
Regular Member


Student Member


Life Member

$300 one-time

Institutional Member



Donations and Other Payments

You can make donations and other payments to the NSIS using either of the two methods below – direct transfer or cheque. 
Be sure to make a note of what your payment is for:
  • in the “Comments/Message” field if doing a direct transfer.
  • in an enclosed note if sending a cheque.

* Paying by Direct Bank Transfer *

We accept direct transfers from your bank account.  The email address to use is [email protected]

o   Log into your account, click on “Transfer”, then “Interac”.

o   On that page provide a name of the payee (“NSIS” will do), the email address [email protected] and the dollar amount.  Type that email address CAREFULLY or the transfer will either be annulled or go to someone else.

o   There will be a field called “Comments” or “Message” where you should enter your name, email and postal addresses, and what kind of membership you’re paying for.  Then click on “Confirm”.

NOTE:  If you are buying a membership for someone else, please mention that in the “Comments/Message” field, and add that person’s name, and email & postal addresses.

* Paying by Cheque *
You may also pay by cheque. 

o   Fill out and print the membership form located at this link: NSIS-Membership-Form

o   Then mail it together with your cheque to:

Attention: Treasurer, Nova Scotian Institute of Science
c/o Reference and Research Services
Killam Memorial Library, 6225 University Avenue,
PO Box 15000, Halifax, NS  Canada, B3H 4R2

NOTE:  If you are buying the membership for someone else, put that person’s particulars (name, email address, etc.) on the form.

Honorary Members

From time to time, the NSIS recognizes living scientists who have a connection to Nova Scotia by granting them a free lifetime membership in the Institute. Such scientists have made substantial and sustained contributions in their fields, or to the affairs of the Institute.

At present there are two Honorary Members – Dr. Arthur B. McDonald and Dr. Mary Anne White. Their profiles are at the links to the right of this page.

Any Nova Scotian distinguished in some branch of science or who has rendered conspicuous service to the advancement of science, or to the affairs of the Institute, is eligible for nomination and election as an Honorary Member. For this purpose, a Nova Scotian is defined as someone who was either born in Nova Scotia or who conducted a substantial part of the work for which the honour is being conferred while resident in Nova Scotia.

Nominations must be submitted to the NSIS Council in writing, be signed by three (3) NSIS members in good standing, and be accompanied by a document presenting the reasons for awarding the honour. Election of candidates shall require the support of a majority of Council members.

Arthur B. McDonald- NSIS Honorary Member

Learn More

Mary Anne White- NSIS Honorary Member

Learn More

NSIS Hall of Fame

The NSIS has established a Hall of Fame, which recognizes scientists of distinction with a tangible connection to Nova Scotia.  Over 40 persons are currently inducted into the Hall of Fame.  Their profiles may be seen by selecting their name from the menu on the right.

Their work spans from the early 1800s to nearly the present day.  They include three Nobel Prize winners.  Disciplines represented include (but are not limited to) astronomy, biochemistry, botany, chemistry, geology, marine engineering, mathematics, neuropsychology, oncology, and physics.

Nominations for the Hall of Fame:

Members of the NSIS can propose persons for the NSIS Council to consider adding to the Hall of Fame.  The basic criteria are that a nominee:

  • Made significant lifetime contributions to some field of science;
  • Is deceased;
  • Had a tangible connection to Nova Scotia.

With respect to the third criterion, the nominee should have been born and/or educated in Nova Scotia, and/or a significant portion of his or her scientific career should have been pursued in Nova Scotia.A nomination can be made by filling out and submitting the form available here: NSIS Hall of Fame Nomination Form The profiles of inductees into the NSIS Hall of fame may be seen by selecting their name from the menu on the right.

The profiles of inductees into the NSIS Hall of fame may be seen by selecting their name from the menu on the right.

Other Halls of Fame relevant to Nova Scotia Science

Discovery Centre

Canada Science and Technology Museum