certain fresh waters. 19(4): 428-438. |
McGowan, J. | *Survey of wild strawberries (Fragaria virginiana) of Nova Scotia for virus infection. 24(4): 417. |
McGowan, L.J. | see Bishop, C.J. 23: 112; 23: 113. |
McInnes, A.G. | see Feicht, A. 39: 67-74. |
McIntosh, D.S. | Notes on an esker in the interior of Digby county, Nova Scotia. 16: 139-141. Notes on the abnormal wave occurrence on the northern Cape Breton coast. 14(1): 41-46. Study of the Cow Bay, Halifax county beaches (including 2 plates). 14(2): 109-119. Notes on a granite contact zone, near Halifax, Nova Scotia. 13: 244-249. Recent earthquake in Cape Breton. 12(4): 311-312. |
McIntosh, D.M. | Port Hood harbour; its past, present and probable future. 15: 71-82. |
McIntosh, K. | The question of subsidence at Louisburg, Cape Breton. 11: 264-270. |
McKay, A.F. | see Heard, R.D.H. 20(2): 53-54; 20(3): 153a; 20(3): 156; 20(3): 156a. |
McKay, M.R. | *The separation of signals from noise by means of a linear filter. 24(4): 414-415. |
McKenna, K. | see Johnston, C.E. 27: 160-171. |
McKenzie, R.A. | Some marine fish and salp records. 20(1): 13-20. Rare and interesting fishes (8) and salps (Salpa zonaria, Salpa vagina) in the Bay of Fundy and off Nova Scotia. 19(3): 277-281. *Cod (Gadus callarius) and water temperature. 19(1): 154. *Canadian Atlantic cod migrations. 20(1): 31. Some marine records from Nova Scotia fishing waters. 20(2): 42-46. *Eastern Canadian flat-fishes. 20(2): 54. see Vladykov, V.D. 19(1): 17-113. |
McKittrick, F.J.A. | On the measurements of the resistance of electrolytes. 8(4): 381-389. |
McLachlan, J.L. | see Saunders, G.W. 39: 19-26; Novaczek, I. 38: 91-144; Smith, D.L. 30(1): 109-118; 29: 381-392; Ackman, R.G. 29: 501-516; 28: 47-64; Bird, C.J. 28: 65-86; Edelstein, T. 27: 33-42. |
McLaren, I.A. | The birds of Sable Island, Nova Scotia. 31: 1-84. see Stobo, W.T. 27(S2): 9-105. |
McLarren, P.D. | see Babkin, B.P. 16: 196. |
McLennan, H. | *Sodium flux in mammalian muscle. 24(3): 334. |
McLellan, H.J. | *The effect of freezing on the sulphate-chlorinity ratio of sea water. 23: 160. *The voltage sensitivity of two galvanometers in series. 22(1): 21. |
McNaughton, A.G.L. | The organization of research (with emphasis on the National Research Council) in Canada (in 1937; 75th Institute Anniversary address). 19(3): 215-236. |
McPhail, M.K. | *The stimulating action of colchicine on ovulation of the frog’s ovary in vitro. 21(1): 10. *The mouse adrenal gland II: Sensitivity of the X-zone to various hormonal substances. 20(4): 301. *The mouse adrenal gland I: Observations on early development, degeneration and regeneration of the X-zone. 20(4): 300. |
McQuarrie, I.G. | *Correlations affection regeneration and reactivation in Solachnum ampullaceum (L) HEDW. 24(4): 411. |
Melanson, B.M. | *The reaction of active nitrogen with hydrogen bromide. 24(3): 336. |
Mellish, J.T. | Fish culture. 5: 76-81. Notes on the serpents (snakes; as Nova Scotia +? Coluber lineatus) of Prince Edward Island. 4(2): 163-167. |
Merrian, M.K. | see King, H.S. 18(4): 276-281. |
Merrin, M.P. | see Brown, D.S. 40: 67-70. |
Meyer, K.B. | see Bleakney, J.S. 29: 353-372. |
Milford, N. | *Qualitative detection of nitrate esters. 22(2): 77. |
Miller, C.A. | Reserve planning on private land holdings of the forestry company, Stora Port Hawkesbury Limited: Cape Breton Island and Eastern Mainland Nova Scotia. 42: 393-408. see Willison, J.H.M. 42: 183-188. |
Miller, J.D. | Antibiotic activity of the marine fungus Leptosphaeria oraemaris. 39: 51-58. Marine fungi of the Bay of Fundy VI: growth and metabolites of Leptosphaeria oraemaris, Sphaerulina oraemaris, Monodictys pelagica and Dendryphiella salina. 34: 1-8. Fungi of the Bay of Fundy V: fungi from living species of Spartina Schreber. 33: 75-84. see Strongman, D. 35: 99-106. |
Miller, P.A. | see Coffin, C.C. 18(1): 1-10. |
Milligan, G.C. | Ventilation of a tunnel beneath Northumberland Strait. 38: 169-188. |
Milligan, T.G. | see Loring, D.H. 44(2): 153. |
Milner, R.L. | The solubility of gold in ferric sulphate and its geological application. 18(4): 267-271. see Douglas, G.V. 19(3): 291. |
Milue, A. | Concerning the currents on the North East coast of America, (letter). 1(3): 140. |
Mitchell, W.F. | *The circulation of the wind in a cyclonic area in the northern hemisphere. 18(1): 21. |
Mohammed, A. | *Pulse shapes produced by under-water acoustic projectors. 24(4): 413. |
Moharir, Y.E. | see Miller, J.D. 34: 1-8. |
Mookerjea, S. | see Hawkins, W.W. 25: 82; 25: 180. |
Moore, C.L. | The Myxomycetes of Pictou County (with taxonomic key and 5 plates). 12(2): 165-206. Some Nova Scotian aquatic fungi ( with taxonomic key and 24 Figs). 12(3): 217-238. |
Moore, R.G. | Land Mollusca (list of species collected) in the vicinity of Wolfville, Nova Scotia. 25: 187-198. |
Morash, R. | Seedbanks in several recently clear-cut and mature hardwood forests in Nova Scotia. 33: 85-94. |
Moreash, R.A. | see MacIntosh, F.C. 18(2): 50-52. |
Morgan, K. | *Degradative (to 3-O-α-D-galactopyranosyl-D-galactose) studies on λ-carrageenin. 25: 83. |
Morrison, A.M. | On the variation of density (at 20°) with concentration in weak aqueous solutions of cobalt and nickel sulphates. 8(1): 132-136. Note on the variation of density with concentration in weak aqueous solutions of cobalt sulphate. 7: 481-484. |
Morrison, M.F.MacK. | see Collier, B.C. 20(3): 121-126. |
Morrow, R. | Tubes in the feet of a moose (Cervus alces). 5: 161. Notes on the bones of a Salmo salar specimen from Labrador (with an appendix of the skeletal anatomy & 11 plates). 5: 162-188. Intestinal canal (length, 64,31 m) of the moose (Cervus alces). 5: 313. On the bones of Lophius piscatorius – angler fish, devil fish, goose fish etc. 5: 340-357. Note to Poole’s paper on the ice storm of January, 1881. 5: 298-299. Note on the Caribou (Rangifer groenlandicus). 4(2): 179. (Anatomical) Notes on the Caribou (Rangifer groenlandicus). 4(3): 281-300. Translation; Camper, P (1771) “Of the structure of the bones in birds and of their differences in the various species” 3: 449 et seq, Paris, 1803. 4(4): 403-423. |
Morse, M.E. | see Collier, B.C. 20(3): 121-126. |
Mortensen, E. | see Randall, R.G. 39: 99-110. |
Morton, H.S. | Studies on the Pancreatic (pilocarpin) gland. 17(1): 91-102. |
Moseley, M. | Overwintering Leiobunum elegans (Opilines, Phalangiidae) in caves and mines of Nova Scotia. 41: 216-218. |
Moseley, M. | Woodville Ice Cave (Hants County, Nova Scotia) and Notes on the ‘Ice Caves’ of the Maritime Provinces. 44(1): 73. |
Mott, R.J. | Post-glacial history and environments in southwestern New Brunswick. 27(S3): 67-82. |
