Nova Scotian Institute of Science
164th Annual General Meeting
Monday, 5th May, 2025
The 164th Annual General Meeting of the NSIS will be held at 6:30pm ADT on Monday, May 5, 2025. It will be followed by the May Public Lecture at 7:30pm. Both the Annual General Meeting and the May Public Lecture will take place at Saint Mary's University in Halifax and also on ZOOM.
AGM Planning
In 2025, we are pleased to be planning an in-person Annual General Meeting, coupled with a Buffet Dinner and Lecture: an enjoyable social event to finish this year’s NSIS activities.
In the past, getting together for the dinner was a very enjoyable social event. We hope for a good attendance at this year’s Dinner/AGM/Lecture (“Stem Cell Proliferation Gone Wrong: Mechanisms Exploited in Cancer Cell Proliferation”). We will provide a Zoom link for those who cannot attend the Meeting and/or the Lecture in person.
The Buffet Dinner will include 2 salads, one main entrée and a second (vegetarian) entrée. The Chef will choose the vegetables and starch. There will be a selection of desserts to compliment your meal which will also include rolls and butter, water, and coffee and tea.
Details are:
- Baby spinach salad with pears, red onion and chopped walnuts.
- Market green salad: shredded carrot, cucumber and tomatoes.
- Roast turkey with pear & apple stuffing and gravy.
- Moroccan stew with rice (vegetarian/vegan option).
- Deserts chosen by the Chef.
- Cash bar at dinner: wine, beer, and soft drinks for purchase.
- Tea, coffee, water.

The charge for the dinner is $40 per person--but note that we are offering a $10 discount to those dinner attendees who continue, renew, or start an NSIS Membership (by April 28th), good until Aug. 31st, 2026.
IMPORTANT: In order to host the buffet dinner, SMU wants us to have at least 30 participants. We need to determine the likely headcount by April 18, so we have set up a Google Forms poll here:
Vote on AGM Dinner! Please follow this link and indicate whether on not you’re interested in participating–it’ll only take about a minute. Thank you.
NOTE: Do not make any payments at this time. If we get sufficient headcount, we’ll let you know the ways in which you can pay.
Specific Locations & Times
For In-Person Attendees:
- AGM: 6:30pm, McNally Auditorium, Saint Mary’s University, 923 Robie St., Halifax, NS
- Public Lecture: 7:30pm in SMU Atrium 305, Science Bldg., Saint Mary’s University
For Online Attendees:
- AGM: 6:30pm on ZOOM (Link TBD)
- Public lecture: 7:30pm on ZOOM (Link TBD)
NSIS Members will be sent emails describing some of the items on which they will be asked to vote during the AGM. A detailed agenda will be sent at the end of April.
This is a public event, but only members can vote on motions.
You may attend in person at SMU or at home via ZOOM.

Free Public Lecture
Dr. Lori Borgal of Mount Saint Vincent University will present “Stem Cell Proliferation Gone Wrong: Mechanisms Exploited in Cancer Cell Proliferation”. You may see it at SMU in person or see it at home via ZOOM. See our lectures page for more details: Public Lectures