NSIS Travel Awards
Spring 2025
The NSIS Conference Travel Awards are given out to individuals for the purpose of supporting the presentation of research that took place in Nova Scotia and where the researcher is based in Nova Scotia. Travel awards are limited to trainees (defined as: Postdocs, research assistants, graduate students, and undergraduates) who are members of the NSIS. The value of awards as of 2024 are $500 each. However, the total value and number of awards to be given out each year are subject to change based on final approval of the NSIS council. Applications will only be considered for proposed travel within time frames specified by the NSIS awards committee (see text below under the header 'status'). Individuals may only submit one application per nomination period and must be a current member of the NSIS to qualify.
Requirements for the nomination package:
(1) a letter from the trainee describing their eligibility [as defined above], the research presentation, why this travel award is needed (including a budget explaining where other funds are coming from and if they are guaranteed or not), and where they plan to travel [2-pages maximum], (2) a brief letter from the trainee’s supervisor or committee member (or equivalent, for instance the Department Chair) confirming the trainee’s status at their academic institution [letter must be signed], (3) proof of a submitted scientific conference/meeting abstract [e.g., confirmation from the conference website], and (4) a completed nomination form available here: Travel Award Application Form.
As a condition of the award, winners are required to write an approximately 1-page letter describing how their award contributed to their professional development [due one month after the conference for which funding was awarded]; winners may also be invited to give a short talk at a future NSIS meeting. In cases where remaining funds have not been secured at the time of application (as described in the submitted budget) then NSIS travel award funds will be held until the awardee can confirm that they have received all the funding needed for their proposed travel plan. The awardee must also confirm that a submitted abstract for a presentation (talk or poster) at their proposed conference has been accepted prior to funds being released. Please note that financial need will be factored into the ranking of applicants (to be assessed via the budget proposed in each application).
To apply:
Individuals applying must directly send the two required letters as a single PDF along with their completed nomination form to the awards committee representative: [email protected] by midnight of the posted deadline. Successful travel award winners will be notified within approximately two weeks of the nomination deadline.
Status: This year's competition is now open!
The NSIS is now accepting applications for Spring 2025 travel award(s).
The deadline to submit applications is April 4, 2025.
Proposed conference travel must occur between May 1, 2025 to August 31, 2025 to qualify.