Munn, R.E. | *An objective aid for forecasting zero and sub-zero temperatures for Halifax, Nova Scotia. 23: 382. |
Munro, L.A. | Study of molybdenum blue, its properties and composition. 16: 9-24. |
Murashov, V.V. | A first principles approach to thermal conductivity measurements of solids. 40: 71-76. |
Murphy, M. | Supplementary notes on destroyers (Limnoria lignorum) of submerged wood in Nova Scotia (with 1 plate). 8(2): 215-222. The tides of the Bay of Fundy. 7: 48-62. Terrestrial magnetism. 7: 291-309. Our common roads including engineering details and cost of maintenance. 7: 429-463. Some physical features of Nova Scotia with notes on glacial action. 6(2): 130-145. Report of delegate (Murphy) to the Royal Society of Canada, May 1883. 6(3): 241. On the ravages of Teredo navalis and Limnoria lignorum on piles and submerged timber in Nova Scotia, and the means adopted in other countries to prevent their attacks (with 1 plate). 5: 357-376. |
Murphy, S.T. | Location of foraging activity by black duck (Anas rubripes) broods in a Nova Scotia estuarine marsh. 39: 59-66. |
Murray, A.E. | The effect of velocity on diffusion rates. 17(3): 168-171. |
Murray, I.M. | *Assessment of physiological age by combination of several criteria – vision, hearing, blood pressure and muscle force. 23: 108-109. |
Murray, J. | see Hicks, G.S. 36: 59-62. |
Musgrave, F.F. | see Young, E.G. 18(1): 21a. |
Myers, W.J. | Abstract of Meteorological Register, Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2(1): 119-120. Notes on the weather at Halifax, Nova Scotia during 1866 (with some phenological observations). 2(1): 60-67. Notes on the weather at Halifax Nova Scotia during 1863 with comparisons of the temperature of that place with some other parts of British North America. 1(2): 68-75. Notes on the weather at Halifax during 1864 with data for Halifax for December & January 1809,1810 & 1811. 1(3): 102-107. Notes on the weather (aurora noted on 55 nights, & phenology) at Halifax, Nova Scotia during 1865. 1(4): 51-58. |
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Nash, D.M. | see Ackman, R.G. 29: 501-516. |
Neaves, W.M. | see Hooper, D.L. 35: 17-20. |
Needler, A.W.H. | Preliminary list (33 species) of the fishes of Malpeque Bay, Prince Edward Island. 20(2): 33-41. see Homans, R.E.S. 21(2): 15-49. |
Neelin, J.M. | see Dingle, J.R. 24(1): 51. |
Neil, K. | Additions to the Macrolepidoptera of Nova Scotia. 29: 197-200. An annotated list of the Macrolepidoptera of Sable Island. 28: 41-46. |
Neilands, J.B. | *The distribution of thiaminase in the tissues of some aquatic animals of Nova Scotia. 21(4): 660. *The inhibition of triamineoxidase I: Products of protein cleavage. 21(3): 648. |
Neish, A.C. | *Formation of cinnamic acid derivatives (4-coumaric acid) by enzymic deamination of the corresponding phenylalanine derivatives. 25: 270. Obituary. 27: 103. |
Newsham, L.G. | *Influence of geometry on Geiger counter characteristics. 23: 110. |
Nickerson, C.B. | Modification of the procedure for the qualitative separation of the metals of the alkaline earth group. 16: 25-29. Rearrangement of procedure (qualitative analysis) for the removal of phosphate ions from the iron and alkaline earth groups. 13: 95-98. |
Nickerson, E.O. | see King, H.S. 19(2): 211. |
Nickerson, J.L. | An attempt to measure the range of the alpha particle of thorium. 18(1): 20. see Henderson, G.H. 17(4): 256-258. |
Noble, W.J. | *The halo method of age determination of minerals. 19(3): 291. |
Novaczek, I. | Investigations of marine algae of Nova Scotia XVII – vertical & geographic distribution of marine algae on rocky shores of the Maritime Provinces. 38: 91-144. |
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Odense, P.H. | *The comparative biochemistry of some subtropical marine invertebrates. 25: 179 *The nature of the heat stable protein isolated from cod muscle. 25: 267. |
Ogden, J.G. | The concept of the perilimnion. 36: 137-142. Ionic and mass balances in a dilute acidified brown water lake. 35: 75-90. Isotopic geochemistry and environmental change. 27(S3): 103-109. |
Ogilvie, J.D.B. | see Foran, M.R. 21(4): 659. |
Ohshima, T. | see Ackman, R.G. 36: 107-114. |
O’Keefe, S.F. | Vitamins A, D, and E in Nova Scotian cod liver oils. 37: 1-9. |
Olafsson, S. | see Eyjolfsdottir, G. 38: 23-41. |
O’Neill, A.N. | *3,6-Anhydro-D-galactose as a constituent of carrageenin. 24(1): 51-52. *Sulphated derivatives of laminarin. 24(3): 332. |
O’Neill, J.T. | see Daborn, G.R. 29: 173-184. |
Ord, M.J. | *The use of nuclear transfer techniques in radiation studies. 24(4): 410. |
Ord, Muriel, J. | Spongilla nova terrae Potts; a fresh water (Bluff, and Eagle lakes, Halifax county) sponge new to Nova Scotia. 22(4): 8-14. New records for the distribution of certain land Mollusca (Slugs: Deroceras reticulatum, Deroceras eaeve, Arion circumscriptus, Arion hortensis, Arion subfuscus) in Nova Scotia. 22(3): 16-36. *The cytology of the Molluscan cell. 22(4): 62. see Watts, A.H.G. 22(3): 44. |
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Painter, T.J. | *Some aspects of wood chemistry. 25: 83. |
Palmer, A.J.M. | Some observations on the relationship between high tide levels and coastal resources in Cumberland Basin. 29: 347-352. Diatom stratigraphy of Basin Head Harbour, Prince Edward Island. 28: 201-216. |
Panikar, N.K. | *Some consideration of osmotic pressure phenomena in the Crustacea. 21(1): 9. |
Parker, D. | Obituary. 12: XXXIV-XXXV. |
Parkinson, V.O. | Survey of infestation of crops by Striga species in Benin, Nigeria & Togo. 39: 1-10. |
Parlee, N.A.D. | *The effect of molecular structure on the rate of unimolecular gas reactions. 19(3): 292. see Dacey, J.R. 19(2): 213. |
Paterson, J. | Rational drug design: a window into the ambitious quest of a neurologist and chemist. 43: 235-243. |
Patriquin, D.G. | see Blacklock, N.G. 30(1): 89-108; Smith, D.L. 29: 381-392. |
Patterson, G. | Notes on the dialect of the people of Newfoundland. 9: XLIV-LXXVII. The Magdalene Islands (with notes by A H MacKay 8: VIII-X). 8(1): 31-57. The stone age in Nova Scotia as illustrated by a collection of relics presented to Dalhousie College. 7: 231-252. Obituary. 9: XLV-XCVIII. |
Pattison, F.L.M. | *An investigation of pharmacologically-active fluorine compounds. 22(2): 75. *The fluorophosphonates, a new type of war gas. 22(2): 76. |
Patwary, M.U. | An apparent absence of heterosis in hybrids of Gracilaria tikvahiae (Rhodophyceae). 33: 95-100. |
Pearce, M.L. | *Determination of oxygen in iron and steel by isotope dilution. 25: 180. |
Pedras, M.S.C. | see McAfee, B.J. 40: 1-10. |
