2023-24 Public Lectures Series

May 6th, 2023 at 7:30pm (Atlantic Time) | AGM 2024
The Geology of the Cabot Trail: The Surprising 1.5 Billion Year Story of Nova Scotia’s Most Iconic Drive

Dr. Jason Loxton
Cape Breton University, Geology

Beneath the rolling vistas of this world-famous road, lies a story far older and more dramatic than most people imagine. A story of colliding continents, mass extinctions, volcanoes, earthquakes, and glaciers, which gives a surprising new meaning to the term ‘Come from Away’. By tying the broad story of Nova Scotia’s development as an Island to a series of accessible stops along the Cabot Trail, this talk will ensure you will never experience the Cabot Trail the same way again!

To join virtually:
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/94578806258?pwd=Zyt3NFdvVHZkSjlEUEtheDdUenRuUT09
Meeting ID: 945 7880 6258
Passcode: 2024

To join in-person: Cape Breton University, Shannon School of Business, Rm 203

A free public lecture is held at 7:30 p.m. on the first Monday of every month, starting from October through to May. Unless otherwise specified, the lectures are held in Atrium 101 (see map below for directions) at Saint Mary's University Campus, Halifax, Nova Scotia. The NSIS Council meets shortly before each public lecture, at 6:00 p.m.


Previous Lectures

Previous Talks on Youtube Channel

How the black soldier fly can help turn the global protein crisis around

Making the Transition to Low-Carbon Energy in Atlantic Canada: How Will We Get There?

COVID-19 Student Research in Nova Scotia