Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science (PNSIS)
PNSIS articles can be found at the links below (see 'read more') and are accessible here: PNSIS Archives
The most recent issue can be found here: Read the Latest Vol. 53 No. 2 (2024)
The journal's dedicated website is accessible here: PNSIS Webpage
The Proceedings of the NSIS is a refereed scientific journal that has considerable production expenses, yet is free for you to access online. If you are not one already, please consider supporting the journal and the NSIS by becoming a member of the organization via this link: Becoming a Member!
Printed issues of the PNSIS are also available for purchase, please contact editors for more information.
PNSIS Information
Editorial Team & Board Members

Principal Editor
Peter G. Wells
Dalhousie University

Associate Editor
David H.S. Richardson
Saint Mary's University

Production & Layout
Gail LeBlanc
Saint Mary's University

Michael J. Dadswell
Acadia University
Aquatic Ecology, Fisheries, Tidal Power

David Garbary
St. Francis Xavier University
Plant Biology

Bruce G. Hatcher
Cape Breton University
Marine Science

Andrew Hamilton-Wright University of Guelph
Artificial Intelligence

Eric L. Mills
Dalhousie University
History of Science

Brian Petrie

Ian Spooner
Acadia University
Earth & Environmental Sciences

Martin Willison
Dalhousie University
Conservation Ecology

Tana Worcester
Marine Conservation

Brent Robicheau
Clark University
Microbiology & Genomics
Journal Scope & Submissions
The Proceedings of the NSIS will consider for publication original articles principally, but not exclusively, in the areas of natural and engineering sciences as well as papers emanating from studies in the health professions. Papers that develop new scientific theories based on scientific principles and/or analysis of data particular to Nova Scotia or the Atlantic Provinces are particularly encouraged. The full Instructions to Authors can be found here: Preparing Manuscript Submissions to the PNSIS.
Accessing the PNSIS in Print Via the library
If you are in Nova Scotia, the Novanet Library System may be useful. The Novanet Library System holds many of the existing volumes of the PNSIS. Additionally, at the Killam Library of Dalhousie University an almost complete run of the PNSIS is found shelved under the call number Q 21 N93 N9 in the Science Serials collections on the second floor of the library. The Institute has undergone one change of name since its foundation in 1862, while its Journal has undergone two name changes.
Earlier Names/Titles
Date |
Title |
1863-1891 |
Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science |
1891-1931 |
The Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science |
1931-present |
Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science |
The Online Computer Library Center offers tools for searching WorldCat, a worldwide union catalog created and maintained by over 9,000 member institutions. Note that earlier titles (see the table above) may not necessarily turn up in this search. Also there are some major libraries whose holdings are not reflected in this WorldCat report – for example, in Canada, the University of Toronto and the University of British Columbia.