Peill, J. | see Whiteway, S.G. 35: 55-66. |
Peirce, J.A. | see Foran, M.R. 21(4): 659. |
Pelluet, D. | Schizoporella unicornis – a bryozoan new to Canada. 19(2): 157-159. *Mineral constituents of some land gastropods. 23: 160. *Effects of visible radiation on the ovotestes of the slug, Deroceras reticulatum. 23: 420-421. *Criteria for the recognition of developmental stages in salmon (Salmo salar). 21(2): 91. *Quantitative changes in the cytoplasmic constituents of developing echinoderm larvae. 19(3): 292. see Hayes, F.R. 21(3): 648; 19(3): 290. |
Pennachetti, C. | see Daborn, G.R. 29: 315-334; 29: 465-482. |
Pentz, I. | see Young, E.G. 21(1): 12. |
Perkins, G.H. | On a skeleton of a whale in the Provincial Museum, Halifax, Nova Scotia with notes on the fossil Cetacea of North America (with 8 plates). 12(2): 139-164. |
Perrin, J. | Additions to the catalogue of butterflies(2) and moths(60) collected (not previously reported) in the neighbourhood of Halifax, Nova Scotia. 14(1): 49-56. Catalogue of butterflies and moths mostly collected in the vicinity of Halifax and Digby, Nova Scotia. 12(3): 258-290. |
Perry, W.F. | *Adrenal function in pantothenic acid deficiency. 23: 385. |
Peterson, R.H. | Community analysis of fish populations in headwater lakes of New Brunswick & Nova Scotia. 38: 55-72. see Freedman, B. 39: 123-132. |
Petrie, B. | The oceanography of the Bras d’Or Lakes. 42: 1-8. The Physical oceanography of the Bras d’Or Lakes. 42: 9-36. see Frank, K.T. 43: 185-198. |
Pettingill, O.S. | The bird life of the Grand Manan Archipelago (New Brunswick). 19(4): 293-372. |
Philip, J.H. | see Bigelow, H.E. 17(3): 193-196. |
Phillips, J. | *Aspects of 32P metabolism in lakes. 24(3): 336. |
Phinney, J.I. | see Young, E.G. 22(2): 74. |
Pickett, A.D. | *Some ideas, partially unorthodox, regarding insects. 24(1): 55. |
Pickrill, R.A. | Marine geology in Atlantic Canada – a government perspective. 43: 91-109. |
Piers, H. | Accidental occurrence of the Man-eater or Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) in Nova Scotian waters. 18(3): 192-203. On a new tungsten (scheelite) deposit at Lower Sackville, Halifax County. 16: 38-45. Accidental occurrence in Nova Scotia of the rock ptarmigan (Lagomus rupestris welchior Lagomus rupestris rupestris) with remarks on the status of Lagomus welchi as a specific name. 16: 1-8. Coregonus labradoricus, the sault whitefish, an interesting addition to the fresh water fish fauna of Nova Scotia. 16: 92-95. The blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun: Extension of its range northward to near Halifax, Nova Scotia. 15: 83-90. Accidental occurrence of the Pigmy Sperm Whale (Kogia breviceps) on the coast of Nova Scotia: an extension of its known range with remarks on the probability of the former presence in these waters of the true Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus). 15: 95-114. List of a small collection of ants (Formicidae, 13 species) obtained in Queens County, Nova Scotia by the late Walter H Prest. 15: 169-173. The Orthoptera (Cockroaches, Locusts, Grasshoppers and Crickets) of Nova Scotia; with descriptions of the species and notes on their occurrence and habits(with map and several plates). 14(3): 201-354. History of the first 50 years of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science & the events leading to its formation, with biographical sketches of its presidents (deceased) & other members. 13: LIV-LXXX. Brief account of the Micmac Indians of Nova Scotia and their remains (with bibliography of studies of the tribe). 13: 99-125. Mastodon remains in Nova Scotia. 13: 163-174. The occurrence of European birds in Nova Scotia. 13: 228-239. Observations on a fish (Chylomycterus schoepli) [common barrfish, rabbit fish] new to the fauna of Nova Scotia. 10: 110-111. Relics of the Stone Age in Nova Scotia (with 3 plates). 9: 26-58. Preliminary notes on the Orthoptera (14 species) of Nova Scotia. 9: 208-218 Notes on (mostly birds) Nova Scotian zoology. 9: 255-267. Notes on Nova Scotia zoology (birds, few reptiles & Lamna cornubica (Beamaris shark), 2,22 m long). 8(2): 175-184. Notes on Nova Scotian zoology (birds). 8(4): 395-410. On the nidification of the winter wren (Troglodytes hiemalis) in Nova Scotia. 8(2): 203-207. Remarks on the Japanese Magic Mirror in the Provincial Museum. 7: 118-119. Aboriginal remains of Nova Scotia with 1 plate. 7: 276-290. Studies in the Provincial Museum: 1, Fishes: 2, Fish development. 7: 95-99. Larva of May beetles (Lachnosterna quercina) with parasitical fungus. 7: 273. Notes on Nova Scotian zoology (including Orthagoricus mola (sunfish) captured, October 1874 near Rockingham, Bedford Basin). 7: 467-474. |
Piggott, C.L. | *The Stark effect in silver. 24(1): 50. |
Pimentel, D. | Food, energy and the environment: fourth Neish memorial lecture. 31: 85-100. |
Pincock, J.A. | see Leffek, K.T. 40: 77-94. |
Piper, D.J.W. | see Shaw, J. 42: 127-147 see Pickrill, R.A., 43: 91-109. |
Pollock, M.R. | see Kaplan, J.G. 25: 80. |
Ponder, E. | see Davson, H. 20: 55. |
Poole, H. | On the meteorology of Glace Bay, Cape Breton, 1867. 2(2): 51-57. On the meteorology of Glace Bay, Cape Breton, 1868. 2(3): 100-102. On the meteorology of Glace Bay, Cape Breton, 1869. 2(4): 73-82. On the meteorology of Glace Bay, Cape Breton, 1870. 3: 89-91. On the meteorology of Glace Bay, Cape Breton, 1871. 3: 143-150. On the meteorology of Glace Bay, Cape Breton, 1872. 3: 285-288. On the characteristic fossils of different coal seams in Nova Scotia (with sections (1:63360) through Pictou coal field). 1(1): 30-45. |
Poole, H.S. | *Comparison of monthly mean temperatures, Halifax, Nova Scotia and Plymouth, Great Britain. 13: 52. Senecio jacobaea (Saint James Ragwort) and Callimorpha jacbaea (Cinnabar moth). 13: 279-284. Is there coal under Prince Edward Island?. 11: 1-8. The sunken land of Bus, (with chart of soundings (1903; grid 32°40′-33°50’W & 53°-53°50’N). 11: 193-198. On the age of the conglomerate capping the Cambrian rocks of Nova Scotia. 11: 236-244. Subsidence of the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia. 11: 262-263. Pre-cambrian volcanic bombs from near Lake Anslie, Inverness County, Cape Breton. 11: 339-346. Notes on a Cape Breton mineral (Hübnerite) containing tungsten and on the effects of washing certain Cape Breton coals. 10: 245-247. Stigmaria (from coal measures at Stellarton) structure (with two plates). 10: 345-347. Notes on the fossils of the genus Dictyonema in slates from Angus Brook, New Canaan, and Kentville, Nova Scotia. 10: 451-454. The Pictou coal field- a geological revision (with section, 2 fault diagrams & map (1:63360)). 8(3): 228-343. The Pictou coal field- a geological revision. 8(3): 380(Errata). Surface geology of the Pictou coal field. 7: 388-393. Ice in the Carboniferous period. 7: 202-204. The ice storm of January, 1881. 5: 297-298. Extract from Poole’s letter respecting a journey to Deep Creek Valley, on the Nevada frontier, 150 miles from Salt Lake City. 3: 150-152. On the great American desert (Utah, United States). 3: 208-220. see Logan, W.E. 11: 417-499. Obituary. 14: LXVIII-LXIX. |
