About NSIS

The Nova Scotian Institute of Science was founded in 1862 as a direct descendant of the Halifax Mechanics’ Institute (1831–1860) and the Halifax Literary and Scientific Society (1839–1862). It is one of the oldest learned societies in Canada. The Institute was incorporated by an Act of the Nova Scotia Legislature in 1890, the Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia in 1967, and received its first grant from the Legislature in 1867. The 101st Annual Meeting of the Institute was held on 15 October 1962; the Presidential Address was delivered by W.J. Archibald, Professor of Physics at Dalhousie University. The 151st Annual General Meeting of the Institute was held on 8 May 2012. The Institute provides a meeting place for scientists and those interested in science. Among its roles are stimulation of scientific research and provision of scientific information to scientists and the general public. The Institute has a unique part to play as it facilitates communication among scientists, technologists, educators, administrators, and the community through public lectures, discussion panels, its Proceedings and the Internet.

Current Executives.

Jillian Phillips
Discovery Centre (Manager of Science Education)

Past President & Vice-President (Acting):
Stephanie MacQuarrie
Assoc. Dean of Science & Technology,
Assoc. Prof of Chemistry
Cape Breton University

Henry (Hank) Bird
Bell Laboratories (Retired)

A. Silva
Research Scientist

Publicity Officer & Webmanager (Acting):
Brent Robicheau
Postdoctoral Researcher
Clark University (MA, USA)

Membership Officer:
Jinshan Xu
Bedford Institute of Oceanography

Librarian: Vacant

Peter Wells
Adjunct Professor, Marine Affairs Program
Dalhousie University: Faculty of Management & International Ocean Institute

Speaker Series Chair:
Alana Pindar
Weston Family Visiting Professor
(Ecosystem Health and Food Security)
Cape Breton University

Councillor: Shannon Ezzat
Cape Breton University

Councillor: Bruce Hatcher
Cape Breton University

Councillor: Judy MacInnis
Cape Breton University

Councillor: Barbara Zielinski

Observer: Tim Fedak
Nova Scotia Museum

Observer: Vacant
Public Schools

Observer: Adam Brown
Cape Breton University

Observer: Jillian Phillips (Acting)
Discovery Centre

Student Rep: Courtney Strugnell
Acadia University

Student Rep: Audrey Salinger
Saint Mary's University

Student Rep: Eli Ledrew
Mount Saint Vincent University

Associate Editor:
David Richardson
Dean Emeritus, Dept. of Enviro. Science
Saint Mary’s University

What We Do.

Here are some ways you can be more involved with the NSIS


About The Library.

The library of the NSIS is located in the Killam Memorial Library, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. The collection consists of scholarly journals and scientific publications that have been sent to the Institute by scholarly societies from around the world during a period of more than a century. Some of the periodical titles are not available anywhere else in Canada


Carol Richardson
c/o Reference and Research Services
Killam Memorial Library,
6225 University Avenue, PO Box 15000,
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3H 4R2
E-mail: [email protected]
