Huggins, Charles B.

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Born:             22 September 1901, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Died:              12 January 1997, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Field:             Surgeon, urologist




Cancer researcher at the University of Chicago. His investigations demonstrated the relationship between hormones and breast and prostate cancers, leading to modern drug therapies for these diseases, for which work he was awarded (with Peyton Rous) the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1966. Also the recipient of at least 10 honorary degrees and numerous awards in North America and abroad, including the Order pour le Merité (France), the Order of the Sun (Peru). He was Chancellor of Acadia University during the period 1972–1979.

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CB Huggins


Marble, Allan E.: Nova Scotians at Home and Abroad.  Lancelot Press, Windsor, Nova Scotia, 1977.