Porter, S.L. | Adiantum pedatum in Nova Scotia. 40: 45-46. |
Pottie, J. | see Young, E.G. 19(3): 291. |
Powers, S. | The geology of a portion of Shelburne county, Nova Scotia (with map & 4 plates). 13: 289-307. |
Prange, R.K. | Responses of the ostrich fern Matteuccia struthiopteris (Todaro), to lime, soil moisture, and irradiance. 30(3): 171-182. |
Prager, U.E. | Stump sprout formation by red maple (Acer rubrum) in Nova Scotia. 28: 93-100. |
Prest, W. | Suggestion for anthropological work in Nova Scotia. 13: 35-39. |
Prest, W.H. | Esker excavation in Nova Scotia. 15: 33-45. On the nature and origin of the eskers of Nova Scotia. 14(4): 371-393. Report on cave (Miller’s creek, Frenchman’s & Five mile river) examination in Hants county, Nova Scotia. 13: 87-94. Edible wild plants of Nova Scotia. 11: 387-416. On drift ice as an eroding and transporting agent. 10: 333-344. Supplementary notes on drift ice as an eroding and transporting agent. 10: 455-457. Glacial succession in central Lunenburg. 9: 158-170. Evidence of the post glacial extension of the southern coast of Nova Scotia. 8(2): 143-147. Deep mining in Nova Scotia. 8(4): 420-434. Obituary. 15: XLI-XLIII. |
Prime, H.C. | see MacLean, D.B. 23: 156. |
Prince, E.E. | The swimbladder of fishes; a degenerate gland (with 4 anatomical plates). 11: 199-226. |
Prince, J.S. | see Mathieson, A.C. 27(S1): 53-80. |
Prouse, N.J. | Distribution and abundance of mysids in the Cumberland basin, upper Bay of Fundy. 36: 1-12. |
Purdy, C.A. | see MacNeill, R.H. 23: 111-112. |
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Qadri, S.U. | see de Freitas, A.S.W. 31: 217-236. |
Quilliam, J.P. | see Davson, H. 20: 54. |
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Ragab, M.T.H. | Fate of glycophosphate in a sandy loam soil and analysis for residues in field grown crops. 35: 67-70. Thiram dormant spray for the control of Taphrina communis (Sadeb) and its residues in plum fruit. 35: 107-108. |
Ragan, M.A. | Bioactivities in marine genera of Atlantic Canada: the unexplored potential. 34: 83-132. |
Railton, J.B. | Post-glacial history of Nova Scotia. 27(S3): 37-42. |
Ratanayake, W.M.N. | see Ackman, R.G. 36: 107-114; 31: 207-216. |
Randall, R.G. | Comparative production of Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon) and Salmo trutta (brown trout) in a small Nova Scotia stream. 39: 99-109. |
Raymond, J. | see Petrie, B. 42: 1-8. |
Read, H.C. | see McPhail, M.K. 20(4): 301; 20(4): 300. |
Reed, R.W. | *Slide culture of Tubercle bacilli. 23: 422. *Experimental nephritis due to type specific Streptococci. 23: 419. *An epidemic of acute nephritis. 23: 418. |
Reid, A.P. | Natural history and the fisheries. 4(2): 131-137. Mortality rates of ancient and modern times. 4(3): 245-251. The economy of timber and preservation of structures from fire and decay. 3: 326-333. Agriculture allied to chemistry. 3: 404-410. |
Reid, T. | see Foran, M.R. 22(1): 20. |
Reilly, C.A. | *The use of a bolometer as a molecular beam detector. 22(4): 61. |
Renfrew, D.E. | Castilleja coccinea (L) Spreng (Scrophulariaceae) a first record for Nova Scotia. 33: 145-146. |
Retallack, J.G. | *Fundamental particles in the cosmic radiation. 23: 421. |
Retson, M.E. | see Ackman, R.G. 25: 210. |
Rice, F.A.H. | *Isolation of fructuronic acid from Irish moss (Chondrus crispus). 21(3): 648. *The stabilizing power of Irish moss (Chondrus crispus) towards insoluble inorganic salts. 21(3): 649. see Young, E.G. 21(1): 10; 21(2): 92. |
Richardson, D.H.S. | see Seaward, M.R.D. 41: 90-92. |
Ritchie, S.G. | Determination of the initial and final sets of Plaster of Paris. 18(4): 263-266. |
Robar, T.L. | Cortinarii of Nova Scotia: I, Taxa in the subgenus Dermocybe Fr. 31: 121-148. |
Robb, D.W. | True surfaces and accurate measurements. 9: 21-25. Steam boiler tests as a means of determining the calorific value of fuels. 8(1): 9-18. |
Robeson, E.H. | An unusual deglaciation feature near Thomson Station, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia. 29: 147-152. |
Robinson, C.B. | Early intervale flora of E Nova Scotia. 10: 502-506. |
Robinson, D.K. | *The velocity of sound in solid argon. 24(2): 265. |
Robinson, S.M. | see Bleakney, J.S. 30(1): 55-64. |
Rogers, D.H. | *The phase contrast principle in microscopy. 22(3): 47. |
Roitman, E. | *Effect of pancreatic extracts on ketone-body metabolism of rat liver slices. 23: 387. |
Roland, A.E. | The Flora of Nova Scotia: Part I, The Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, and Monocotyledons. 26: 3-238. The Flora of Nova Scotia: Part II, The Dicotyledons. 26: 277-732. The flora of Nova Scotia. 21(3): 95-642. The ferns (43 species) of Nova Scotia. 20(3): 64-120. see Dore, W.G. 20(4): 177-288. |
Roscoe, M.V. | *The cytology of certain cultivated apples. 18(4): 292. |
Ross, A. | Zones of lines of elevation in the earth’s crust. 3: 126-141. Evolution. 3: 410-435. The fibrin of the blood; constitution and functions as explained by Doctor Charles Girard of Paris. 3: 367-369. |
Ross, D.M. | Monstrosities in salmon embryos. 18(4): 245-253. *The metabolism of developing salmon eggs: a quantitative study of the total fat content. 19(2): 212. |
Ross, R.K. | Comparison of the feeding & nesting requirements of the great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) & double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus Lesson) in Nova Scotia. 27: 114-133. |
Ross, W.H. | Contribution to the study of hydroxylamine (its preparation & properties) and its salts. 11: 95-114. |
Rozee, K.R. | *Poliovirus adsorption to cultured mammalian cells and homologous antibody. 25: 269. *The influence of pH upon the toxicity of fluoroacetic acid. 24(1): 48. see Aldous, J.G. 24(2): 265. |
Russell, D.W. | Obituary. 41: 222-226. Disiloxanes and other artifacts from a reversed-phase high pressure chromatography column identified by mass spectroscopy. 37: 13-20. see Brewer, D. 38: 73-82. |
Russell, J. | see Perrin, J. 12(3): 258-290. |
Rutherford, J. | On a peculiarity in the Blockhouse seam, Cow Bay, Cape Breton. 2(3): 18-22. |
Ryan, D.E. | see Lutwick, G.S. 23: 422. |
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Sabean, B.C. | see Alexander, D.R. 36: 63-106. |
Safer, A. | see Stewart, J.E. 43: 19-44. |
Saunders, G.W. | Taxonomic considerations of the genus Rhodophysema and the Rhodophysemataceae fam nov (Rhodophyta, Florideophycidae). 39: 19-26. |
Saunders, R.L. | see Young, E.G. 21(4): 658. |
Saunderson, E.C. | The early development of the chondrocranium of Salmo salar. 19(1): 121-147. |
Savard, M.E. | see Miller, J.D. 39: 51-58. |
Schachter, M. | *The stimulatory actions of anaesthesia on gastric secretion. 22(3): 42. *Sensitization of the gastric glands to histamine after complete vagotomy. 22(3): 46. see Byrne, G.M. 22(4): 62. |
Sherwood, A.R. | Observational record: epilithic diatoms of the stream outflow of Williams Lake, Nova Scotia, with new records for the Province. 42: 225-226. |
Schofield, D. | *An improved ceramic for the generation of ultrasonics. 24(3): 332-333. |
Schwartz, P.Y. | Lake classification in Nova Scotia from phosphorus loading, transparency and hypolimnetic oxygen consumption. 36: 13-26. see Underwood, J.K. 39: 11-18. |
Schwartzentruber, K. | see Brewer, D. 39: 79-98. |
Scott, D. | see Chagué-Goff, C. 41: 149-159. |
Scott, F.W. | Annotated list of the mammals of Nova Scotia. 42: 189-208. |
Scott, W.A. | see Belyea, H.R. 18(4): 225-239. |
Seaward, M.R.D. | Lichens of Beaver Brook, Nova Scotia. 41: 90-92. |
Semple, R. | see Sharp, G. 44(1): 79. |
Seymour, N.R. | see Murphy, S.T. 39: 59-66. |
Sharp, G. | Additional Records of a Non-native Fish, The Snowy Grouper, (Epinephelus niveatus) in Nova Scotian Waters. 44(1): 79. |
Sharp, G.J. | see Tremblay, D.M. 38: 43-54. |
Shaw, J. | The geology of the Bras d’Or Lakes, Nova Scotia. 42: 127-147. see Taylor, R.B. 42: 149-174. |
Shinners, W. | see Odense, P.H. 25: 267. |
Sigurdsson, G.J. | *On the carbohydrate metabolism of certain bacteria causing decomposition of fish. 20(4): 297. *The relative rate of reduction of trimethylamine oxide and sodium nitrate by certain fresh fish spoilage bacteria. 20(4): 301. |
Silberberg, M. | *Behaviour of thyroid under the influence of two growth stimuli simultaneously applied. 19(2): 210. |
Silberberg, R. | *The behaviour of bone and cartilage of young guinea pigs under the influence of anterior pituitary extract of cattle. 19(2): 210. |
Silver, A.P. | List of Nova Scotian butterflies. 7: 86-88. |
Sinclair, A. | An analysis of some biological characteristics of the 4X juvenile-herring (Clupea harengus) fishery. 31: 155-172. |
Sinclair, M. | see Couture, R. 32: 297-312; Sinclair, A. 31: 155-172. |
Sinclair, R.B. | On pisciculture. 1(4): 26-32. |
Sinclair, V.L. | see Strong, K.W. 30(1): 65-68. |
Singer, S.S. | Preliminary notes on the mitochondria of the parathyroid of the white rat. 17(2): 14-25. |
Sita Devi, J. | Studies on the phytoplankton and the water quality at Greenfield, Clwyd, U.K. 41: 24-38. Studies on the phytoplankton and the water quality of Malpeque Bay, Prince Edward Island, Canada. 39: 39-50. see Lakshminarayana, J.S. 39: 111-122. |
Slemon, G.R. | *Equivalent electrical circuits for electro-magnetic machines. 24(1): 49. |
Small, C.W. | see Bauld, W.S. 20(3): 154. |
Smith, D.G. | *The combined amino acids in several species of marine algae. 24(1): 53a. *On the nitrogenous constituents of Fucus. 23: 384. see Young, E.G. 24(2): 266; Feicht, A. 39: 67-74. |
Smith, D.L. | Angiosperm productivity in two saltmarshes of Minas Basin. 30(1): 109-118. Nitrogen fixation as determined by acetylene reduction,in two salt marshes of Minas Basin. 29: 381-392. |
Smith, E.C. | see Roland, A.E. 26: 3-238; 26: 277-732; Bentley, P.A. 24(1): 1-15; 24(4): 376-378; Collin, E.H. 23: 112. |
Smith, H.W. | Fertilizers on sandy soil. 8(1): 122-131. |
Smith, M. | *Some effects of temperature on the embryonic development of salmon (Salmo salar). 22(3): 47. |
Smith, M.W. | Fresh water Cladocera and Copepoda from (4 lakes in) New Brunswick & (5 lakes in) Nova Scotia. 19(1): 11-16. Survey of Lake Jesse (Yarmouth county) Nova Scotia. 19(3): 253-263. The fish population of Lake Jesse (Yarmouth county) Nova Scotia. 19(4): 389-427. see McGonigle, R.H. 19(2): 160. |
Smith, P.C. | see Boates, J.S. 29: 489-500; Hicklin, P.W. 29: 483-488. |
Smith, P.S. | see Daborn, G.R. 29: 153-172. |
Smith, R.P. | see Young, E.G. 21(2): 93. |
Smith, W. | Some account of the life of Titus Smith 1768-1850. 1(4): 149. |
Smith, W.H. | Obituary. 10: LXXXIV-LXXXV. |
Snaith, T.V. | The distribution, status and habitat associations of moose in mainland Nova Scotia. 42: 263-286. [with Appendix 1 “Habitat components”, 42: 287-295. Appendix 2 “Species in Moose diet”, 42: 296-299. Appendix 3 “Management”, 42: 300-302. Appendix 4 “Moose population densities”, 42:303-317] see Beazley, K.F. 42: 339-357. |
Snow, D.G. | see Munn, R.E. 23: 382. |
Snow, J.M. | *The colorimetric estimation of fish muscle protein. 22(1): 21. *Spoilage of gutted cod stored in crushed ice. 21(3): 650. |
Sollows, J.D. | see Cooke, H.B.S. 40: 19-28. |
Somers, J. | On an arborescent variety of Juniperus communis of Linnaeus, occurring in Nova Scotia and not previously noted in our flora. 9: 175-179. Nova Scotian fungi (mostly macro, 16 species). 7: 464. Additions to the list of Nova Scotian (macro) fungi (15 species). 7: 18-19. On the bone in the heart (septal side of aorta) of the Moose (Cervus alces). 6(1): 75-77. On the winter food of the Partridge (ruffled grouse, Bonassa umbellus) and on partridge poisoning (of Homo sapiens by ?Kalmia angustifolia). 6(1): 78-84. New and rare plants (groundnut (Apias tuberosa), Cypriped acaula White). 6(4): 281-282. Additions to the list of Nova Scotian (macro) fungi. 6(4): 287-288. Experimental microscopy. 5: 81-85. Notes on the anatomy of a seal from Magdalen Islands. 5: 155-161. Contribution towards the study of Nova Scotian Mosses (20 species). 5: 9-13. Contribution towards the study of Nova Scotian Mosses (20 species). 5: 269-270. Contribution towards the study of Nova Scotian Mosses (20 species). 4(4): 362-369. Nova Scotian fungi (macro). 5: 188-192. Nova Scotian fungi (macro). 5: 247-253. Nova Scotian fungi (macro). 5: 332-333. Introduction to a synopsis of the flora (4: 184-222) of Nova Scotia. 4(1): 181-183. On a correspondence between the flora of Nova Scotia and that of Colorado and the adjacent territories (with a list of species found in both regions). 4(2): 122-131. Notes on the Nova Scotian Compositae – Aster. 4(3): 239-245. |
Spares, A.D. | Goat Lake, a warm water, estuarine refugia for molluscs on the south shore of Nova Scotia. 41(4): 134-148. |
Sparks, F.W. | *Some new types of pleochroic haloes. 19(1): 154. |
Speck, E. | see Hawkins, W.W. 24(2): 264-265; 23: 420. |
Spitzer, J. | *Changes in the electrophoretic patterns of plasma proteins in hepatectomized frogs. 23: 157. *The heparin-produced lipemia clearing factor. 23: 160. see Weld, C.B. 23: 154. |
Squires, R.H. | see Cooper, D.LeB. 18(3): 223. |
Srivastava, P.N. | *Bacterial effect and radiophosphorus assimilation in organic and inorganic states in salmon. 25: 181. |
Staker, R.D. | Literature review of the freshwater algae of the Canadian Atlantic provinces, Québec, Maine and New Hampshire. 28: 171-180. |
Startup, C.W. | *The effect on insulin on the metabolism of heart muscle. 18(4): 292. |
Stasko, A.B. | see Colodey, A.G. 30(3): 89-100. |
Stewart, A.T. | *Vibration spectrum of vanadium by neutron (activation, frequency peaks at 4.8 & 6.5 x 1012 sec-1) spectrometry. 24(4): 410-411. *The influence of relaxation times on nuclear paramagnetism. 22(3): 45. see Green, R.E. 23: 423. |
Stewart, C.B. | *The interpretation of the tuberculin test. 23: 417. |
Stewart, D.K.R. | Obituary. 28: 125. |
Stewart, I. | see Whiteway, S.G. 38: 9-22. |
Stewart, J.E. | General introduction: Marine science essays. 43:75-90. A retrospective: three quarters of a century at the Halifax fisheries research laboratory. 43: 19-44. *Microbial oxidation of hydrocarbons. 25: 81. |
Stewart, K.D. | *The activity of enzymes extracted from ultraviolet irradiated yeast cells. 22(4): 58. *The activity of enzymes extracted from yeast cells exposed to radiation from radon. 22(4): 62. see Aldous, J.G. 23: 114; 23: 155. |
Stewart, L. | see Stewart, R.D. 23: 109. |
Stewart, R.D. | *The lymphocytopenic effect of type II Pneumococcus. 23: 109. |
Stewart, R.W. | *Interaction between ocean waves and currents. 25: 209. |
Stewart, W.W. | see King, H.S. 17(4): 262-267. |
Stiles, D.A. | see Ragab, M.T.H. 35: 67-70. |
Stobo, W.T. | The Ipswich sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis princeps). 27(S2): 9-105. |
Strain, P.M. | The chemical oceanography of the Bras d’Or Lakes. 42: 37-64. |
Strong, K.W. | Analysis of zooplankton communities of Nova Scotia lakes with reference to water chemistry. 37: 37-51. The effect of lime on the zooplankton population of Sandy Lake, Halifax county, Nova Scotia. 37: 63-70. The effects of storage on the energy values of some plant and animal material. 30(1): 65-68. Notes on the ecology and growth of Idotea phosphorea Hager (Crustacea: Isopoda). 29: 201-210. Breeding and bionomics of Idotea baltica (Pallas) (Crustacea: Isopoda). 28: 217-230. |
Strongman, D. | Lignicolous marine fungi from Prince Edward Island with a description ofDidymosphaeria lignomaris, nov sp. 35: 99-106. |
Strunz, G.M. | The impact of fundamental research on the forest industry in the Maritime provinces. 30(2): 29-54. |
Stultz, H.T. | *Variations in population density of the Acadian field mouse in Annapolis valley orchards. 24(4): 417. |
Sullivan, C.M. | see Darcy, D.A. 21(1): 12. |
Sutherland, B. | Nature conservation on private land in Nova Scotia. 41: 77-89. |
Szerb, J.C. | *Comparative study of the distribution of morphine and levorphan. 24(3): 333-334. *The response of circulating eosinophil cells to morphine and related substances. 23: 382-383. see MacLeod, D.P. 24(1): 52. |
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Taber, W.A. | Role of Krebs cycle acids in promoting ergot alkaloid production by Claviceps species. 31: 237-250. |
Tait, J.S. | see Pelluet, D. 23: 160. |
Taylor, A. | Some aspects of the chemistry and biology of the genus Hypocrea and its anamorphs,Trichoderma & Gliocladium. 36: 27-58. see Brewer D., 41: 39-47; 40: 29-40; 39: 79-98; 30(3): 101-134; 28: 163-169; McAlee, A.J. 40: 61-65; MacAfee, B.J. 41: 160-213; Mason, F.G. 37: 53-62; Feicht, A. 32: 313-320; 39: 67-74. |
Taylor, A.R. | see Mackey, B.E. 29: 237-312. |
Taylor, A.R.A. | The biology of Chondrus crispus Stackhouse: systematics, morphology and life history. 27(S1): 1-33. |
Taylor, B.R. | New Distribution Records for Flowering Plants in Antigonish County, Nova Scotia. 44(2): 109. |
Taylor, R.B. | Coastal character and coastal barrier evolution in the Bras d’Or Lakes, Nova Scotia. 42: 149-181. Appendix, “List of coastal barriers”, 42: 174-181. see Shaw, J. 42: 127-147. |
Terasmae, J. | Notes on climatic change, environment and man. 27(S1): 17-36. |
Thiemann, G.W. | Evolution, blood types, and weight loss: a critical examination of a popular diet. 43: 57-68. |
Thode, H.G. | see Dunford, H.B. 24(2): 266. |
Thomas, M.L.H. | see Gratto, G.W. 33: 47-56; Bousfield, E.L. 27(S3): 47-60. |
Tillotson, J.G. | *Accelerometer problems. 24(3): 338. |
Timmins, A. | see Ackman, R.G. 44(2): 141. |
Tingley, I.I. | see Coffin, C.C. 22(3): 45. |
Tinling, E.B. | Obituary. 12: XXXVI. |
Todd, E.W. | Experiments on the removal of sulphur from illuminating gas by activated carbon. 17(2): 12-13. Examination of some tests for methyl alcohol. 16: 147-151. |
Tougas, J.E. | A comparison of methods for modifying the partial singular value decomposition in latent semantic indexing. 43: 211-218. |
Towers, G.H.N. | Atlantic Regional Laboratory (National Research Council Canada) 25th Anniversary Lecture: Green plants that affect human skin. 28: 15-26. |
Townsley, P.M. | *Immunoelectrophoresis of tobacco mosaic virus from radioactive labelled diseased plant extracts. 25: 269. |
Travers, L. | see Hayes, F.R. 30(3): 135-164. |
Tremblay, C. | The local occurrence of Agarum cribrosum in relation to the presence or absence of its competitors and predators. 30(3): 165-170. |
Tremblay, D.M. | Lobster larval abundances in Lobster Bay, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia – 1983. 38: 43-54. |
Tremblay, M.J. | Large epibenthic invertebrates in the Bras d’Or Lakes. 42: 101-126. |
Trick, C.G. | The life cycle of Platymonas impellucida McLachlan et Parke (Prasinophyceae) in culture. 29: 215-222. |
Trites, R.W. | *Results of studies carried out on the Passamaquoddy power project. 25: 209-210. |
Trudeau, D.J. | see Hogans, W.E. 35: 109-111. |
Truscott, B. | see Hoogland, P.L. 25: 209. |
Tufts, R.W. | Notes on the birds(180 species and subspecies) of the Grand Pré region, Kings County, Nova Scotia (includes a list of all articles on this subject previously published). 14(3): 155-200. |
Tulloch, R.D. | Obituary, 37: 52. |
Tupper, B.O.J. | see Coley, A.A. 38: 1-8. |
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Underwood, J.K. | Estimates of the numbers & areas of acidic lakes in Nova Scotia. 39: 11-18. see Schwartz, P.Y. 36: 13-26. |
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Vandenheuvel, F.A. | *The unsaturation value verses refractivity relationship of unsaturated fatty acids and its implication. 23: 154. see Ackman, R.G. 25: 210. |
van der Kloet, S.P. | Evidence against autogamy in Vaccinium uliginosum L. 28: 101-104. Contributions to the Papuasian Flora: notes on the ecology and taxonomy of the Vaccinioideae of the Bulldog Road, Morobe District, Papua, New Guinea. 28: 105-118. Biogeography of Hieracium pilosella in North America with special reference to Nova Scotia. 28: 127-134. see Hill, N.M. 33: 115-122. |
van der Meer, J.P. | The inheritance of spontaneous pigment mutations in Chondrus crispus (Rhodophyceae). 31: 187-192. see Patwary, M.U. 33: 95-100. |
Vaughan, K. | see Brown, D.S. 40: 67-70. |
Vaughan, V.E. | see Foran, M.R. 22(1): 20. |
Veinot, M. | see Sharp, G. 44(1): 79. |
Vickery, H.B. | An investigation of the chromate method for separating the alkaline earths. 14(1): 30-40. The isochlors of Nova Scotia (determination of chlorine concentration (at 62 sites) of springs and brook water; (range: 4(New Germany) – 34 mg/L (Margaretville cliff)). 14(4): 355. Notes on the analysis on iron stone (quarried on North West Arm, Halifax county; silica 59%, alumina 26%, iron oxides 6%). 13: 209-215. |
Vickery, V.R. | The Orthoptera (list of species collected and reported given on pp 69-70; errata p 212) of Nova Scotia. 25: 1-70. |
Vincent, D.L. | *A comparison of the properties of various preparations of sodium alginate. 24(1): 53. *A study of the deposition on copper from colloidal suspensions of fractions derived from sulphite pitch. 24(2): 267. |
Vining, L.C. | see Taber, W.A. 31: 237-250. |
Vladykov, V.D. | The marine fishes (82 families, 134 genera, 151 species; 17 found in fresh and salt water) of Nova Scotia. 19(1): 17-113. Some unreported and rare fishes from the coast of Nova Scotia. 19(1): 1-16. see McCurdy, G.A. 19(3): 237-250. |
von Aderkas, P. | Collection of ferns and fern allies in Nova Scotia. 37: 93-148. The habitat of the ostrich fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris) in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. 33: 131-136. |
von Maltzahn, K.E. | *Interaction between kinetin and indoleacetic acid in the control of bud reactivation inSplachnum ampullaceum. 25: 84. see McQuarrie, I.G. 24(4): 411. |
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Waddell, A.E. | see Hoogland, P.L. 25: 209. |
Waghorne, A.C. | The flora of Newfoundland, Labrador, and Saint Pierre et Miquelon (with bibliography of previous notes and floras in French & English), Part I. 8: 359-373. The flora of Newfoundland, Labrador, and Saint Pierre et Miquelon, Part II. 9: 83-100. The flora of Newfoundland, Labrador, and Saint Pierre et Miquelon, Part III. 9: 361-401. |
Wagner, F.J.E. | Distribution of pelecypods and gastropods in the Bay of Fundy and eastern Gulf of Maine. 29: 447-464. |
Walker, A.D. | see MacKinnon, M.D. 29: 373-380. |
Walker, E.M. | Additions (19 in Nova Scotia; 5 in New Brunswick) to the list of Odonata of the Maritime Provinces. 20(4): 159-176. The Odonata of the Maritime Provinces (including an annoted list). 18(3): 106-120. |
Walker, T.L. | On the nature of louisite (apophyllite). 16: 35-37. |
Wall, M. | Growth and phenylalanine ammonia lyase of Rhodotorula glutinis: optimization of conditions for the synthesis of L-phenylalanine. 43: 219-225. |
Wallace, C.C. | The action of organomagnesium compounds (Grignard reagents) on quinone. 12(4): 301-310. |
Walter, J.A. | see Feicht, A. 39: 67-74. |
Ward, R.M. | see Strong, K.W. 30(1): 65-68. |
Warren, E.S. | see Guptill, E.W. 23: 113-114. |
Watson, D.W. | *The influence of hydrogen ion concentration on some acid resistant bacteria. 19(4): 446. see Hess, E. 19(2): 209. |
Watson, L.W. | The geological age of Prince Edward Island. 13: 145-149. |
Watts, A.H.G. | *A cytological study of the ovotestis in certain pulmonate gastropods. 22(4): 62. *The cytology of the reproductive organs of certain land Mollusca of Nova Scotia. 22(3): 44. see Ord, Muriel, J. 22(3): 16-36. |
Watt, W.D. | *A tracer study of the phosphorus cycle in sea water. 25: 271. |
Waugh, J.C. | see Bleakney, J.S. 30(1): 55-64. |
Weatherre, D’A. | Recent developments with the calyx drill in the Nictaux iron (Torbrook, Annapolis Valley) field (with maps). 10: 350-360. |
Weaver, G.M. | Agriculture research and development in Atlantic Canada. 30(2): 55-66. *Cytological development during microsporogenesis as an index of heat accumulation. 24(2): 269. |
Webster, D. | see Dreyer, N.B. 18(4): 293. |
Webster, D.H. | Notes on the distribution of Potamogeton species and hybrids in Nova Scotia. 24(1): 16-24. |
Webster, K.G.T. | The Fletcher stone. 8(2): 208-214. |
Weinstein, S.S. | see Heard, R.D.H. 19(4): 448. |
Weld, C.B. | *The source and properties of the enterolipomicron. 25: 80. *On the mechanism of intestinal secretion, the enterolipomicron. 25: 178. *The electrophoresis pattern of lipemic serum. 24(2): 266. *The enterolipomicron. 24(4): 415. *Anaphylaxis and acetylsalicylic acid (effective in rabbits & guinea pigs). 23: 107. *Centrifugation and chemical fractionation of the lipids of lipemia. 23: 110. *Hemolysis by heparin in lipemic animals. 23: 154. *The relation of protein to the chylomicron. 23: 417. *Oil globules in lung tissues. 22(2): 74. *Heparin and lipemia. 22(3): 43. *Pitch discrimination in man. 21(1): 11. *On the determination of minor degrees of color blindness: the use of the Eastman color temperature meter as an anomaloscope. 21(2): 92. *Heparin and blood fat. 21(2): 93. *Lipemia, blood lipids and heparin. 21(4): 657. *The penetration of sugars into the aqueous humour of the eye. 20(4): 298. *The capillary resistance test. 20(2): 56. *Photometric measurement with the ordinary colorimeter; hemoglobin determinations. 20(1): 30. Pneumothorax gases(in man and dog). 20(1): 1-12. *Haemoglobin determinations. 19(4): 446 *Blood volumes in dogs. 19(4): 447-448. |
Wellington, E. | see Douglas, G.V. 21(2): 51-59. |
Wenning, A.S. | see Aldous, J.G. 23: 383. |
Wentworth, H. | *The estimation of allantoin in blood. 20(3): 157. see Young, E.G. 21(1): 9. |
West, D.C. | *The allotropic forms of solid iodine. 23: 383. |
Weston, T.C. | Notes on concretions found in Canadian rocks. 9: 1-9. Notes on the geology of Newfoundland. 9: 150-157. Notes on the Miocene tertiary rocks of the Cypress Hills, Northwest Territory of Canada. 8(3): 223-227. Notes on concretionary structure in various rock formations in Canada. 8(2): 137-147. |
Whillans, M.G. | *Sea water as a supplement to fresh water rations. 22(1): 20. see Aldous, J.G. 22(3): 42. |
White, C.G. | *Positron annihilation in zinc. 25: 268. |
White, M.A. | Report of the regional meeting on materials science 1994 41: 48-52 see Murashov, P.W.R. 40: 71-76. |
Whiteway, S.G. | Obituary 42: 427-432. Migration of Salverlinus fontinalis in relation to the date opf spring thaw (ice-out) of Eight Island Lake, Guysborough County, Nova Scotia. 40: 59-60. Pyrolysis/magnetic separation; a process for reducing the sulphur content of eastern Canadian coals. 38: 9-22. Deterioration of materials in a quarter-megawatt straw burner. 35: 55-66. Research and development in the steel industry in Nova Scotia. 30(2): 67-87. *Measurement of low permeability ceramic test pieces. 25: 209. see Coffin, C.C. 22(3): 42. |
Whitman, M.A. | see Bligh, E.G. 25: 268-269. |
Whitney, N.J. | see Miller, J.D. 34: 1-8; 33: 75-84; Strongman, D. 35: 99-106. |
Whyte, E.F. | Study of the extraction of potash from orthoclase feldspar by carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide. 15: 145-151. |
Wilbur, K.M. | see Collier, H.B. 21(2): 93; McPhail, M.K. 21(1): 10. |
Wildish, D.J. | Sublittoral gammaridean amphipods of soft sediments in the Bay of Fundy. 35: 1-16. |
Wiles, M. | Species of Trichophyra (Scutoria: Dendrosomidae) from Catostomus commersoniLacapede in Nova Scotia. 37: 9-12. |
Williams, R.R.G. | Spawning of the American shad (Alosa sapidissima) in the Annapolis river, Nova Scotia. 34: 9-14. Spawning of the striped bass (Morone saxatillis) in the Annapolis river, Nova Scotia. 34: 15-24. see Daborn, G.R. 29: 153-172; 29: 173-184. |
Willis, J.R. | On the occurrence of Littorina littorea on the coast of Nova Scotia. 1(1): 88-90. Obituary (with a list of marine, land and freshwater shells in the collection he donated to the Smithsonian, Washington, D.C. Also list of birds given the Smithsonian. Am. Rep. 1858. 280-286). 7: 404-428. |
Willison, J.H.M. | General introduction, conserving Nova Scotia’s biodiversity. 42: 183-188. see Beazley, K.F. 42: 359-373. |
Wilmot, I. | *The oxygen consumption of developing eggs of Salmo salar. 22(2): 77. |
Wilson, A.J.C. | *On the heat capacity of silver, nickel, cadmium and lead from -80° to 120°C. 19(2): 211. |
Winkler, C.A. | see Foran, M.R. 21(4): 659. |
Winkler, C.G. | see Levy, E.M. 25: 271. |
Withers, D.G. | see Begg, R.W. 22(4): 58. |
Wood, A.J. | *The destruction of bacteria in solid food products. 21(1): 9. *The physiological condition of certain bacteria in relation to their “resting cell” activity. 20(3): 153. see Baird, E.A. 21(1): 11; Sigurdsson, G.J. 20(4): 301; Johnston, W.W. 20(4): 298. |
Wood, G.W. | see Hall, I.V. 31: 101-108. |
Wood, T.J. | The recent mammals of Kejimkujik National Park. 27: 43-58. |
Woodman, J.E. | The earthquake of March 21, 1904 in Nova Scotia. 11: 227-235. Geology of Moose River (44°58’N; 62°56’W) gold district, Halifax County, Nova Scotia; (with 18 plates, including 2 maps). 11: 18-88. Distribution of bedded leads in relation to mining policy. 11: 163-178. |
Woods, A.D.B. | *Velocity of sound in acetic acid. 24(1): 53. |
Woodworth, A.D. | see Bishop, C.J. 23: 112; 23: 113. |
Wright, B. | Mites, ticks, fleas and lice in the Nova Scotia Museum and Acadia University Museum collections. 29: 185-196. |
Wright, J.L.C. | Biologically active marine metabolites: some recent examples. 34: 133-162. |
Wylie, D.W. | *A dynamic model of crystal structure. 22(3): 47. |
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Yabu, H. | see Chen, L.C-M. 28: 191-200. |
Yaphe, W. | Chemistry of carrageenan. 27(S3): 111-134. *A resorcinol reagent for the determination of fructose. 25: 178. *Enzymic identification of agar and carrageenin in marine algae. 24(1): 50. *Studies on the structural polysaccharides of the Rhodophyceae, agar and kappa-carrageenin. 24(2): 267. *Effect of agar on the growth of bacteria. 24(4): 413. Obituary, 37: 149. |
Yates, P. | *Reactions of aromatic dinitriles. 22(2): 77. |
Yeats, P.A. | see Strain, P.M. 42:37-64. Assessment of Environmental Conditions in Sydney Harbour: General Introduction. 44(2): 149. see Loring, D.H. 44(2): 153. Heavy Metal Distributions in the Waters of Sydney Harbour, Nova Scotia. 44(2): 171. |
Yorston, W.G. | Water powers on the Mersey River, Nova Scotia. 11: 651-666. |
Young, E.G. | *Collagen of cod skin. 25: 81. *The soluble collagen of cod. 25: 183. *Some physical and chemical properties of ishthyocal. 24(3): 335. *The chemical composition of sea water in the vicinity of the Atlantic Provinces of Canada. 24(4): 412. *The amino acids in the ichthulokeratin of salmon eggs. 24(2): 266. *An appraisal of Canadian nutriture. 23: 419. *The reactions of β,β’-dichlorodiethyl sulfide with proteins. 22(1): 18. *The alleged synthesis of protein from an inorganic medium in the presence of iron. 22(3): 46-47. *The proteins of egg yolk of the Alantic salmon (Salmo salar). 22(2): 74. *The human requirements of thiamine. 21(4): 657. *Allantoin and leucocytosis in man. 21(1): 11. *On the optical activity of allantoin. 21(2): 92. *The inorganic nutrient requirements of Escherichia coli. 21(1): 12. *The normal arsenic in human hair. 21(1): 10. *Leucocytosis as an index of pyrogenicity in fluids for intravenous use. 21(2): 92-93. *Absorption of trypan blue from the human knee joint. 21(4): 658. *Lactic acid: a corrosive poison. 21(2): 93. *The absorption and excretion of allantoin. 21(1): 9. *The ullracentrifugal and electrophoretic analysis of the proteins of egg white. 20(1): 30. *A dietary survey in Halifax. 20(3): 157. *Food preferences and consumption of families with low incomes in Halifax, Nova Scotia. 20(4): 298. *The separation and characterization of the proteins of egg white. 19(2): 212. *On the purine metabolism of the Dalmatian coach hound. 19(3): 291. *The protein of the casing of salmon eggs. 19(4): 448. *The polysaccharide of Chondrus crispus. 18(1): 21. *On the excretion of uric acid and urates by the bird (Gallus domesticus). 18(3): 220-221. *Further observations on the influence of electrolytes on the formation and decomposition of urate gels. 18(2): 67. *An analysis of fox milk. 18(1): 20. *The influence of electrolytes on the gelation of methylamine urate. 18(1): 21a. The preparation of absolute ethyl alcohol. 17(4): 248-255. *The autolytic power of Bacillus coli communis. 17(1): 79. *The technique of fractional fermentation. 17(1): 61-62. *(with, MacDonald, I G)The digestibility of white of egg. 16: 197. see Allen, T. 23: 156-157; Hawkins, W.W. 24(1): 48; Smith, D.G. 24(1): 53a; 23: 384; Vincent, D.L. 24(1): 53; Byrne, G.M. 22(4): 62; Campbell, R.B. 22(2): 75; MacLeod, A.V. 22(4): 58; MacPherson, M.G. 22(3): 46. Obituary, 27: 182-184. |